Ask a Question / Re: Admob banner ads still not showing well?!
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:15:21 am »
Well, the TheIndieStation method working for me:
"When created
- Initialize Admob ads with app ID ....
- Reinitialize Admob banner
- DO AFTER 3 SECONDS (3 seconds was as low as I could go. Lower will result in the banner not showing up instantly in the next scene)
- - Switch to next scene ..."
(In the next scene)
When created
- Show Admob banner ad
Sometimes I put the Show Admob banner ad in the third+ screen just in case.
"When created
- Initialize Admob ads with app ID ....
- Reinitialize Admob banner
- DO AFTER 3 SECONDS (3 seconds was as low as I could go. Lower will result in the banner not showing up instantly in the next scene)
- - Switch to next scene ..."
(In the next scene)
When created
- Show Admob banner ad
Sometimes I put the Show Admob banner ad in the third+ screen just in case.