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Messages - Shishkov

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Ask a Question / Re: Mochi leaderbord
« on: January 29, 2013, 10:58:33 am »
Or it depends on the license (primary/exclusive) which he wants to get buying the game, doesn't it?

And What the recommended weigh of the game for FGL, Kongregate/NG/Mochi?

Ask a Question / Re: Mochi leaderbord
« on: January 29, 2013, 10:38:23 am »
Thank you very much for your reply.

So you mean, I should primarily publish it on FGL and wait for the sponsorship, don't I? And if I don't get it I can try Kongregate/NG/Mochi portals in order to get some revenue, yes? Or if not, when can I put my game into Kongregate/NG/Mochi?
What did you mean in the secondary section of FGL? As far as I know, FGL is only the place for selling or buying games and you can make a preview of the game as a previewer.

However, I know that sponsors don't like things from 3rd parties like Ads or something else but I need a leaderboard for my game. Can I use the one from Mochi? Or here is the another way to organise a leaderboard?

Ask a Question / Re: Mochi leaderbord
« on: January 28, 2013, 09:10:49 am »
somebody, please help!!!

Ask a Question / Re: Mochi leaderbord
« on: January 27, 2013, 12:21:57 pm »
And also please help me because I'm going to publish my game.

How better monetize my game: with advertisemnts(MOCHI) through Kongregate and Newgrounds; FGL(flash auction portal) or both: post it on FGL(wait for the sponsor) and publish it with advertisements on kongregate and newgrounds at the same time?

thanks in advance

Ask a Question / Mochi leaderbord
« on: January 27, 2013, 12:11:51 pm »
Hello everybody,

Please help me with Mochi leaderboard. How to use it in Stencyl and how to use nicknames of players to add it in the leadeboard?

Thanks in advance

Ask a Question / Re: saving predefined attributes
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:12:32 pm »
FLASh asks for permission to save something in your computer(localSharedObjects), but in my case it doesn't say me anything when I test it in my computer and use SAVE&LOAD functions. How it happened if you said that it was saved on players computer without request?

Ask a Question / Re: saving predefined attributes
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:13:30 am »
I have already tried to save all and reset them when user enters main menu, but I also have 3 variables which must work during hole game and I can't reset them. When I want to load attributes in order to use 2 relevant variables, it loads its previous values, so another three variables don't work properly. Anyway, I think that maybe I should try AS3 as Roadcat recommended.
Thanks a lot.
And one more question:
If I want to create a leaderboard and use it in my game without any mochi or congregate servers, will it be useful and proper thing to show people from different countries their scores saving them only in my game?

Ask a Question / saving predefined attributes
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:47:58 am »
Hello averybody,

I want to save some attributes, not all, only special which I want. And I know that I can't do it with stencyl functions(SAVE, LOAD) which save all global attributes. Or I can? Or maybe there is another method to implement it that you know?
I have 11 global attributes in my gane and I want to save only 2.

Please be so kind and help me to overcome that problem.
Thank you

Ask a Question / Problems with actor
« on: December 12, 2012, 09:42:41 am »
Hello everybody,

I have only one scene which I would like to use in my game. At the beginning of the game through scene redactor I added some actors(enemies) and after their death(when they are killed) I made that player continue to stay at the place where he was and at the same time but in the other part of the scene another enemy appears(BOSS). But it appers in unlimited numbers. I tried to use flags, different events, to my dismay, it was useless because of the same thing.
I used this algorithm:
1) when the scene appered there had already been created some enemies
2) count number of dead enemies
3) if they are all dead, create BOSS
I want to have only one BOSS, not billions...)))

Please, help me to solve this problem?!

Ask a Question / Re: colliding actors(enemies) of one group
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:23:24 pm »
Thank you for your desire to help, but actually you are wrong.
Nevertheless, I try to describe it more carefully.
I  have 6 objects of one group(enemies) and they are following the player on the screen and facing him, but they can not make out the distance between each other and they start to overlap each other and fire on each other.
So I want to make them understand the distance between each other and not to approach to each other(avoid overlap) and not to fire on each other in case the object(enemy) in front of another(it pales sight of other object).
So, please, be so kind and help me?

Ask a Question / colliding actors(enemies) of one group
« on: December 06, 2012, 01:28:59 pm »
Hello everybody,

I'm working on a shooter and my enemies can move everywhere and also they can move on each other but I want to prevent it. I would like to make them understand the neighbour enemies of one group and spare the distance between(not to move on each other) and not to fire on each other in case one enemy is in front of another or pale the sight.
Could you help me to solve that problem?

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