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Topics - FMStudioGameDev

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Ask a Question / HTML5 save/load does not work on some websites
« on: June 05, 2019, 05:54:29 am »
Hi there,
I found out that the regular saving/loading do not work on some websites, for example Kongregate and Newgrounds.
This is a weird issue that seems to involve any HTML5 Stencyl game on those sites.
Example: A game uploaded on my website saves and loads without any issue but the same exported game uploaded to Kongregate/Newgrounds (or even iframed from my site) do not save/load.
Don't know if is loading or saving what fails (or both) because I couldn't debug since print to console doesn't work either in HTML5.
I guess it must be something related to some security settings but other games made with other tools work correctly on those sites.
Anybody has any idea how to fix this?

Journals / How my LD44 Compo entry was born
« on: May 06, 2019, 10:52:59 am »
Ludum Dare 44 was my first Ludum Dare. It has been a nice and also strenuous experience.
Here is a brief history of how my submission - Life for Likes - was born.

You can play this entry here:

Theme announcement
Having seen the theme voting I was a little worried. Among the various themes in the final list some were good (i.e. easier), others rather difficult. While I was waiting for 3:00 AM (my local time) to see the announcement I was a little reassured and I thought: it is impossible that the most difficult topics are chosen, "your life is currency" is an impossible subject, I am confident this won't be the one, better think about something to do with other themes. Then the theme is announced:... "Your life is currency". Very well, once again I've seen it right, sigh.

The Beginning
Okay, the theme totally blew me away. Better start thinking about something, while I start putting a few pixels on each other. I start with the player's sprite. Although I still don't know which game mechanics I will use, I will definitely make a platform style game so I obviously will have a player. While the pixels accumulate one on the other I think about the gameplay. I think I can manage the player's life through a pawnshop. By killing enemies you get items that you bring to the pawnshop and exchange for player's life. I find it somewhat trivial, but it is the best that comes to me. Besides the player I begin to draw the various objects that enemies drop when killed, and a pawn shop with a mustachioed guy.

The First Break
At 4:30AM I finished drawing player's animations, and some objects of various kinds. I'm not satisfied at all with my approach to the theme, and I'm also pretty tired. I set the alarm clock at 6:30AM and go to rest, hoping sleep will bring me advise.

The first morning
At 6:30 I wake up and shoot myself 2 cups of coffee. I realize that I don't really know where and when my game is set. The sprites of the player are very generic, which is fine, they work in any environment. The objects I drew are in a fantasy style, there are swords, diamonds, some musical instruments. Ok, I'll go for a fantasy scenario, and I draw some little house in style. But I still don't get satisfied. The player will move to a fantasy village, killing enemies (with which weapon I still don't know), collecting items and exchanging them at the pawn shop. But I'm not convinced... why are there enemies of some kind in a fantasy village? Maybe the action doesn't have to take place in the village but in a cave nearby? In this case the player will have to go back and forth from the cave to the pawn shop in the village, it would be really boring. Maybe I should put the pawn shop in the cave? And for what strange reason a pawn shop should be in a haunted cave? It just doesn't work.

The second break
It's about 8:30AM, I have some nice fantasy-styled houses and a tileset for grass and terrain. But I'm stll not convinced. It's time for a coffee break. Coffee and reasoning about the theme took me about an hour...

The idea
At about 9:30AM a different approach to the theme finally comes to mind. What if the "life" of the theme was not the physical life, meant as being alive, but rather the experience of life, our daily life? We don't all do it, we exchange our experiences on social media for a handful of like? This works, and I like it. I need a contemporary, urban setting in which the player will be able to move and take selfies in bursts. It's time to turn everything I've done so far upside-down. What I keep of the beautiful fantasy houses is only the roof, under which I draw an anonymous wall with a few windows. I would also like to put doors, from which I could perhaps go inside the houses, but I leave this idea aside, maybe I can implement in the end if I'll have some spare time (lol). I draw 3 urban backgrounds with houses, skyscrapers and a street. Now it's time for platforms and terrain tileset. If the urban backgrounds work well enough, the tileset is sad, but I move on. At the moment I have an idea that I like, and a handful of sprites. But the project on the Stencyl engine is completely empty, it's time to import the sprites and make them move.

