Introduce Yourself!


  • Posts: 9
hello everyone!
I usually just go by Chesh
I've been wanting to make games since I knew you could lol.  I made a couple 'dreams' in Furcadia, then later I dabbled with Flash for a little bit, but schooling got in the way of learning to code. I was directed here by BonBonBunny, and am simply inlove with your program! I do art and some Pixelart (A lot of people say I'm good but I'm not as amazing as how I want to be!)


  • Posts: 1
My name is Rhys Simpson. I don't type much.
You definately came from

So, hi, I guess. I am rdococ, who just came here to look at the forums. I was actually here when Stencyl was in beta, but I didn't get to download Stencyl beta then. :P


  • Posts: 95
I haven't posted here yet. D8

I'm Bridget and I'm like cute things.  I draw a lot sometimes.

My games are colorful and sparkly. n_n


  • Posts: 20
Hello. I'm hero_bash, I've been interested in game making though never completed a game. I frequent some rpg maker forums though now just mostly GW(saltw), also I'm interested in other game makers like engine001 and scirra construct.
I'm a mining engineering student and that's about it.
We're all in the same game just different levels, dealing with the same hell just different devils.


  • Posts: 4
I'm Kitet. It's short for KittenEater.
New to Stencyl in every way.
I'm also fairly new to game making, as in, I've wanted to make my own games for a few years now, but Game Maker wasn't doing the trick.

I'm more of an artist than a game dev, though. If you find me somewhere else on the internet, don't be afraid to look at the stuff that drips out of my brain.

That's about it.
why must everyone disappoint me in these elaborate ways


  • Posts: 17
Hello, Emil Lowell here (Who would have thought it...) I am a game developer for my indie business "BlackNekos Studios". I have many ideas for games in my head but have never been made. I am working on two projects, Alpha and Omega, and RPG game that has been in development for 2 months and "WolfLife" a game being developed in Stencyl that has been in development for about... 24 hours...

My trusty partner Omega (my Siberian Husky) helps me make my games by keeping me motivated. (Don't ask how, she is just playful =P) She was my motivation for creating a web series known as "Entertaining the Media" which is available on YouTube and my website.

Over time I will be releasing stuff and that stuff will be awesome. I hope you enjoy what I have in store and keep an eye on what I do ;D.

Stencyl Projects: WolfLife
Other Projects: Alpha and Omega
Company: BlackNekos Studios
Personal Tag: Your Friendly Furry Wolf =3


  • Posts: 17
Hey! I'm waveOSBeta. From Scratch.

Competely new here.


Anyways, crash course failed completely. :P


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  • Posts: 1268
Hello, Emil Lowell here (Who would have thought it...) I am a game developer for my indie business "BlackNekos Studios". I have many ideas for games in my head but have never been made. I am working on two projects, Alpha and Omega, and RPG game that has been in development for 2 months and "WolfLife" a game being developed in Stencyl that has been in development for about... 24 hours...

My trusty partner Omega (my Siberian Husky) helps me make my games by keeping me motivated. (Don't ask how, she is just playful =P) She was my motivation for creating a web series known as "Entertaining the Media" which is available on YouTube and my website.

Over time I will be releasing stuff and that stuff will be awesome. I hope you enjoy what I have in store and keep an eye on what I do ;D.

Welcome, very interested to see what you can do with stencyl. I just added you on my follow list.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 02:43:04 pm by Rob »


  • Posts: 134
So I guess I skipped this step... Here goes.

My name is Sam, I'm a music composer and producer and I'm in my early 20's. I've been into music since I was about 6 but started taking it seriously 8 years ago when I started playing guitar.
I want to go "pro" in film, tv and game scoring, hopefully sooner rather than later.

You can find out about what I do and listen to my stuff on my site, or in StencylForge where I submit new resources quite often.

I hope to hear my music in your games ;)
Composer. Rocker. World Ambassador For Foxes.


  • Posts: 14
Hi, my name is Patrick. I was actually here a couple of years ago, but left due to a combination of university work and a correspondence course on game design I had just taken up meaning I didn't have time to come up with game ideas. So I decided to return when I had the time or when Stencyl came out, whichever came first. (Incidentally, it was the latter, followed closely by the former.)


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  • Posts: 610
I probably should have posted a while back, but I'm Ceric, and I'm a member of the Community Team. I primarily work on the Stencylpedia, writing and editing submitted articles. I also provide support and do some content creation (I worked on the Space Shooter kit, for example). I got involved in the Stencyl beta early on and have been using StencylWorks since then.

When it comes to games, my favorite genres are strategy/tactical games, RPGs, retro-styled games in general, and action-adventure games (Zelda, etc, as you can likely tell from my avatar).

I have some pixel art skills though by no means am I a great artist. I'm better at creating tilesets than animation and sprite work.

When it comes to using StencylWorks, I'm familiar with using Design Mode and building behaviors.


  • Posts: 1
Hey everyone! I came here to check out this very interesting tool you've got here! I've been working as a game artist around 8 years now for several game projects.

What comes to working with stencyl, I'll be asking quite a lot of stupid questions in the beginning while trying to get in to the tool. I've only done some game programming in minor scale and my math is horrible haha. :D

I'm very interested to see what people will come up with and glad to help out regarding any issue. :)

See you around!

« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 07:12:28 am by T8000 »


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  • Posts: 1259
Welcome!  There's plenty of people here that are willing to answer questions, so have at it!


  • Posts: 1
DravenX here all the way from sunny south africa.Been doing game dev since 1994.I am also a commercial 3d artist and 3d model designer.I have downloaded the app and it looks great.I always had to make flash games the hard way.But it looks like those days are over :D.


  • Posts: 5
hey, I'm ember!