Irock Inquires - Stencyl interviews


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  • Posts: 2891
Nice! Thanks for doing this.

What about uploading the images for the interview landing page? I noticed that their directory is but the image uploader uploads them to

I also noticed there's no way to delete interviews.


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  • Posts: 17524
I don't intend to let you delete interviews. If you accidentally create one, just let me know.

I didn't get around to the image part yet.

Edit: Logo uploading is now operational.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 08:49:25 am by Jon »


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  • Posts: 17524
In lieu of a delete function, I've put in a safer publish/unpublish mechanism.


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  • Posts: 2891
I've been putting off making a second edition because I've been busy with my game and because I'll actually have more games to interview developers about once the competition ends. Expect some more installments in the near future.


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  • Posts: 2891
I'm very excited to announce that the second edition of Irock Inquires is up!

I interviewed Luyren and Strasteo about their recently finished game, Dungeon Rush! I hope you enjoy!

Read the Interview!


  • Posts: 156
Awesome stuff, I read it all and it's great to get some insight into one of the best collab-duos around these parts.

One thing, I think that there could be some editing to interviews to cut down on unrelated or repetitive chit-chat.  That was a pretty long interview, and I felt a few lines were a bit rambling into unnecessary territory.  I don't mind, since I tend to like longer articles, but I know most 'net-people prefer more conciseness.

<3 ali
dA |

Skills:  Drawn art, writing/story concepts, drawn backgrounds.
Preferred Games:  Visual Novels, RPGs, Simulations, Sandboxes, Dress-Ups
Current Projects:  Pokepet Eevee!


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  • Posts: 2891
The idea is, it's supposed to be an interview where conversations happen, much like Iwata Asks, which tends to be larger than most interviews. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm a huge fan of this style of interviewing.


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  • Posts: 2891
Part of the interview was cut off before, but Jon fixed the issue preventing the entire interview from being saved. I updated it with the rest. It's worth reading, as Luyren and Strasteo discuss their current projects there.