Ask a Question / Admob banner ads still not showing well?!
« on: March 03, 2017, 06:41:18 am »
I tried STencyl latest and older versions but admob banner ads usually only show when i unfocus the game (presss mobile home button) and press again to reenter the game.
Any idea why is this bug on certain mobiles and tablets? This bug exists with the old Admob estension too. (I think that was implemented so now built in admob also bugged).
It is really annoying because half of the time admob banner not show well, so users cannot see it, so cannot click on it and that.
Maybe the bug is that if we use "Show Admob banner" block before the banner really loaded the banner not show at all until I refocus the game.
But If I wait many seconds after the game start and only after use the block admob banner show well.
So the block doesn't recognize the ad loaded or not meantime.
Any idea why is this bug on certain mobiles and tablets? This bug exists with the old Admob estension too. (I think that was implemented so now built in admob also bugged).
It is really annoying because half of the time admob banner not show well, so users cannot see it, so cannot click on it and that.
Maybe the bug is that if we use "Show Admob banner" block before the banner really loaded the banner not show at all until I refocus the game.
But If I wait many seconds after the game start and only after use the block admob banner show well.
So the block doesn't recognize the ad loaded or not meantime.