The project comes to life
I import sprites, backgrounds and tilesets. I create an urban scene that I fill with what I have. The tileset is really sad, but I have to go on. I quickly do the part of the selfies saving a rectangular image around the player. It's very rough but it works. The problem is that I have an empty city with nothing to photograph. Taking selfies has never been so boring. It is necessary to create things with which to take selfies. So I draw hydrants, bushes, flowers. But I need "enemies". Dogs and cats are a natural choice, perhaps the only one in a normal urban environment. With so little time I won't be able to create any particular AI for the enemies, so I decide to go on with very simple things. One type of dog will only go back and forth, while another will run behind the player when it sees him. The cat sleeps always, and will get angry when the player gets close. But they are not enough, I need a flying enemy, and at least another enemy "on the ground" with a different type of movement: and here come bees and chickens, as well as a strange human/rabbit hidden in the bushes. I implement a system with lives for the player and a timer, the idea is to make as many selfies as possible in a given time. I still don't know what to do with selfies. It's midnight, alarm clock is set at 5:30AM so I go to sleep.

Second morning
For some reason the alarm clock refuses to go off so early on Sunday mornings, and I wake up at 7:30 AM. Nice start.
I feel quite pumped up, but I deflate as soon as I see my sad tileset. I can't leave it like this, no way, so I'll do it again from scratch. This time I like the result, and I feel ready to move on. I decide to make the selfies immediately visible and attach them on the top of the screen. I realize that I can't leave the possibility of taking selfies everywhere; the risk is a selfie-storm that fills the screen with photos that show nothing interesting. We need a system that makes selfies only if the player stands next to something that is "selfie worth", and a system that gives likes. I would like to implement a dynamic system of likes attribution, but time is running out, so number of likes will be fixed for each object. Then I limit the system so that you can only take one selfie for each item. At the moment the action always takes place in the same scene, which is very limited, so I add a couple of scenes. There are still too few things with which to take selfies, so I add spiders. But I need some more items. So I take up the sprites of the objects I made in the first hours, add a pedestal and place them in the scenes. Testing everything, I realize that timer is useless for the purpose of the game and I remove it. It's Midday, sandwich time  :P

The final run
The game seems nice enough, but it's completely mute. The moment I most feared has arrived. If doing some sound effects with Bfxr and Audacity is not too complicated, making music is terribly hard (for me, of course). I've never made music for my games and with good reason, I'm really bad in this. However, I am able to shoot down something, a repetitive and obsessive piece of music, not very good but better than having a silent game (in my opinion). Imported sounds and music into the project it's time to have a main menu. I draw the homepage of a hypothetical social media, with selfies of various people. Working a little, I get a nice thing. Now the final scene, which I fill with selfies taken during the gameplay and a simple writing that announces the value of your life in likes... simple simple. I notice during the final tests that every play is the same as the another one. Objects are always the same in the same place. I don't like it so I make them dynamic, now every game session has objects in different places. In the last few minutes I decided to add a question mark that goes up when a selfie goes blank and little flying hearts when we receive likes. At about Midnight it's all over, my LD44 entry is ready and sent.
Phew how exhausting!

Well if you've come this far, all you have to do is play  Life for Likes and have fun.


I am updating my games and I am having a weird issue with drawing events on Android.
Basically in a scrolling scene instead of drawing text a black area is shown.
Here is how it is supposed to work (and how it works on iOS, Mac and Flash):

Here how it looks on Android:

This is the code in draw event:

Another weird thing is that I tried to change drawing to screen space, black areas do not show if I type numbers in coordinates but the font is blurry (like it's being written many times):

but if I change coordinates using blocks (x on screen of self)  black areas are back:

I tried with several different fonts but with no luck


Are you ready for a new incredible sport?
Grand Mini Slam is coming to the App Store on May 1st: pre-order is open!

