Graphics Job


  • Posts: 92
Attention all graphic artists:  How would you like to make me some awesome sprites for my future game?

I am holding a contest, those who think they can do a good job on sprites can leave a comment on this post with an example of thier work.  The winner will have a job of making me sprites and the right to have MEGA CREDIT in my game!

Please get results in soon...  :)
Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

<ahref = "http//"> Cool comics, right here! </ahref>


  • Posts: 92
You know, nevermind.  :|

Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

<ahref = "http//"> Cool comics, right here! </ahref>


  • Posts: 131
I think there should be a spriting competition anyway for the lulz. :P


  • Posts: 164
I think if you are going to look for a spriter for your game, you should try a different approach.
Post some info to get a spriter interested. What are your intentions for the game once its finished? Are you publishing it to some manner of portal? If so, are you prepared to deliver profit sharing?

Because right now it comes off as "Hey, do all my sprites for me and Ill put your name in my game credits" and really, thats not much incentive.


  • Posts: 92
Well, I am just only going to put it on stencyl...  Possibly email it to a freind to post it on armor games...  I AM NOT PAYING ANY MONEY...  Have any ideas that don't require paying cash?

Don't be a noob-- Be EPIC!

<ahref = "http//"> Cool comics, right here! </ahref>


  • *
  • Posts: 2891
Well, I am just only going to put it on stencyl...  Possibly email it to a freind to post it on armor games...  I AM NOT PAYING ANY MONEY...  Have any ideas that don't require paying cash?
Yes. Get a better attitude and show that you're capable of making a good game, then maybe someone will want to do art for you. No artist is going to work on your game if they think you're a jerk and don't know if you're good at making games or not.