Adding video to app


  • Posts: 43

Can someone tell me how to add a video to the app (ios)? I see blocks for sounds but nothing for video. I want to add a .mp4 video to play at the start before the main menu. How can this be done?


Do you have an active Apple iOS developer account?


  • Posts: 43
Yes I do, is this something that will have to be hard coded?


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  • Posts: 2607
Video is not supported with the built-in blocks. You will have to figure out a way to do it using code in code blocks.


  • Posts: 43
Video is not supported with the built-in blocks. You will have to figure out a way to do it using code in code blocks.

Thanks, I figured that. I can add objective-c to the code but I'm not sure how to attach the video. Which folder do I add it to in order to get packaged with build?


  • Posts: 43
Hmmm... I guess you can't add your own code for ios. Jon, is it possible for you to add this block or show me how to do it? I'm working on a game that will need to show a video.



  • Posts: 43
Sorry for the bump

JON? Team members? Anyone?  :)


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  • Posts: 2607
I've never used the iOS side before, so everything I say is based on what I've read here, but I think you'd have to export your project, add the code in manually (I have no clue how to embed a video in Objective-C), then have Stencyl build it.

I don't know the exact steps you would take to do this, but I know arbitrary code can be added.


  • Posts: 43
Thank you Cole for replying. I was under the impression that everything had to be done in istencyl but if we can add our own objective-c code in xcode and export the whole build to Stencylworks for packaging, that would work.

Can someone please verify this? Jon?

« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 12:04:51 pm by strancali »


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  • Posts: 451
You can edit the project in Xcode but you have to compile everything afterwards through Stencyl and the server-side build. All the engine framework is locked down and therefore your game is required to be built through the server. This may introduce issues with adding a video.


  • Posts: 43
Thank you Dizko for clearing that up  8). I think video is very important to have, especially in games.


  • Posts: 9
i second that  :)


  • Posts: 23
For me ability to add a video cutscene to a iOS app is a deciding factor to buy or not to buy. So if someone on the stencyl team can clear this up, is it possible to use video in iOS (doesn't matter to me if code block needs to be used), yes or no?

If there is a problem with the way Stencyl does builds please state so!



  • Posts: 55

Well about videos in your app... I dont thinks its a good idea, it will expand the size of your app extremly. And the loading time of stuff will be longer. Populair games like angry birds made a link in their app that automatically opens the youtube app, thats a great affort in my opinion. What do you think about that?

Do you need art for your game? Here are some demo's from my upcoming game:


  • *
  • Posts: 2478
For me ability to add a video cutscene to a iOS app is a deciding factor to buy or not to buy. So if someone on the stencyl team can clear this up, is it possible to use video in iOS (doesn't matter to me if code block needs to be used), yes or no?

If there is a problem with the way Stencyl does builds please state so!


Hi there, there's no "problem" with the way we do builds; we just don't have support for embedded videos at this time. Stencyl produces a whole Xcode project file for you, though, so if you have access to that, you can attempt to add this in yourself. I don't know enough about how iOS handles video embeds, though, so I can't make any promises.