Beat all the opponents and reach the top of the rankings in the wackiest championship ever, explore many different courts and game modes and become a Grand Mini Slammer!

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

  • 30 different courts with special features and different themes including Playground, Desert and Transylvania
  • 2 Bonus Stages for Tie-Break and Checkpoints
  • Collect money to upgrade your skills or unlock new skins
  • Career Mode to climb the ranking and Random Game for infinite matches
  • Main texts available in 9 languages: English, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Simplified Chinese
Some screenshots:




We are proud to introduce SteamBall - an action steampunk  game.
Reach the top and become the hero of the steam age!

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Avoid spikes and learn how to destroy obstacles as you climb to the top of the craziest tower of the steampunk age, choose new scientist to upgrade your power and challenge your friends: who will be able to go higher?

  • Infinite challenging levels with increasing difficulties
  • Amazing pixel art
  • Intuitive one-touch controls
  • Simple and addicting gameplay

SteamBall is New Games we Love in the US, Europe and many other countries, if you give it a try let us know what you think!

Hi guys,
we are proud to announce that Forgotten Hill Mementoes, our latest adventure game, is available on the App Store and Google Play.

App Store:

Google Play:

Forgotten Hill Mementoes includes all the mini-games of the Memento series (so far available only on the web) plus a brand new - mobile exclusive - longer story called "Mischief night".

Get ready to start a dark journey inside the memory of Forgotten Hill and its most mysterious residents.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Forgotten Hill Mementoes features:
  • 5 different chapters set inside Forgotten Hill memory, including the brand new part - "Mischief Night"
  • attractive graphics that will completely involve you in the story
  • grotesque characters and a long compelling story
  • tons of puzzles and riddles to test your brain skills
  • all text and dialogues translated in 7 languages: english, spanish, portoguese, french, italian, russian and korean
  • our new exclusive hint system, if you are stuck a simple tap will provide you some help

Forgotten Hill Mementoes will be widely available for free with ads and 2 in-App purchase, one to remove ads and one to unlock all hints and remove advertisements.

Chit-Chat / Any native French speaker willing to help?
« on: October 20, 2017, 06:36:31 am »
Hello everyone!
I need a little help from a French native speaker, here is my "problem":
I'm used to localize my adventure games but the guy who usually made the French translations is taking a vacation (lucky him!), so I commissioned the job to another translator but the text he delivered is suspiciously similar to the one produced by Google Translate (more than 50% of sentences are identical, the rest - a part from a 2 or 3 sentences - differs only for a couple of words here and there).
Now, either Google Translator has become incredibly smart or the guy copied/paste the Google translator result and simply corrected the most evident mistakes.
Now my question: Is there in the Stencyl community a willing French speaker that could have a little read to the text and tell me if it  does make sense or if I should better trash it and have it remade by someone else?
Thanks a lot!

P.S. It's a rather short text, it's a list of around 50 sentences.

iPhone / iPad / Android / Pixel Volley - Featured on App Store!
« on: March 28, 2017, 06:51:38 am »
Hello everyone!
We took a short break from the horrors of Forgotten Hill and are about to release Pixel Volley - the craziest volleyball matches ever conceived!

Pixel Volley features:
  • more than 50 different characters to unlock
  • 4 tournaments with increasing level of difficulty
  • 2 different championships involving more than 30 different teams
  • endless free style games to train your skills with special online leaderboards
  • dozen of achievements to unlock

Here a short video trailer:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Pixel Volley will be soon released on iOS, hope to receive some love ;)

Ask a Question / [SOLVED]Prevent Android device from sleep (WakeLock)
« on: September 14, 2016, 12:04:25 am »
Hi there,
in the game I am working on it happens that the player is not required to touch the screen for some time, so I would like to avoid the device to sleep.
On iOS this happens by default, and I am sure that this was default on Android as well some builds ago, but now it sleeps after a while, even if WAKE.LOCK permission is set.
Android Utils has a "keep screen on" block but this extension is not working anymore for Stencyl 3.4+ (does not allow to build for Android).
Any hint on how to do this?
Thanks a lot!

iPhone / iPad / Android / Forgotten Hill: Puppeteer [iOS / Android ]
« on: July 04, 2016, 06:44:54 am »
Hi Everyone!
We are very proud to introduce our latest game, Forgotten Hill: Puppeteer, available on Google Play, iTunes Store and Amazone AppStore.

