Introduce Yourself!


  • Posts: 1118
Hey!! My names is James Moore. I live in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. I am 23 years old. I love to party. When I'm not doing that, or working, I love tinkering with my computer, programming, and listening to music.

I made some small games using a program for macs when I was in Middle School. Don't reember the name.. I think it was like Mac World or something. Anyway, I then made games again when I took computer science in High School. I made a Java version of Black Jack, and a Visual Basic Hangman game.

I first learned how to program with AS3 in February of last year. Since then I have published 1 game that was all hard coded, and 1 game made with Stencyl.

I first got into video games when I was in First Grade and my dad bought me a SNES for good grades on my report card. My favorite games were always and still are, Super Mario World, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Donkey Kong Country 2. I did own a regular NES as well. One game I remember very vividly is Battle of Olympus. As well, I absolutely love the Super Mario Bros Series.

I have not owned every console before. But I have played most. The exceptions are Atari, and Commodore 64.

Anyway, if you ever need help, wanna chat, or whatever. Just hit me up.
James Moore - Official Support & Documentation.
We cannot and will not respond to PM's asking questions. Please make a new thread in the forums if you have any questions, Thank you.
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  • Posts: 71
My name is Michael Gribbin.

I live in central New Jersey, but I work for Gameloft, a mobile games company in NYC. This means I commute to work in the belly of a giant metal snake god! While on the train snake god, I enjoy drawing, playing Game Dev Story, and doing internet things, assuming my 3G is working. If my 3G is being stupid, I pretend that I'm doing things on my phone so that the people next to me will think I'm important. "Ah yes, click here, expand there, open app, close app, end email inquiring about the Johnson account!"

Also, I make games.

You can see all of them here:

That includes, "Balls in Space", my first Stencyl release.

I love helping new developers and getting great games recognized, so if you have any questions about sponsorship or flash gaming world in general, feel free to ask me!


  • Posts: 1
Hello, Yogurtgun1245 here. Been following stencyl for a while now, I was in the private beta but didn't create much. Now that summer has arrived I should have some free time to finally work with stencyl.


  • Posts: 19
Hello, my name is Kyle Simpson. I'm from Glasgow, Scotland.

Been interested in the beta since the start of this year and have since been eagerly awaiting the public release. I'm happy now that Stencyl is properly open. :)

And I've run out of things to say.


  • Posts: 44
I'm Vasco, from Portugal, and I've been keenly waiting for the public beta (I missed the last private beta invitations by this much not much really). Now that I can join the funTM, I hope I have the skills to start making and publishing some great games. Hopefully I'll share some good stuff on the forge too!

A big thanks to Jon, the rest of the developer team and of course to the private beta testers who helped make this possible (I'm actually just jealous of them).


P.S. I'm a musician.


  • Posts: 17
Y'all remember me, right?...No probably not....I was in the whole Beta deal though...sucked that I didn't get anywhere. But now that my classes are over with and I'm taking the Summer off, I'm hoping to learn how to actually start something in this program. xD

(by the way I'm Joey)
Everyone's lovable, girl/Eureka obsessive member.
By the way Great Jaggi says "Hey!".

Hey I came from Scratch been waiting for the public release and I joined today  :)


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  • Posts: 1268
Hey I came from Scratch been waiting for the public release and I joined today  :)

Welcome! Did you make any games while at Scratch? I know there are a few scratchers hanging around here.

Hey I came from Scratch been waiting for the public release and I joined today  :)

Welcome! Did you make any games while at Scratch? I know there are a few scratchers hanging around here.
Yeah I did actually. I thought they were pretty good, but I see this has a whole new interface I'll need to get used to  :)


  • Posts: 19
Hey I'm youngster9 and I am checking out Stencyl and comparing it with Gamesalad. I have been making games with Gamesalad but Stencyl looks interesting. Can't wait to get started. Congrats on your accomplishment

Hello everyone!
I am with "little composers" in Vancouver and just found out about stencyl today!

Over the next few hours a.k.a. another sleepless night, I will do a little reading and if I can wrap my tiny brain around stencil, then I will start to port some of my iPad apps to the flash platform.

Wish me luck (I'll need it) ;-)


  • Posts: 14
Good Day! Everyone

I also came from another rpg-maker site, I play Turn-based games (FFT Advance / FFTA2) and Mecha-Games (Armored Core series / SRW-NG). I'm also a beginner in RPG-Making, I'm good on Logo making. This past months i've been watching the development of Stencyl and I was amazed by its features.

I hope we could help each other / learn more from each other in developing games.


  • Posts: 23
Hi there, I just heard of Stencyl today via an indie-gaming blog.
I never did games before mainly because of my high incompetence concerning programing. But I always wanted to give a try and Stencyl seemed very user-friendly.
So... here I am, trying to make stuff. :)

Anyway, I'm Vittaya, 26 year old, currently in Belgium and... well... and I'm not good at introducing myself.


  • Posts: 3
Hi there,

I have been making games using GameSalad for the last two years. I have been teaching middle school science for the last nine years and am getting ready to start my own science curriculum business. I currently sell a human body curriculum that contains a music album of 11 songs about each system and a workbook to go with it. I started using GameSalad to craete web games that go with the curriculum. I have been waiting two years for a web pluggin that will let my GameSalad games be played on a PC and not just Macs as most school computer labs do not have Macs. I love the drag and drop approach that GameSalad uses and when I heard about stencyl being drag and drop and exports to flash I thought I had to try it.

Anyways, I am looking forward to giving this software a try!

-sciTunes (dan)


  • Posts: 1
Hey guys.  Just call me Squeeble, my real name's not important :)

  I've been playing video games since I was 3 years old back in the NES days (first game I remember playing was Castlevania while sitting on my mom's lap...goes without saying I didn't get very far lol)
  Been using game creation software since I discovered RPG Maker 95+ back in early 2000, and soon afterward started using RPG Maker 2000 and Game Maker (think it was version 4 at that time).  I've used about a dozen other game making programs in the past 11 years and they all have their strengths and weaknesses.  Haven't had much time to tinker with Stencyl yet, but so far it looks very promising :)  I've been waiting for it since 2007 and FINALLY the day has come!

  Time to celebrate and rejoice!