Introduce Yourself!


  • Posts: 1
Hello.  I'm Two Pi (twopi.) I've been involved in computer programming and gaming since the early days (The first computer game I played was on a teletype terminal on some sort of DEC in 1976.)  I teach Computer Science and Game Development, and I've written a few books on game programming and web programming (including Flash Game Programming for Dummies.)

I've taught extensively with Scratch as well as more traditional languages like Python, Java, and C++, and I'm interested in seeing how Stencyl fits into the mix.  I think it might be a good tool to get people building games, and will lead to more traditional programming. That's a good thing.

I mainly use Linux, so I'll be interested to see how well all this works on the Linux platform. 


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  • Posts: 2478
Welcome, guys!

I mainly use Linux, so I'll be interested to see how well all this works on the Linux platform.

We're actually working with Canonical to get StencylWorks submitted to the Ubuntu Software Center.  :)


  • Posts: 29
Hey folks,
I generally go by pd or crystalpencil on the interwebs these days.
Im an animator looking to break into game development. Ive always had a deep interest in it but the whole programming aspect of games has been like repellent to me. I spent about a year searching for various methods to create flash games via simpler programming methods but turned up nothing great.
A few months ago I discovered Stencyl, which fits the mold Im looking for perfectly, and now that its openly available Im eager to learn how to use it. So far Im loving this program.
 If you're interested, check out some of my animation work here:

 :D Thanks


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  • Posts: 2891
Welcome to all new members!


  • Posts: 10
I'm not really new - I was Phalangie on the old forums, but I sort of dropped off the edge of the planet for a while. I didn't feel there was much point in hanging around as a creative type (ideas, writing, not-pixel art) while Stencyl was getting started up and I could hardly fit two blocks together. Now the forums are open to the public, though, I'm back, and my art has improved a lot, particularly with an iPad. I don't really have a ton of time until the Summer, so I'll mostly just be hanging around commenting/lurking, but if I spot an interesting project...
Not that I'll ever get around to making these...


  • *
  • Posts: 2807
I'm not really new - I was Phalangie on the old forums, but I sort of dropped off the edge of the planet for a while. I didn't feel there was much point in hanging around as a creative type (ideas, writing, not-pixel art) while Stencyl was getting started up and I could hardly fit two blocks together. Now the forums are open to the public, though, I'm back, and my art has improved a lot, particularly with an iPad. I don't really have a ton of time until the Summer, so I'll mostly just be hanging around commenting/lurking, but if I spot an interesting project...
Hey! Welcome back!
My Stencyl resources are available here:
Cutscenes, RPG Elements, Particles, Map System and many more.


  • Posts: 3
Hiya my name is John but I prefer to be called by my alias Teal. I was brought into video gaming by my uncle who had the NES. When he moved away he gave it to me and I sure got hooked on it. I've gotten an Atari (don't remember which one), SNES, GEN, Gameboy, N64, PS, PS2, GBA, DS, Wii, and a 3DS. Of course I play games on my PC. For genres I'm mostly into Adventures with plenty of exploration such as RPGs and I also like platformers. Less so on FPS it just isn't my thing.

I decided that I wanted to try making my own games when I started playing attention to level designs in the Mario games and Megaman. Even more when I researched sprites and how they are made and how Flagging is used in games to track the player's progress and to block the player's progress if they haven't met certain conditions yet.

In college I started taking game design courses however I couldn't get myself interested in the coding classes. I really wanted to do learn it but I struggled too much with the subject I'm convinced that it's not for everyone. So I put my game designing dreams aside...then I discovered Stencyl a few years ago.

I'm planning to eventually make a game called Time Thief which is going to be a Kirby/Wario/Megaman style platformer. I'm thinking I should wait to repost the game idea and start working on it until I get good feel on how to use Stencyl. I'm strongly considering collabration to keep your ears open.  ;)


  • Posts: 9
Hi everybody!

 I'm Man of Doom, although I'm also Luke. I've been trying to design games since shortly after I started playing them (about the age of 4 then), but only really got into it in the past 5 years. I learned how to code a bit on YABASIC for the PS2, but after that found GameMaker and have stuck with it ever since. I'm looking to expand my audience a bit and feel a great tool with Flash support such as Stencyl is an ideal way to do this. I'm totally behind the whole community theme of the project and find as an indie having a support network such as this is very important, given that we are generally lone wolf developers.

 Anyway I made a bunch of games nobody has really played, but always try to do something interesting. Most of my releases are made for Contests as I find it helps keep me focused. In terms of what I can do I generally do a bit of everything, I do at, music, game design, writing etc.

Some general stuff about my gaming interests:
Favourite genre: Survival Horror / Action Adventure
Favourite game: Super Metroid
Most Played game: Advance Wars Dual Strike (Technically Haze but I was employed to do that so it doesn't count)
Favourite games this console generation: Deadly Premonition, Prototype, Alpha Protocol.

Hope to have a good time around here and contribute some cool stuff!
I have to return some videotapes.


  • Posts: 10
My intro...
Hey! Welcome back!
It's been a while - you've certainly done well. Not that I would know, seeing how bad I am at Dungeon Dash ::). If you ever happen to need some drawing done for a game, I'll always be happy to help.
Not that I'll ever get around to making these...


  • Posts: 323
Welcome, newcomers! :]

And hey Phalangie, I remember you. My old username used to be Sio. Dunno if you'd recall. :P


  • Posts: 10
Welcome, newcomers! :]

And hey Phalangie, I remember you. My old username used to be Sio. Dunno if you'd recall. :P

I wondered why you'd just appeared from nowhere and your pixel art looked so familiar  :o
Not that I'll ever get around to making these...


  • Posts: 14
Hey guys, my name is Ben. I'm a recent graduate in a Game Art and Animation program. I've worked with programmers and have done some design work myself, but I've never had a knack for scripting or programming. So, naturally, this whole thing has taken my considerable interest. Looking forward to getting the hang of this, and maybe meeting some cool folks on the way.


  • Posts: 35
I like the interactive approach and team aspect and chat function that Stencyl has. So if you all feel like working in groups feel free to hit me up. I'm pretty good when it comes to brainstorming up fun ideas.


« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 07:01:32 am by jbrown2177 »


  • Posts: 2
Hi! I'm a Mexican TEFL teacher working in the state of Oaxaca, in the capital city: Oaxaca. Everybody call me Al. I want to use gaming to teach English because most of my students are teens. I'm not quite into games myself, but I hope ti get acquainted with them in the Summer. Any advice?


  • Posts: 3
Hello, i first heard of your program a long time ago through the various rpg maker sites i visited, i was exited though i didn't think it would ever be completed like many others, but i'm very glad i was wrong ^^
I was even more exited that you guys thought of Linux, i actually shouted "YES!" when i saw that on the download page XD.

Anyway,  i like to sprite and i want to start making some things for this program as well, i think i'm pretty good at spriting templates and tilesets and i want to create a character templates for the rpg games.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2011, 03:29:09 pm by DustyLad »