Smithsonian Art of Video Games Exhibit - Winning Games Announced


  • Posts: 95
I had made a thread about the Smithsonian's exhibit of the Art of Video Games, but searched for it and couldn't find it, and surmised that I must have made it back on the old forums!

So, here's this new thread so we can all nerd out and talk about the games that made it into the exhibit. c:
(It's a PDF file.)

The exhibit won't be happening until next year, but I'm definitely excited about making a trip there with my boyfriend, and turning visits to DC a regular thing for us~ (Went there to see the cherry blossoms not even a month ago!)

Now, on to my thoughts on the winning games: There are some areas where I kind of wish Mario and Zelda didn't dominate as much as they did, and give way to other games on the same console that were more varied artistically (thus creating a more holistic exhibit experience).  For example, would have loved to see Tales of Symphonia rather than Twilight Princess, since there's a huge lack of JRPGs in the lineup.  JRPGs, y u no appreciated in America? ;-;

« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 10:25:58 pm by BonBonBunny »


  • Posts: 97
Really glad to see Metroid Prime 2 there. One of the few games that to me, managed to be extremely creepy without really being gross. I mean, Dark Aether is kinda gross, but I was able to look past it, that means it did something right. I think it's because it's more about inducing despair rather than fear, one of the things I liked about it...

Sad to see all Mega Man got was an honorable mention in Mega Man 2. If even the most popular game in the series can't make it...oh well.


  • Posts: 1046
I think that's a good selection of games (from what I know). I see some that I haven't played on that list, I should probably check them out too. :)