Press On! will be a turn-based "action rpg" with a tile-based look and feel. For the initial game I'll be using whatever RPG tiles I can find and update them as I go.
The basic gameplay consists of a slightly vertically oriented view of a typical jrpg style landscape. You start off with one character at the bottom of the screen and have a choice of Moving, Attacking, Spells, or Inventory. Once you have done one (or more if you can) of these things for every character you have on the screen (you acquire more characters) you hit a big "Press On!" button.
This will cause a new row of tiles to be added to the top of the screen and a row along the bottom to "fall off" and the screen shifts down a tile-height unit. This basically has the effect of slowly forcing you to move forward into the game level.
Levels will consist of things like having to clear all the monsters from a room so that the door at the top of the level opens before you run out of space (the room gets pushed down further off the screen each turn) or you may have to traverse a slowly revealing maze to free yourself and your companions from the given level. Other levels might be more of a siege type setting where you start far away from a castle battlement and you have to get beefed up enough to be able to knock the wall down when you get there.
The title Press On! Is both indicative of the game play (you have to keep moving slowly forward) and is the big red button you have to press to end your turn.
If one of your characters "falls off" the end of the level because they could not move or are trapped somehow, they remain dead for some period of time but can be respawned.
There will be other puzzle levels where you are teleported from room to room and you need to get the timing right lest you end up stuck in a room where the teleporter has fallen away below you.
I was inspired by this game by both Bastion ( and Army Attack: ( ).
I feel like if I don't have a "real" game to work towards I'll never get anything done, so this is my first real go at it. I'll post updates to this thread as things progress.