"Droppy Goes Home", finished, sponsored and live!


  • Posts: 41
Hi all,

Last october I announced my first game ever on this forum. It was made with Stencyl 1.2, featured only Forge-graphics and contained just a few levels.

Thanks to your responses I found the enthusiasm to finish the game. Stencyl user Ethan provided the graphics and Daniele from sound-tricks.com provided the music.

Last week, we accepted a sponsor bid by PlayTerritory, and as of today it can be found on http://www.playterritory.com/puzzle/209/droppy-goes-home.html !


  • Posts: 41
Oh, and for everyone who is curious: this is probably the first sponsored game published with the Stencyl 2.0 Final release :)  I might have started when we were still at 1.2, but I couldn't resist using 2.0 at the end.

- publysher


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  • Posts: 9473
Congratulations, it's a good game.  I'm also glad to see an example of a game that can still be sponsored long after uploading to FGL.


  • Posts: 177
Can we get a blog post for having a game sponsored? :P


  • Posts: 177
@alexsilent and @sonicspeed53: Thanks!!!


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  • Posts: 487
I did see this back in Stencyl 1.2. I give you folks a round of applause! ^_^
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
My Works List for Non-Stencyl Games
My Works List for Stencyl Games


  • Posts: 177
I did see this back in Stencyl 1.2. I give you folks a round of applause! ^_^

I've been linking to the Play Territory page on other sites (TIG Source for instance) and I've been getting bad reviews. Maybe they're just a tough crowd, but it's kind of frustrating.


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  • Posts: 487
Well, you can't win them all. ^_^

I think the tutorials are the ones that people would sometimes love to jump the gun by just hitting Go (it doesn't appear right off the bat unlike the actual levels themselves... not to mention they restart and just do said instruction again, followed by the same delayed appearance of the "Go!" button)... that might be possible

I don't exactly have any other notes. Droppy's movement is predictable if you can get used to his bounciness. ^_^
Hi, all! I'm KungFuFurby, music composer. If you're looking for some music for your game, just PM me.
My Works List for Non-Stencyl Games
My Works List for Stencyl Games


  • Posts: 1115
Great game! Nice graphics and flow. Congrats!  :)


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  • Posts: 173


  • Posts: 122
Looks pretty good, hope you got a decent payday from the sponsor.