What are you working on?


  • Posts: 9
I stopped tweaking the top down shooter and decided to start from scratch with a simple space shooter. Hope to make a decent one.

A 2D Ratchet & Clank style game. I'm working on the ammo/weapons vendor right now.


  • Posts: 430
Remixing some projects from scratch, because I'm new to stencyl. I think after I master motion, gravity, and tiles It could go very well


  • Posts: 3
I'm working on a top-down action-adventure RPG with a sci-fi setting and loads of randomly-generated loot.  It's going pretty well so far!


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  • Posts: 180
I'm working on three (3!) educational games to help children with dyslexia learning English as a foreign language. Details at http://caldys2.eu/ and http://caldys2.net.newport.ac.uk/

That's very awesome!

It will be when they're bloody done. I feel like I'm killing dinosaurs with toothpicks!

And, hell, how did they get the toothpicks in the first place?


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  • Posts: 649
so ive been working on my first stencyl game. its a one button avoider game, nothing too fancy but good to get used with the whole programming thing.
gameart is provided by my girlfriend.


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  • Posts: 2607
so ive been working on my first stencyl game. its a one button avoider game, nothing too fancy but good to get used with the whole programming thing.
gameart is provided by my girlfriend.

Looks nice! She is a very talented artist!


  • Posts: 26
i'm working on a space adventure in stick animation!!!
like a comic (i enjoy this style)
this is the icon...


  • Posts: 493
Im working on THE PLATFORMS 2!  I released the original version a few months back but now there is a new version coming out on the 30 Oct, with lots of new features. Be sure to check it out when its there and look at the original (bad) version here: j.mp/theplatforms

Visit Our Site!  http://www.mikbobgames.com
Play The Platforms 2!  http://bit.ly/theplatforms2
Check out our twitter!  www.twitter.com/mikbobgames


  • Posts: 47
Working on a roguelike platformer much like spelunky.

I had the random map generation done long ago and it generates a map that you can traverse from start point to end point.
I'm currently working on the combat .Have a few ideas. But none are really that impressive. As soon as I have a few weapons,mechanics and some rudimentary enemies done,I plan on uploading it as a demo


  • Posts: 27
I'm working on...Super Mario Castle Adventure X.
But the game was not ready because i need help on my kit that i'm working on, i need to find behaviors for the 3 things, the blocks.


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  • Posts: 649
riding animation!

<a href="http://www.iamarnold.com/game/goat.swf" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://www.iamarnold.com/game/goat.swf</a>


  • Posts: 2
I am working on a little game called RenLand

StencylPic by renrawr, on Flickr


  • Posts: 2
riding animation!

<a href="http://www.iamarnold.com/game/goat.swf" target="_blank" class="new_win">http://www.iamarnold.com/game/goat.swf</a>

StencylPic by renrawr, on Flickr


  • Posts: 305
An Action Platformer using the character from my (now dead) grapplePack game.