Face the mysteries of the Puppet Theatre and escape its horrors!
You ran off the horrors of the dreadful house of Forgotten Hill and are finally back to your car, just to find out that your girlfriend is not there anymore! Following the few clues she left, you find yourself inside a terrible and grotesque Puppet Theatre. Can you Survive?

Take this new challenging adventure in Forgotten Hill, solve intriguing puzzles, look for the clues hidden around the theatre and investigate the mystery to escape.

Here you can find a short teaser trailer:


Thanks a lot and we can't wait to hear your feedback :)

Francesco and Manuela
FM Studio

Bug Archives / AdMob Interstitial Crash on iPhone 4s
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:25:52 pm »
my iOS app is crashing when closing interstitial AdMob ad. Ads display correctly but the app crashes after dismissing. I already experienced this issue months ago, than it was resolved in build 9001. (,46190.msg258239.html#msg258239).
But now it's back again (I guess after updating AdMob iOs SDK).
This is quite a serious problem for me, I cannot test at the moment on a newer device so I am not sure if interstitial are working correctly at all. Tried to change advertiser, but UnityAds interstitial are crashing as well.
Attaching crash log, maybe can be of any help.

P.S. Sorry for posting this twice but I thought I may have posted in the wrong category.

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Smash Car Clicker
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:09:55 am »
Hi everyone!
I uploaded my latest  game on Stencyl Arcade, let me know what you think!

Smash Car Clicker


Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Mummy's Path and Castle of Terror
« on: October 01, 2014, 12:40:39 am »
Hi everyone!
I uploaded my latest 2 games on Stencyl Arcade, let me know what you think!

Mummy's Path

Castle of Terror


Ask a Question / Scale Mode issue on iOS (bug?)
« on: September 24, 2014, 10:06:34 am »
Hi everyone!
I have a weird problem with scale mode on iOS.
My game was made to fit well on tablets but it needs to be playable on phones too.
So I decided tu use the Scale to Fit (Letterbox) mode, so the game is not deformed and the whole play area is visible.
On Android this works good on every devices, sometimes black stripes are added on the short side, sometimes on the long one,  on some other device it fits perfectly.
But on iOS Letterboxing works as expected only on iPad and iPhone 4'' (tested on simulator) but it behaves as Scale to Fit (Fill) on 3,5'' devices: the longest side fits the sceen and the extra space is cropped (same behaviour in simulator and on my iPhone 4)
Switching to Scale to Fit (Fill) results in having the same opposite situation: crops part of the screen in iPads and iPhone 4'' and adds black stripes on iPhone 3,5''
Is this a bug of stencyl? Is there a way to fix it?

Thanks a lot!

Ask a Question / iOS Sponsorship - How to install sponsor's certificates?
« on: September 08, 2014, 10:28:51 am »
Hi everyone,
I an dealing with a sponsor who wants to license the mobile versions of my latest game. We have successfully found a deal for Android and I could deliver the app he will upload on Google Play under his own account without any problem.
Now he would like to have an iOS version as well.
He gave me a Distribution Certificate (.cer), his Developer Certificate, the p12 file and .mobileprovision files.
I installed certificate and am able to see the in KeyChain access (while I cannot see mobileprovisions in Xcode->Organizer...)
I tried exporting the app (that works perfectly in simulator) but it always fails giving me this error:
Code: [Select]
Code Sign error: No matching codesigning identity found: No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) matching “iPhone Developer” were found.
Do I have to login with my own Developer Account? And if I do it, than the sponsor will be able to upload the App under his account? Anybody else who got sponsopred for iOS can give me some help?

Thanks a lot!

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