Blue Guy's Adventure


  • Posts: 92
I am making a game called Blue Guy's Adventure.  It is not ready yet for publishing, but I am still willing to hear some ideas for the game.   :)  Please give the best ideas you have, and if they are produced, I may put your username in the comment box with the game in Special thanks to!   :D

Progress:  Blue Guy can walk, run, jump, stomp, and enter doors.  Wooden Box and Door are elements so far.  Can now collect coins and get points.

To test it, go to StencylForge and play the Blue Guy's Adventure Beta and tell me what you think of it here.  Don't worry, when I publish it for real, I will mention whose stuff is used in the game (In other words, I give credit!). 

Kirby Kid

« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 06:10:52 pm by 123KirbyKid »
Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

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  • Posts: 323
I'm a bit confused as to what link you are referring to, as the only game listed in your profile is your other game "Robot Killer". For now, I've moved this topic to Game Ideas. Once you publish the game, we'll move this topic to Announce your Game for you.

Anyway, you may want to show some graphics or give us the context or story (if there is one) of your game, which can help people give better ideas.


  • Posts: 92
I am waiting for some ideas.   ::)

Kirby Kid
Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

<ahref = "http//"> Cool comics, right here! </ahref>


  • Posts: 92
Running... Out...  Of...  Ideas...

Kirby Kid
Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

<ahref = "http//"> Cool comics, right here! </ahref>


  • Posts: 92
Ideas, please!

Kirby Kid
Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

<ahref = "http//"> Cool comics, right here! </ahref>


  • Posts: 92
:(  Waiting...

Kirby Kid
Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

<ahref = "http//"> Cool comics, right here! </ahref>


  • Posts: 323
I understand that you may be frustrated with not receiving feedback, but please refrain from bumping your topic(s) by posting repeatedly.

I think you'd do well to follow what this young chap said earlier in this topic about how to get more people to respond and offer feedback:

Quote from: STrAztee-0
Anyway, you may want to show some graphics or give us the context or story (if there is one) of your game, which can help people give better ideas.

Alright, so we have a demo and we can see graphics, but there's no real reason why he's collecting things. That guy up there has some good points, but here's what I think could benefit your game. Right now, it's very bland, and I could only make it to the black and white level (the door didn't work), each level using premade tilesets from StencylForge. There's nothing wrong with that, but most developers (Such as AdventureIslands, creator of Dangerous Dungeons and Irock, creator of the Binding Force) made their own graphics and music, which allows for their games to be more unique.

Their games are well thought out with its level design and includes a lot of obstacles (spikes and enemies) as well as moving platforms and the like. Notice that they may have been inspired by other games that they've played, and probably took certain mechanics or ideas of those games and put a twist on them to put in their own games. I suggest you look at games that you like, (I see you think Kirby is a good series, which I'd agree with) and study why you enjoy playing these games, then think about how you can make your own game as enjoyable.

I'm not saying to copy Kirby completely, such as his signature inhale ability, but notice how similar it is to Mario? No, Mario does not inhale his opponents, but he does gain new powers/forms based on what he touches/eats (such as the fireflower and the mushroom), similar to Kirby. Part of why Kirby's ability is fun imo, is because he can also shoot the enemy he just swallowed back out at another enemy. Notice how the familiar concept of a 'power-up' for Mario is given a twist in Kirby?

In the end it's YOUR game. Not anyone else's. It's your responsibility, as the game creator, to come up with what makes YOUR game fun or unique. Don't rely on other people to come up with YOUR game. Certainly you can ask for it and you may find people that would like to collaborate or help you out, but if you avidly ask for ideas without providing structure or more info on the game,  most people won't be inclined to help.

1) Make your own graphics, or seek someone else out to make graphics for you
2) Make your own character from scratch, give him a backstory or a goal to reach during the game
3) Think about what makes your favorite games good, then think about how this could influence your own game's design. Do not copy; think about how to even improve on what your favorite game did and how you could put it in your game.
4) There is no number four.

I hope reading this post was beneficial to you. I wish you luck in making games!

« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 06:11:02 pm by Strasteo »


  • Posts: 92
Don't worry, I will give credit later, but I am already making a game for a contest.  The graphics came from my team.

I have run into a problem.  Everytime blue guy makes it to level two, the game slows down to about 3 fps.  What the heck is going on???

Kirby Kid
Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

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  • Posts: 160
I don't know about the FPS part, but, I could help you with ideas, regardless of what others say.

Plot: The blue guy fell in love with a yellow girl who got kidnapped or killed for unknown reasons, (You decide on that part.) and the blue guy went on an adventure to find the person that kidnapped/killed "Yellow", to rescue her/get revenge.

Enemies: So far, all I have is an enemy with a target on his chest and back, has a spike on it's head, and can only be defeated by a punch or a powerup that allows you to throw some sort of object.

Powerups: The only original one I have is a small bag of ground "ice herbs" that allows the hero to turn white and spit ice spikes at his enemies, and allows his stomp to turn the enemy into a solid platform for a short while until it melts, (unless the level takes place in an icy region, where the ice cracks over time and breaks after 3 minutes) and his punch stuns enemies temporarily, unless there HP is 1, or, in other words, killed with one punch.

Reason for collecting coins: To get information on where the kidnapper/killer is. Plus for items in shops in "village levels", where the enemies are rather TALKED to, and some of them have different sprites.

Hope this helps. :)

« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 12:40:14 pm by GameZone »
How can you be enjoyed when you are an immature annoyance in at least ONE way?


  • Posts: 92
I like the plot, but I am not that good at making games yet. 

And I can't do anything else until I fix that bug.

Kirby Kid
Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

<ahref = "http//"> Cool comics, right here! </ahref>


  • Posts: 160
How can you be enjoyed when you are an immature annoyance in at least ONE way?


  • Posts: 84
I like the plot, but I am not that good at making games yet. 

And I can't do anything else until I fix that bug.

Kirby Kid
If you press the ~ button, you will see that there is an error in the behavior "Switch Scene".


  • Posts: 21
The enemy would be pretty easy to make. You just make two collision boxes, one for the target and the other one for the body of the enemy. The body would then be given a collision group that comes in contact with Blue Guy (and hurts him), but not the Projectiles. The target's collision group would come in contact with the projectile, however.
My goal is to make unique games for all ages.