I don't know what Mochi is anyway, but I'm a little surprised if have to pay now for Stencyl... well a Pro version if it. Reminds me of the RPG Maker Trials, except you have it for 30 days and you have to buy it to unlock the full version and all its features.
I'm still a little skeptical, we can't make any Standalone games for the PC unless I pay for Stencyl Pro? Also it's a yearly pay, as in that's how much it is for a year? $79 a year for Stencyl Pro or $79 a month year long for Stencyl Pro?
I'm taken aback from this, plus I haven't really be using Stencyl as I'm busy with a lot of other stuff as well. So this is a bit of a downer for me, but I get where you're coming from. You invest in your own time and pockets to make Stencyl but you're not super rich so you need a little extra cash and you're willingly to provide extra features for Stencyl for people who asked for it but return a little something to keep Stencyl going.
Though this isn't too expensive, I'm still not set on buying Pro yet unless I know about the pay. And I really like to make Standalone games for the desktop without paying, I don't mind the Splash Screens (like the Kingdom Hearts splash screens, right?) for a few of my games.