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Topics - dtishin

Pages: 1
Hi folks, I'm finishing Pinball Clash, a fast-paced two-player pinball game:
It's a little game planned for release on a few HTML5 game distribution portals in May / June.
Would be cool if you could give it a go and let me know your thoughts!
Suggestions and criticism are highly welcome :)
I'm also collecting anonymised analytics on game difficulty (using the Google Spreadsheets extension).

Hi all,
I'm looking for an experienced Haxe & JS programmer to walk me through integrating the SDK into my Stencyl HTML5 game. You can find the SDK info here:
As for the format - ideally a voice chat with a screen share. I have no idea how much time this is going to take, probably a couple of hours. I have a few years' visual programming experience in Stencyl but I'm not a professional programmer. Paid by your hourly fee.
Please send me an email on or DM in Skype (dtishin) if you're interested.
Thanks very much!

Ask a Question / How to import animated tilesets?
« on: June 04, 2020, 08:26:20 am »
Hi everyone, how do you import animated tilesets?

There is a functionality for importing animation frames for separate tiles, but not for the whole tilesets, which is really frustrating. E. g. I have a "shorelines" tileset with approx. 40 tiles in Fireside Hero, and each tile has 4 animation frames.

So I had to:
- import 4 sprite sheets (one for each frame) as 4 separate tilesets
- manually copy frames with the same coordinates (e. g. A1) from 3 temporary tilesets into the main tileset.
- repeat for each tile in the set.
- delete 3 temporary tilesets.

This consumes huge amounts of time.
Currently I'm not reimporting my river actors as tiles for this very reason (there are 12 different river fragments, each has 4 orientations, each orientation has 2 frames, and each actor is the size of 2-8 tiles - in total about 150 tiles in the target tileset), even though reimporting would improve my game's performance...

Any suggestions how to optimise this?

Chit-Chat / Stencyl merchandise?
« on: June 03, 2020, 04:50:50 am »
Hot drink mugs, T-shirts and possibly hoodies with the Stencyl logo.

Suppose many Stencyllers will buy these to use at home, workplace or industry events. 
As I understand, this can be set up via any print-on-demand service in half an hour.
The black / white colours of the merch are the easiest and safest options.
The "Stencyl" logo as in the Stencyl website header. White logo for black colour of the merch, dark grey logo for the white colour of the merch.
Mugs in two sizes, t-shirts premium cotton, in standard sizes, the print-on-demand websites have them all available.

- Sense of community for the game developers
- Extra publicity for the engine
- A bit of extra cash for the Stencyl team

Hi fellow Stencyllers!
What do you think about this game?
Fireside Hero is a compact turn-based strategy / RPG set in a fantasy world.
Very roughly the concept can be described as "Heroes of Might and Magic meets Minesweeper" :)

Key features:
- Cosy old-school look
- Original rumour mechanics
- Combat built on rock-paper-scissors principles
- Emergent story with a bit-size narrative
It's my first personal project, and I've been working on it for about 9 months, planning to release later this year.

You can get an idea of the gameplay in this video snippet:
Or access the latest alpha build on Google Drive:

Any feedback and comments highly welcome, especially if you love RPGs, strategies or puzzle games.
Thanks a million!

Ask a Question / [SOLVED] Cppia build not compiling / crashing
« on: November 12, 2019, 10:39:15 am »
Hi all,
I need to debug my project in Visual Studio using Justin's method (,49211.0.html). I added the debugging parameter to my game settings, please see attached screenshot.
As I understand, for the method to work, I need to launch the \Cppia\executable in my workspace folder.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the cppia folder in my workspace (please see screenshot), and when I try Run -> Cppia, the game does not launch and creates an error log (attached).
Any advice how I can export the cppia project?
I'm running Stencyl build 10472 on Windows 10 Pro (64-bit).

Hi all, I'll appreciate some info on this :)

I access a key ("name") of a map-type actor attribute ("monster selected") in a "creating" event.
When I test the game I get the "Null object reference" error.
Still, if I dismiss the error pop-ups, the code works as intended.
What is causing the error message, and how do I make sure it doesn't pop up?

Please see a screenshot of the game test (with monster names actually drawing in the scene) and the code attached.


Hi, I encountered a weird issue.

TL,DR: The “remove item” function does not remove some items from the list even though the items meet the condition; at the same time (seemingly) identical items that meet the condition are removed. Does anybody have an idea what’s happening here?

