What are you working on?


  • Posts: 7
i am not good @ coding and will make many resources for the program.
my biggest thing what i do is @ time a Megaman char Zero to import and give him "Live".

others i try to import all Megaman resources With Animations and will it make to usefuel for others to make a megaman fan like game....


  • Posts: 85
Starting work on a game called Press On! Which you can read about here.

Basically if I dont set up a "real" game to try to build, then nothing will happen just trying out listless ideas.


  • *
  • Posts: 136
I'm Working On My Game Blue Box. I'm Running out of Ideas for levels sooooo...... yeah i'm screwed!
Play The Demo:

I already Know what i'm doing for a next game so if i Quit and the full version never comes out.. U know WHY!


  • Posts: 4
An unofficial sequel to "crystalis" an action/adventure RPG by SNK on the NES.


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  • Posts: 1268
Ive gone straight into making games after 1.5 hours of learning. I messed up my first game THE PLATFORMS and went into doing THE PLATFORMS 2  which will probably be out before 5/6/11.
Look out for it on StencylForge.

That's awesome. Any hint on what it is about?


  • Posts: 23
I made a "disposable" character to train myself at doing animations, and I think I grew attached to her, she is now promoted as "protagonist for my yet to be made game" character.

I know in a game I'm supposed to start with the concept but heh... I'll improvise this time.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 04:30:22 pm by U-Goat »


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  • Posts: 610
An unofficial sequel to "crystalis" an action/adventure RPG by SNK on the NES.

Crystalis is one of my all-time favorite NES games. I must have played that game about 5,000 times. The Adventure Game kit is probably a good place to start.


  • Posts: 22
I'm working on a platformer that I'm hoping to be something like a cross between Sonic and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat on the Gamecube, if anyone else ever actually played that. I've got the WIP with a simple test level up in the arcade:


Big thanks to Justin for helping me with the behaviors!


  • Posts: 15
I'm trying to recreate one of my Scratch games in Stencyl


  • Posts: 9
I've been messing around with the Run and Jump extended kit. So far all I've done is import my own graphics and shove in the pick-ups behaviour, so it isn't much but I'm just beginning to use this program anyway.


  • Posts: 83
Currently, I'm piecing together (rather slowly) the core mechanics for an upcoming game of mine (Ooh, a first!) and constructing levels on graph paper. Other than that, nothing. Yes, I know. Sad life. :P


  • Posts: 9
'Kay. I'll bite.
I'm working on porting a bad rpgmaker2k3 story-heavy dream game I made a couple demos of called May, to stencyl with added story and action features- and with a little luck a more expansive set of areas to dream through. Stencyl-visioning it made much more sense to me than continuing development on a limited support platform, with the added bonus that I could do about anything visually that I care to try pretty much.
And that's pretty much it, my art gallery/job run got completely screwed over so I decided to construct May until I get it done in a obsessive way.
links to thread at uboachan for the curious about previous builds, which is where the main topic for it lives since it uses a lot of yume nikki mechanics- or at least did until I switched from rpgmaker2k3: http://uboachan.net/fg/res/1997.xhtml
I'll take the link down if it's not allowed to drop links.
Much thanks to those that have helped me so far with this system, they've been very nice and welcoming.


  • Posts: 7
Right now I'm working on a jump and run kinda game based on the jump run extended kit.  I've made a couple of characters so far, I have attached them.


  • Posts: 1046
I wish I was working on something >:C


  • Posts: 177
I wish I was working on something >:C
Same here.

If anyone has a game engine laying around, or anything like that, let me know. I want something to work on.