Epic Physics


  • Posts: 13
Our new game called Epic physics now on the App Store! It was the first game made by Stencyl. Thank you for the support.

Now from the game:
One simple rule: hit all the red striped shapes, cross the levels. Use the gravity to reach all the goals. More levels in development. I hope you like it.
Have fun:)

Key features:
-Retina resolution for Iphone 4 and up
-Real physics
-Vivid colors
-Simple, but addicting one button gameplay
-iOS4 multitasking support
-Auto save features
-Many exciting and creative levels

Link: http://itunes.apple.com/app/epic-physics/id502909109?mt=8

« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 12:46:14 pm by Vili »


  • *
  • Posts: 2478
Congrats! You should add a screenshot to your post. ;)

Well done and I like the cloth style artwork.

Good luck with the game.

How long did it take to get accepted?


  • Posts: 327
Congrats on getting your first game published.You've got a great artstyle going there. From the screenshots it seems like it might be a bit too Angry Birdsy. I'd try it out for you if I already had my iPhone. Nonetheless, my advice to anyone doing one of those games is always: try to do the things Angry Birds doesn't do. Powerups for example. I can imagine adding powerups and putting them in difficult to reach parts of the playing field. Getting that powerup would make the next ball(s) heavier, faster, etc. making it easier to break through to the striped shapes. Would add a whole nother layer to gameplay.



  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Beautiful graphics you've got there. Congrats on the release! I'll feature it on our social media channels and our showcase.


  • *
  • Posts: 173
wow, nice graphics; some kind of "kirby epic yarn" style!!

good work!


  • Posts: 13
Well done and I like the cloth style artwork.

Good luck with the game.

How long did it take to get accepted?

Thank you. It take one week to get accepted.


  • Posts: 13
Beautiful graphics you've got there. Congrats on the release! I'll feature it on our social media channels and our showcase.

Thank you very much Jon!


  • Posts: 43
very nice looking game! I just added to PL4YER.com for you : http://www.pl4yer.com/index.php?act=appdetail&appid=nWth