In detail:
-   I have a scene of 16 x 9 tiles (144 tiles in total). The tiles in the tileset have data attached to them that describes their terrain type or a combination (e.g. “grass”, “sea” or “grass;hills”). When I create the scene I programmably build a list (game variable) of all tiles in the scene. Each item in the list is a map. The map has keys “column” (number 0-15), “row” (number 0-8), “occupied” (number 0-1), and “data” (list built by parsing the tile’s “data” field).
-   Every turn I need “quest goal” actors to be randomly placed on the map. But I need them to be only placed on suitable tiles, i.e. 1) unoccupied by other objects, and 2) NOT containing data “sea” and 3) NOT containing data “town”.
-   For this purpose I set a local list variable to a copy of the global list of tiles, then cycle through it and remove all items that meet either of the criteria above (containing “sea”, “town” or “occupied=1”).
-   It generally works fine except some “sea” tiles are not removed from the list :(
I attached a picture of the scene (Map_unremoved_tiles.jpg) showing tiles for which the corresponding map items are not removed from the local list. E.g. file “log2” shows that in row 8 (bottom row of tiles in the scene) only three items are removed; the other two are not.
-   The log also shows that the local list does contain the items that need to be removed. E.g. file “log1” shows that both tiles with coordinates [0;8] and [1;8] are in the list and they have identical value of the data field.

The code goes attached for your convenience. It looks big because of all the “print” debugging functions :(

Thank you!

Hi folks,

I'm working on a prototype of a top-down RPG set in medieval North Asia, with focus on tactical problem-solving (varied combat options vs AI manipulation - avatar will be able to play a tune that changes the NPC behaviour patterns - cautious vs reckless, peaceful vs aggressive). Currently finishing the core of combat AI. The artwork is currently placeholder opensource tileset, and the level just a testing ground for the mechanics :)

While putting together Main AI Switch (the "updating" event, which manages NPC behavior), I ran into a problem.

Expected behavior: When the player attacks the NPC outside the NPC’s detection range, the NPC should stop its current “Wander” behavior, switch to “PullToAvatar” (move in a straight line towards the avatar), then if the NPC collides head-on with a Tile, switch to “PathfindingToAvatar” (simple movement on a tile-based path created with the AI Tools extension). Once “PathfindingToAvatar” is initiated, it should switch the “path_initiated” boolean attribute ON, and there is a special block in the “Main AI Switch” event (see the first “Otherwise if” block that initiates the “PathfindingToAvatar” event) that ensures that while “path_initiated” = TRUE or “path_to_avatar” list  contains any items, the NPC executes the “PathfindingToAvatar” event until reaching the end of the path or until getting within the weapon range of the player.

Current state: either the NPC doesn't move on the path at all OR the NPC executes pathfinding once but for new instances of pathfinding it just stands facing a tile. Please also note that in the “Pull path” video the number of remaining "steps" to travel is changing as the avatar moves on the scene, which is incorrect behaviour. It means that the pathfinding movement cycle is not properly initiated. Please also note that the pathfinding algorithm itself used to work perfectly in my previous (less complex) versions of NPC AI. I suspect there is a fault in my Boolean switches and their resets (or in how the engine handles the triggered events, maybe it doesn’t get enough time to turn the “path_initiated” switch ON and executes the “Main AI Switch” event again?

Please see an export of the game, a few screenshots and two videos here:

If you import the game, please note that controls are currently keyboard only: arrows or WASD for movement, space bar for attacking (single press for normal attack, very long press for aimed attack), tab and arrows for changing weapon (press tab again to close the weapon selection menu).

I’ll appreciate any leads, this bug has been really frustrating over the last 2-3 days...
Thank you!

Hi, I need help from a Stencyl expert to debug my prototype.
I'm working on a top-down RPG, currently focusing on NPC AI.
I've run into a few issues that have been taking a few dozen hours with little progress.
One example is, actor stops detecting its X coordinate when in the middle of executing pathfinding (and the code used to work fine a few builds ago). Other issues include pathfinding event not executing, conflicting with other events etc.
It would be ideal to get on a confcall, share the screen and look into the code together.
The work is payable by the hour according to your fees.
Please let me know in Skype (dtishin) if you're available.
Thank you very much!

I'm trying to create "hits" ("hit" actors) in front of my avatar (emulating a melee strike) when I press Enter.
Running into two problems here:
1. Hits are created to the right of the avatar and above it, but they are not created on the left or below.
2. Hits are created next to the avatar only if the avatar stays within a small area of the scene. If the avatar moves outside this area, the "hit" actors are created not next to the avatar but inside that small area of the scene.
3. Additionally (unrelated to the "create actor" problem above: the avatar gets stuck within a small rectangular area of the scene if it goes to the bottom of the scene.
Screen recording here (60 seconds):
Thanks a lot!

Ask a Question / [SOLVED] Player actor stuck on screen edge - no X movement
« on: September 18, 2018, 12:07:17 pm »
Hi, I've just started to learn Stencyl and ran into two problems:

1. When I set my player Actor Type movement to 'Normal', during simulation the actor automatically moves to the left edge of the screen and doesn't react to pressing 'left' or 'right' buttons. It does react to 'up' and 'down' buttons though. If I change the Actor Type to 'Cannot Be Pushed', it reacts to all 4 direction buttons (but then collisions don't work).
I've searched the forum, crash course 2 and the stencylopedia but still at a loss.

2. The actor doesn't stay within screen boundaries even though I made it check coordinates.
Any suggestions, especially to the first one?  Thanks

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