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  • Posts: 207
Welcome! I wish you a long and happy games making journey!

Thanks dude! I know I will make a game myself and wish upon projects by other people to make more games for kong/armor etc. I've been to those sites before and understood the fundamentals of a good game. All I want to do is make some games.


  • Posts: 2262
Thanks dude! I know I will make a game myself and wish upon projects by other people to make more games for kong/armor etc. I've been to those sites before and understood the fundamentals of a good game. All I want to do is make some games.

Welcome. Good luck, and start small!
Lots of people, myself included, have tried to create a first project that's too large and complex. create small projects and work your way up. Be sure to use the forums, people are always willing to help out and answer your questions.


  • Posts: 1
I was looking for a flash game development software. Dunno why, probably just wanted to make a flash game.


  • Posts: 1
I found out via a wikihow page on how to make computer games


  • Posts: 3
I found it some weeks ago while I was trying solving the net

Ahmad bin adam

  • Posts: 8
When I was googling how to make 2D games without coding


  • Posts: 1
I want to put in a plug for user Sunrise Kingdom. I stumbled over his excellent video tutorials years ago, and when this compulsory vacation started, and I found myself with some time to work on assets again, I went back to dig them up. 'Seems that original series is gone, but if I'm not mistaken, he (or his brother?) updated the whole lot on a new channel called 'The Indie Station'.

As luck would have it, he hasn't been uploading content recently, but for anyone just now getting their feet wet, I highly recommend going over all his tutorials. Top shelf stuff.


  • Posts: 48
l have heard of it randomly and l downloaded it.
Also, l first learnt how to code with StencylWorks!!!


  • Posts: 6
I found you cause of ChatGPT of the topic "Kid-Friendly Game Maker Websites"