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Topics - Shishkov

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / camera movement
« on: April 19, 2013, 05:00:38 am »
My game resolution is 640x480.
My scene resolution is 1080x720.
When my actor moves, I want that a camera also moves with the actor in the center of this camera. In other words, the center of the camera is anchored to the actor and when actor moves, camera moves together with the actor.

How can it be done? Please give me a piece of advice.

Ask a Question / actor movement
« on: April 03, 2013, 10:41:13 am »
Hello everybody.

I have 2 types of the control movement: keyboard, keyboard+mouse. My actor faces toward the mouse cursor(aim) and he can also move across the whole scene, but when actor approaches to the border of the scene, it starts to move along the elipse or the circle rather than continue to move with the cursor(aim) and appear in the opposite side of the scene. I want to have the same control maovement as counter-strike game, in other words, when I press D button, I move to the left with the cursor(aim).

How can it be solved?

Thanks in advance.

Ask a Question / change control
« on: March 30, 2013, 03:42:42 am »
Hello everybody.

I want to dublicate control. Now I have left, right,up, down arrow keys, but I, also, want to have WSAD keys. How can it be implemeted?

And how can change control during the game using code?

Ask a Question / leaderboard
« on: March 26, 2013, 04:47:47 am »
Hello everybody.

In my game I have a possibility to use a leaderboard, however, in Stencyl I can use only predefined servers for this purpose like Kongreagte, Newgrounds, Mochi.
But what if sponsor has his own server and he wants me to use his leaderboard and server, how can it be implemented? What is the best way to do it without any problem?

Thanks in advance

Ask a Question / scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 20, 2013, 12:52:46 pm »
 I want in scene add a polygon without opacity with buttons for pause, but my buttons don't want to overlap on this polygon. I have them only behind. I had had a 30% of opacity before, but a lot of people said that this opacity did not suit to this game. So I want now to create the black polygon, but I can't do it because buttons don't want to overlap.
I tried many ways like draw image for last created actor, etc.
What do you recommend?

Ask a Question / sound effect of bullet shooting
« on: March 10, 2013, 01:12:02 pm »
Hello everybody.

I want to add a bullet sound effect, while scene music plays. When I always press fire button, this sound effect deafen scene music. Can I make sound effect file less volume and lighter than scene music so as to do not deafen my favorite music file?

Ask a Question / Problem with buttons
« on: February 26, 2013, 08:53:53 pm »
Hello everybody,

1) In my main menu by means of pressing one button, I create a filled rectangle and above it I want to place a button. When I try to do it, it is created beneath the rectangle rather than to be created above. I tried many ways like creating it at front, back, middle, but it was useless.
So what do you recommend and how it can be made out?

2) I have 2 buttons in my menu. If one button is pressed, for example, credits are shown. Another button is pressed, for instance, help is shown. I don't want to create scenes for these small events, so I decided to use filled rectangles above buttons for displaying these information. I have 2 global variables for buttons in behavior, one for displaying credits, another one for help. So when one of two buttons is pressed, in main menu scene can be shown help or credits info.
After that another button is created for return to main menu. When this button is pressed, I made 2 global variables False.
When it comes back to main menu in behavior, if help info is worked, I don't know why, credits info also is worked after closing help info.
When credits info is worked, everything is alright and nothing is actuated after it like it is described above.
What do you advise and how it can be solved?

Ask a Question / music doesn't work in the exported FLASH game
« on: February 25, 2013, 08:54:22 pm »
Hello everybody.

I have downloaded some music files like "sound of bits", etc from stencylforge. They properly work in my game, while I test it. When I exported it in FLASH, it comes about without any error messages, but my game doesn't work.
What do you recommend in this situation in order to overcome that problem and use appealing to me sounds?   

Ask a Question / movememt keys
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:39:00 am »
hello everybody.

Do you know where can I get pictures of movement keys?
For example, if I have left, right, up, down arrow keys for actor movement, I want to show their pictures rather than to write it in the help menu.
Players will not read instructions, so pictures are the best solution.
In google a lot of  rubbish information.

What do you advise and suggest so as to solve this problem?

Ask a Question / create a pause on a big screen
« on: February 18, 2013, 08:33:06 pm »
Dear colleagues,

I have a small screen resolution 640x480 and a big scene resolution - 1700x1200. So when my actor moves, game camera also moves. And I want to create a big square 200x200 in a center of the screen when "game pause" button is pressed. But I don't know how to calculate a center of a camera moving in order to create this square in the center of the  screen. If I try using actors coordinate, the square will appear everywhere rather than appear only in the center of the screen because actor's coordinate can vary from left-top corner to right-bottom corner.

Please help me to solve that problem.

Ask a Question / Problem with effects when enemies are hit by a bullet
« on: February 17, 2013, 01:24:25 pm »
Dear colleagues,

I have a problem which is related with strange game behaviour. When bullet is released by actor and it reaches enemy, bullet must reduce enemy life by 1 and enemy must produce a negative effect. It works but not with all enemies and there is no sequences in actions. In other words, 2 till 5 enemies of 6 can act normally as it was described above. The rest of enemies don't produce any effects and their lives are cut down by 2 ponits rather than be cut down by 1 point or they can act normally but not always.

Please help me to solve that problem.
P.S. here is a code in a file.

Ask a Question / Mochi leaderbord
« on: January 27, 2013, 12:11:51 pm »
Hello everybody,

Please help me with Mochi leaderboard. How to use it in Stencyl and how to use nicknames of players to add it in the leadeboard?

Thanks in advance

Ask a Question / saving predefined attributes
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:47:58 am »
Hello averybody,

I want to save some attributes, not all, only special which I want. And I know that I can't do it with stencyl functions(SAVE, LOAD) which save all global attributes. Or I can? Or maybe there is another method to implement it that you know?
I have 11 global attributes in my gane and I want to save only 2.

Please be so kind and help me to overcome that problem.
Thank you

Ask a Question / Problems with actor
« on: December 12, 2012, 09:42:41 am »
Hello everybody,

I have only one scene which I would like to use in my game. At the beginning of the game through scene redactor I added some actors(enemies) and after their death(when they are killed) I made that player continue to stay at the place where he was and at the same time but in the other part of the scene another enemy appears(BOSS). But it appers in unlimited numbers. I tried to use flags, different events, to my dismay, it was useless because of the same thing.
I used this algorithm:
1) when the scene appered there had already been created some enemies
2) count number of dead enemies
3) if they are all dead, create BOSS
I want to have only one BOSS, not billions...)))

Please, help me to solve this problem?!

Ask a Question / colliding actors(enemies) of one group
« on: December 06, 2012, 01:28:59 pm »
Hello everybody,

I'm working on a shooter and my enemies can move everywhere and also they can move on each other but I want to prevent it. I would like to make them understand the neighbour enemies of one group and spare the distance between(not to move on each other) and not to fire on each other in case one enemy is in front of another or pale the sight.
Could you help me to solve that problem?

Pages: 1