[SOLVED] Is it possible to make only the objects on screen make a sound?


  • Posts: 52
Like when my cannons fire they make a sound, and when the fireball collides with something it makes a sound. I have them set to always simulate so they're constantly firing. Is it possible to make it so that you can only hear it fire or explode if that part itself is on screen? What I mean is if you can't see the cannon, but only where the fireball is colliding with something, that you won't hear the cannon fire and only the fireball colliding?

« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 04:09:07 pm by Uuemaich »


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  • Posts: 9473
There's a boolean block you can use to check if an actor is on screen.  I believe it is under Actor > Properties.


  • Posts: 52
Sure enough! It was in Actor > Position. That did the trick! Thanks!