How did you find out about us?


  • Posts: 11
I found Stencyl on c:


  • Posts: 32
A fellow animator recommended it. It was this or games factory. I've been using it for about three days, now things are going good. Can't wait to finish my first game.


  • Posts: 2
Through Newgrounds group...
There is a group for games made with Stencyl and the new name had me intruiged...

And here I am... :-p


  • Posts: 10
The latest Tutorial on Emanuele Feronato's website was covering Stencyl and I was amazed at how simple it looked and since you could implement code as well I figured I needed to give it a try!


  • Posts: 8
My name is Jack W. I'm 17 year old who loves to play and of course make games. I do not have my own site yet but planning to have one once I finish making a couple of stencyl games.

I am very excited to be part of stencyl community. Allowing me to create a flash game without coding has been a dream come true. I can start making games here and hopefully earning my $ through flash game sponsorship.

Ironically, I "discovered" stencyl through a blog from another gamemaker comparing different tools. I personally love flash game and think html5 has long long way to go before any adoption. The tool I am using today is just crap and buggy and they started  charging people for it recently. I hope I can pull some of my buddies over here too. To stencyl team - promise me you keep the flash part of stencyl free for all.

Anyways, back to making my first flash game. See ya all around.


  • Posts: 2
While Browsing Newgrounds (I'm not even a registered user there, i did'nt saw the point on signing up if i had nothing to contribute), I was watching some flash animations and then started to wander randomly on the site, and i ended on the game developing resources, found a link to this website; downloaded program and i'm here, introducing myself and anxious to create my first game (besides tutorial game, Crash Course)
Wow, did i just made a game?!!


  • Posts: 4
It is several months ago. I was on my final task for one of my course...
But, I was late. :P
~What is false can't be separated from what is true~


  • *
  • Posts: 32
i found Stencyl by watching Click on the BBC in December


  • Posts: 78
There was a forum post at gamesalad comparing the two. istencyl may have some things to improve on, but the rate of improvement is blowing GS out of he water.


  • Posts: 430
    I was in the community and also had (and still have) a website on Scratch was great, but I wanted to be able to make flash games and put them on my website which they can't do. So I started seeing these forum posts about stencyl and decided to try it out.

    I made a game called Dodge It! 2  with Stencylworks(the 1st version made in the games factory 2) to see if I could make a decent game with this tool. More or less, it was a success.

    Back to my website; it carried the "Heyzap Arcade" and things were going well. The website had 108 members I think. Heyzap stopped letting people embed their arcade. Now I'm on a mission to stock it up with stencyl games I make and when it has enough games, relaunch the site.


  • Posts: 5
I found stencyl on another forum. there was quite a few people using GM8, but then the global moderator posted a topic about how GM8 has been going down, and i recently switched to ubuntu so i can't use GM8 anymore, and he recommended stencyl. I was hooked in about 5 minutes.


  • *
  • Posts: 1960
I first heard about Stencyl on Emanuele Feronato's blog...

... It looked interesting, and then when I saw it on BBC Click (on-line on the BBC Bews website), I downloaded it.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


  • Posts: 160
Through Newgrounds group...
There is a group for games made with Stencyl and the new name had me intrigued...

And here I am... :-p

That is basically how I came here. :-\
How can you be enjoyed when you are an immature annoyance in at least ONE way?


  • Posts: 4
I cant remember the exact date and forum but i've seen it the first time posted on a RMXP forum way way back about stencyl and when i went to the site it is still under development and only shows screenshots of ideas and stuff. The second time is in the GS forum when it is only available on flash dev.