How did you find out about us?


  • Posts: 733
I came here from gamesalad, which I hated.


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  • Posts: 29
Search on google... make free games for android... but the free version don't grant to me the android release XDXD.
My first game with Stencyl and my first participation on Gamedev contest 2015:

Due to contest rule limitation i can share my game only via contest and on my web site


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  • Posts: 2
Bought a Humble Bundle pack. Got the indie subscription and a crap ton of other game and app making software for only $12!


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  • Posts: 19
Bought a Humble Bundle pack. Got the indie subscription and a crap ton of other game and app making software for only $12!

Same here my friend
Regards Wayne Rayner

Want to watch YouTube videos on awesome games

Want to check out the Indie Game Marketer YouTube Channel (Nothing there yet but will be soon)


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  • Posts: 230
I heard about Stencyl a while back, but only get myself to try it after I bought Humble GameDev Bundle.
::: It's never too late, unless you're dead. Maybe not even then. :::


  • Posts: 7
I found out about it on YouTube


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  • Posts: 2181
I'm just curious , was it a tutorial ?


  • Posts: 7
I'm just curious , was it a tutorial ?
Yeah, on how to make flash games.  And Stencyl was the easiest game maker I've found online;


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  • Posts: 2181
Who was the author ?


  • Posts: 98
On a google i think when i see some thing make games without codes.Publish them online,Ios,andriod.
I wish they can do Html5 platform too


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  • Posts: 2545
HTML5 output is a bets output currently. My games work quite nicely with it.


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  • Posts: 82
I discovered Stencyl via the Humble Bundle (but I wish I had known about it years ago already!). I was working with Unity before and various programming languages. I still work with Unity but I am really glad that I discovered Stencyl. It just works and I look forward to using it for my 2D projects going forward :)


  • Posts: 88
I discovered stencyl about a year prior. About six months ago I picked up  Game Maker and hated every minute of it. The software fought me on everything. I had my doubts because you guys lacked a proper marketplace, and there wasn't any clear networking modules (some posts said this was unfeasible with stencyl.)

Push forward to a week ago. I lost a bunch of work to a crash. I dreaded the thought of starting over from even a *recent* backup and thats when I realized it wasn't me that was the problem -- it was the development environment.

I took the leap and moved to stencyl. What took three, four days to implement in GMS only took me a night. The change blows my mind. Things that I had wanted to see (such as a layer-based tile editor and collision shapes) are suddenly just..there. OOP is now a breeze, instead of trying to hack together 'something' in GM and fighting against their half-baked, half documented datatype systems.

More to the point I refuse to be badly dinged  again (hundreds and hundreds of dollars) for simple exports. I like the price structure of Stencyl, how I get a guarantee of updates because you guys charge yearly. It means the tools I'm learning will still be supported down the line (instead of getting bought up by an online gambling outfit and potentially shutdown, or unsupported like GMS).

Stencyl isn't good. Stencyl is  *great*.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 07:10:45 pm by Fool »


  • Posts: 733
I spent a long time with Game Maker and Stencyl was like a beautiful breath of fresh air.