My summer has just started, so I've wanted to get back into trying something for Stencyl, especially so near launch. Unfortunately, when I revisit old game ideas I want to rip apart all my old content and remake it (unproductive) or I hit a dead end inspiration-wise and want to make things more complicated to make things interesting (also unproductive) .
So right now I'm kicking my old ideas to the sidelines and scribbling as many other game ideas out that come to mind instead. Basically, brainstorming. I've been writing ideas on a simple pet game,on a Pokemon-like game, RPG-like alternatives to battle games, sim or building games, just a myriad of stuff. The one that looks most likely for me to try is the pet game, which I'm considering making as a Pokefangame as a tribute to my favorite, Eevee. But I don't know. I had toyed with a dress-up game with a pixel doll before, mostly as an excuse to practice pixel art, but when my computer died I lost what little I had started, so I may try restarting work on that too. I'm so stuck on making a VN though, I can't kick the want to make one.
Basically I'm waffling around, locked in place by my chronically paralyzing indecision. But it looks like that pet game is the most likely for me right now; I've written a lot down, and it looks like I can keep it fun for me but still pretty simple gameplay-wise. I've also considered painting generic backgrounds for game-use but that's not really a 'game', and I'm unsure that such backgrounds are even used much in most types of games.
<3 ali