I've been working on an engine for a 2.5d isometric rpg-platformer-shooter for a while, and Im finally happy enough with my framework to announce that I am officially working on this project.
What it is:
Isometric. RPG.
What it has:
Height. Attacking. Combos. A job/class system mostly completed (Squire, Monk, Fighter and Wizard). Melee, and ranged attack. An attack charge. 4 different charge-attack combos for every jobset (or at least a couple of them for now).
What it will have:
3 more jobs (tank/heavyknight hunter/archer and theif/ninja) at time of demo release, 12 total for full release
Poorly Animated but hand drawn cutscenes.
the ability to kill literally every/anyone in the game, NPCs inclusive.
A dynamic D&D style alignment system, and different NPC reactions depending on alignment and threat
Acheivments, Upgrades, music etc.
The idea is to make a game that pretends to take itself seriously,seemingly plot and character driven only to discover there is no substantial plot and the characters are rather mundane. The game will poke fun at the rpg genre, and all of its crappy and convoluted stories...as well as casual games in general and the cliche things that seem to make them so popular (zombies)
You are Radtron, Younger brother of world renowned adventurer Leaf, whom saved the world from disaster about five years prior. In the time since your brothers exploits, he has since abandoned you and your uncles farm, travelling the world gaining riches and celebrating in his exploits wherever he can.
Your parents turned out to be villains in your brothers crusade, and he was forced to kill them both, leaving you an orphan, and a rather apathetic one at that, living with your Uncle Sol, and his misteress Starlene. After inadvertently causing an accident that leave starlenes pet dog eaten by the farm's work-slave zombie, Radtron is forced to move away from his uncles farm, and to the big city, to live with your aunt and work at her Inn.
This is still glitchy and buggy but....
Arrow keys- Move
Z key- Charge (when held down)
Fire/attack (when released)
X key- Sprint
http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/11522NPC hostility has been worked into things as well, but plays no part yet. Soon.