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Messages - Shishkov

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
Ask a Question / leaderboard
« on: March 26, 2013, 04:47:47 am »
Hello everybody.

In my game I have a possibility to use a leaderboard, however, in Stencyl I can use only predefined servers for this purpose like Kongreagte, Newgrounds, Mochi.
But what if sponsor has his own server and he wants me to use his leaderboard and server, how can it be implemented? What is the best way to do it without any problem?

Thanks in advance

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 21, 2013, 02:28:49 pm »
aaahhhh, you meant in an actor space - actor events and use there drawing. Here you are right, polygon will be behind the actor.

I have done it in scene using the calculations of X and Y of the actor and then draw image for this actor employing X and Y. So I used X and Y of the  actor space in the screen of the scene and then in the drawing mode.

But now I don't know how to apply the behaviour for my actor on the polygon. Any ideas?

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 21, 2013, 01:51:11 pm »
I have done it using actor space and calculations.
But now question is about separate behaviour for this actor

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 21, 2013, 01:22:43 pm »
DONE!!! :)
Thank you!!!

It is a triviality, but it is make my game more flashy.
With some actors I used earlier a glowing effect written in AS3. It is a separate behaviour applied to an actor, which makes the actor glow.
Now it does not work because of drawing. How can I restore it?

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 21, 2013, 11:34:59 am »
At last it has drawn its image, but this actor doesn't work. I have only image of this actor, but I also want to make it operate like "continue the game", in other words, use an event of this actor.

What do you recommend?

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 21, 2013, 10:18:22 am »
No. It still doesn't work. All buttons behind the black polygon.
Here is the sequence of my actions(file attached).

What was wrong? Or maybe another way exists, doesn't it?

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:48:26 am »
I created an actor_attribute as a actor type.
I tried to set it to the last created actor, but it gave me the list of all existing actors to choose rather then allow me to choose "last created actor".
And when I try "draw image for...", I can't choose attribute because it gave an error like "This behaviour contains no attributes of type 'actor' ", even though I had created the actor_attribute as a actor type.
Here is a screenshot.

What does it mean?

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 21, 2013, 05:46:34 am »
Thank you very much for your detailed description and algorithm.
I will definitely try it today.

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 21, 2013, 03:43:37 am »
What kind of attribute this actor should have: number, animation,text?

Would you mind writing an algorithm like I did?

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 21, 2013, 12:28:27 am »
What do you mean in "set the created actor to an attribute"?

I did these things in scene drawing mode:

1)Drew  polygon
2) created actor(button) at front
3)applied draw image for last created actor

This sequence is useless because my actor(button) is behind the polygon and I can't see it

Ask a Question / Re: scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 20, 2013, 01:24:29 pm »
I do a drawing in a scene. And in the drawing I create actors which are behind the polygon, after the already created polygon. Also, I tried to move these actors between layers: front, middle,back,etc

And everything was useless

Ask a Question / scene drawings shade other actors
« on: March 20, 2013, 12:52:46 pm »
 I want in scene add a polygon without opacity with buttons for pause, but my buttons don't want to overlap on this polygon. I have them only behind. I had had a 30% of opacity before, but a lot of people said that this opacity did not suit to this game. So I want now to create the black polygon, but I can't do it because buttons don't want to overlap.
I tried many ways like draw image for last created actor, etc.
What do you recommend?

Ask a Question / Re: sound effect of bullet shooting
« on: March 11, 2013, 05:01:27 am »
I specified a soundtrack as a 'music' and sound effects like a bullet shot, etc. as a 'sound-effects'.
I'm currently using flash platform.

Ask a Question / Re: sound effect of bullet shooting
« on: March 10, 2013, 09:46:00 pm »
I know that It works like when desired channel is not available then it tries next or nothing if there are none of them are available. But I can mess up other sound and music effects, so it is why  I wanted particular channel. Or maybe I should not worry about that and it will work properly?

As I had not tried this way before, I would worry about how it will work in other computers.

Please provide me with useful information about that.

Ask a Question / Re: sound effect of bullet shooting
« on: March 10, 2013, 09:33:05 pm »
How can I know how many channels player's computer has?
My audio system has 10 channels. I tried to work with first and second channel and it was not good. When I applied it to tenth it was much better.
But, for example, my friends computer has only 3 channels.
So what would  you recommend now?
NOTE: stencylpedia doesn't provide me with information about how to check number of channels in the computer.
Any suggestions?

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