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Messages - krazziebone02

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« on: December 02, 2014, 04:18:42 am »
Please don't use capital letters in your titles, it gives a feeling you are forcing your question rather then asking it.
Like i said in the message, I will create a tutorial for this tonight when im done with my job.

sorry for the title sir im really really sorry i will wait for that tutorial sir

« on: December 02, 2014, 04:13:59 am »
i already watch the tutorial of SDIETERS for animated dialog box and i already applied it and it work and now i want to do is to put a text inside the animated dialog box but i dont know where will i put that code i tried but the text was displaying when the game i want to happen is when the enter was press  the dialog box and text will appear and then when the enter was press again the dialog box and  text will hide how will i do that please help

Ask a Question / Re: QuickLearnTutorials Tutorials And Request Page
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:04:28 am »
Added >> Trophy System part 1
Added >> Trophy System part 2

sir in your dialog box what if i want to put text inside the rectangle? where should i put that text??please help

Resolved Questions / Re: Save - doesn't seem to work
« on: November 26, 2014, 06:06:51 am »
REMEMBER: only Violet Attributes can save and your game you must put that violet attributes inside the save and load  block

They don't NEED to be in the save and load block to be saved.  As long as you have Game Attributes ("violet attributes"), they will all be saved when that block is run.

How come you are using "replace (number of items - 1) with character?"  That will replace the last character that you have saved in the list.  If you want to add something to the list, you should use the "add item to list" block instead.

in my situation  if the violet attributes are not inside the save and load bock it doesn't save so i try to put in inside the block and it works\

Resolved Questions / Re: Legal OR illegal, HELP!
« on: November 25, 2014, 05:59:46 am »
i think it is LEGAL because why they will share that kind of sound if they don't want to share it to the other user of stencyl

Resolved Questions / Re: Save - doesn't seem to work
« on: November 25, 2014, 05:55:18 am »
REMEMBER: only Violet Attributes can save and your game you must put that violet attributes inside the save and load  block

Ask a Question / Re: IS IT POSSIBLE?
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:54:26 pm »
Wait !!! look what I found

Stencyl - Pricing - May I use Stencyl on multiple computers?
You can install and use Stencyl on any computers you own. You may share a Studio (not Indie) license with one other person, as long as you *both* publish from the same Apple Store/Google Play account. If you use separate accounts, you must buy licenses for each person.

are you pro sir?? can you publish my game?? i need that in my thesis can you??

Say what ?

just like captaincomic said sir that's what i want

Ask a Question / Re: IS IT POSSIBLE?
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:53:36 pm »
That means: if you work as a team, you only need one license for the games you make together (which you would publish under a team name to the Apple/Google stores). But you are not supposed to borrow the license from a friend for your own games.

it is just for my thesis sir that is only my problem sir i cant afford the studio in stencyl because im just a student sir

Ask a Question / Re: IS IT POSSIBLE?
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:22:11 am »
Wait !!! look what I found

Stencyl - Pricing - May I use Stencyl on multiple computers?
You can install and use Stencyl on any computers you own. You may share a Studio (not Indie) license with one other person, as long as you *both* publish from the same Apple Store/Google Play account. If you use separate accounts, you must buy licenses for each person.

are you pro sir?? can you publish my game?? i need that in my thesis can you??

Ask a Question / Re: How do i get date and time?
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:12:54 pm »
Hello Daverav1212 and welcome to the forum.

Probably way too advanced, but I try anyway:

- On the Scene
- [+ Add Event ]
- Basics -> when drawing

This will show the date + time on the top left hand corner of the screen.

But you want to do things differently and didn't explain well enough what you want to do with it :)

PS: this works for all platforms!

Best regards from
thanks for this thread it works for me

Ask a Question / IS IT POSSIBLE?
« on: November 22, 2014, 09:23:43 am »
is it possible that the programmer who has a pro version of the stencyl can publish the game of the other programmer  for example I am using a stencyl that can only publish for flash and website and then i have a friend that has a pro version of stencyl is it possible to publish my game  using the pro version of the stencyl of my friend? plssss help i dont have money to publish my game in android because i dont have a money to buy that thanks for a good replies

Ask a Question / Re: ENABLING BEHAVIOR
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:41:34 pm »
Violet....these are the game attributes that will be carried over to the next scene, the blue ones will be "forgotten" when you switch scenes.

sir i have a problem on saving and loading a game

I have a scene (LEVEL MENU) and it includes level 1-25 so when i press level 1 it will proceed to the next scene that includes 1 picture and 4 buttons.....let us proceed to the level 1 I have a button in that scene includes the correct answer for the picture and i have a timer on that scene for rating a star so when the correct answer was  click between 30 seconds it will create 3 stars on the LEVEL MENU scene and the level 2 will unlock so the 3 stars was already draw in the LEVEL MENU scene  my problem is when i go to the level 2 and  press the correct button and i press the exit button to go back to the LEVEL MENU scene the 3 stars on my level 1 was gone why?? PLEASE HELP me sir

Ask a Question / Re: ENABLING BEHAVIOR
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:41:18 pm »
Violet....these are the game attributes that will be carried over to the next scene, the blue ones will be "forgotten" when you switch scenes.

ok sir thank you very much

Ask a Question / Re: ENABLING BEHAVIOR
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:10:28 am »
It depends a bit on what the behavior does and what not, but one possible method would be:

1. Create a Game Attribute "ButtonClicked"
2. Create a "When Mouse pressed on"-Event in the Button-Actor
3. In the Event, set ButtonClicked = true
4. Attach the behavior you want to control (let's call it ExampleBehavior) to the other actor
5. In the "Created"-Event of the this actor, add code blocks like:

If not ButtonClicked
    Disable Behavior ExampleBehavior

By doing so, the behavior will only be enabled if the button in the other scene was pressed before.

sir what attribute should i use??is it the color violet??? or the colr blue??

Ask a Question / Re: ENABLING BEHAVIOR
« on: October 12, 2014, 06:09:54 am »
sir what attribute should i use??is it the color violet??? or the colr blue??

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