Hey Jon Could You Help Please? (EOF when loading game asset)


  • Posts: 430
Well, here's my error, I have no idea what it means but please help!  :'(
Code: [Select]
Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered.
at flash.utils::ByteArray/readUTFBytes()
at stencyl.api.data::Assets$/toXML()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/root/stencyl/api/data/Assets.as:145]
at scripts::MyAssets/initMasterLists()[C:\Users\Alex\Downloads\preview\scripts\MyAssets.as:283]
at scripts::MyAssets/initAssets()[C:\Users\Alex\Downloads\preview\scripts\MyAssets.as:268]
at stencyl.api.engine::GameState/update()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/root/stencyl/api/engine/GameState.as:1324]
at org.flixel::FlxGame/update()[/Users/jon/Desktop/stencyl/plaf/flash/flixel/org/flixel/FlxGame.as:400]

« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 05:57:59 pm by ChunkyMonkey »


  • Posts: 27
If that's a Nightly Build then they're registered to Jon.
Maybe Jon has something on his computer it wants, and you're not called Jon?

Miasmos Games

  • Posts: 878
If that's a Nightly Build then they're registered to Jon.
Maybe Jon has something on his computer it wants, and you're not called Jon?
It seems to always throw that in the messages subsequent to the cause of the error. It's nothing to worry about.

@OP sorry that I can't help :/

Cupcake Bounce


  • *
  • Posts: 3127
It means the engine failed to load one of the game assets (End Of File).

Post the file "C:\Users\Alex\Downloads\preview\scripts\MyAssets.as", please? With it I can probably figure out which asset is broken.
"Find the fun"


  • Posts: 430
Ok thanks for all the help.

@TomEllard It's not a nightly build, and I go by Alex.  :)

@Alexin Uploaded to this post


  • *
  • Posts: 3127
The game's "game.xml" is the culprit. There are cases when this file is randomly corrupted and that's why there's an automatic of it in the same folder (the game's folder). What is weird is that SW complains about it when it's corrupted, just when you open the game.

Perhaps a look at the file can help us find the root cause.
"Find the fun"


  • Posts: 430
Thanks for your help.


  • *
  • Posts: 3127
Well, the file seems fine. I don't know what might be happening. I guess Jon will have to check it.
"Find the fun"


  • Posts: 430
Thanks for taking a look at it  :-\. I changed the title so it calls all Jons who made stencylworks's.


  • *
  • Posts: 3127
The engine tries to read more data than "game.xml" has (End Of File). I don't know how it's possible since there's no error when the file is loaded.

It may sound futile, but I'd try to create a new file with the same content and replace the original.
"Find the fun"


  • Posts: 430
I found out what the problem is, still a bug. I duplicated a scene and the duplication scene wouldn't open, and just having it in my game caused the bug. I still can't duplicate it.