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Messages - Exotic Game Maker

Pages: 1 2 3
Ask a Question / Re: The game does not compile anymore
« on: May 10, 2017, 08:07:58 am »
does it give any errors? And try to clean your project!
Oh finally find it.I updated all my extensions to latest version and the log viewer showed "Multiple dex file found".
The only way to fix this issue is to completely remove the extension from workspace(engine-extensions) and Install it from Stencyl again, Clean the project and recompile the game.

Ask a Question / The game does not compile anymore
« on: May 08, 2017, 06:24:43 am »
As title said.Logs attached.

Chit-Chat / Re: good news everyone....
« on: February 28, 2017, 02:57:21 am »
This is wonderful! ;D

Hi robin. Adcolony extension by MAX is broken right now, Does Adcolony work in this extension?
However, can you take a time and update Adcolony extension?I have bought all the extensions in your market but I still need Adcolony and Tapjoy extensions separately, Thank you.=)

Hi, all supported network listed in first post works in this extension, so yes also Adcolony works, no need to have the separate extension, (does not works when the separate extension are enabled, does not compile).

For the update of the Adcolony extension, let me think about that... (Whats you offer ;) ).
I am the only one that makes advertising extensions at the moment and i have a lot now, that i also have to support.... I even thought about it to stop making extensions and support them, because i don't have the time, but i started so quitting is not an option :)
Ok thank you.=D

Update Available version 1.7 (see first post)

Support Mediation and Cross Promotion
This extension supports the following Networks.
*The networks SDK's are included in this extension, you don't need to enable the seperate extenions for those networks *
- Adcolony
- Admob
- AppLovin
- Chartboost
- Facebook Audience Network
- UnityAds
- Vungle

Documentation and Blocks
See wiki page:
Hi robin. Adcolony extension by MAX is broken right now, Does Adcolony work in this extension?
However, can you take a time and update Adcolony extension?I have bought all the extensions in your market but I still need Adcolony and Tapjoy extensions separately, Thank you.=)

Ask a Question / Re: does the 'load atlas with ID (number)" work?
« on: February 08, 2017, 04:34:44 am »
Hi. I have the same problem. This block is not working.

Ask a Question / Re: In app purchases for android
« on: January 29, 2017, 03:19:25 am »
I am currently working on an iap manager extension, but it will not be ready untill somewhere next week
Oh, it is great(Iap manager).=)))

Extensions / Re: Spine Skeleton Engine Extension byRobin v0.0.1
« on: January 21, 2017, 01:36:22 pm »
Wow!!!Thank you so much! I had been looking for this plugin for a long time. :D :D :D

Wow!Thank you so much.=D

Game Ideas / Re: SVG vector graphics rendering fun
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:10:29 pm »
Oh!It looks fantastic!

Any news about spine skeletal animation support?=(

Extensions / Re: Facebook Extension - HTML5
« on: December 31, 2016, 12:02:00 pm »
What a clean and polished plugin!;)

Ask a Question / The "Player can purchase goods" block does not response.
« on: October 26, 2016, 07:09:45 am »
Hi.I am testing my game in google play games and I published it on Beta channel.The "Player can purchase goods" block does not response , So I can't check the player can make purchase and save the return value in a Boolean.But If i don't use this block and directly purchase goods it works fine.Another weird thing is that after about 15-25 minutes The block starts to response and now I can use the "Player can purchase goods" block But If i remove the game and install it again I can't test the purchase unitl 15-25 minutes later!!!
So my question is that can I skip these block and Directly purchase goods without check"Player can purchase goods"?

Extensions / Re: Artificial Intelligence Tools Extension (Beta Release 6)
« on: October 25, 2016, 03:22:45 am »
Wow!I just meet this extension.I really need pathfinding extension.Thank you. :)

Extensions / Re: [IOS/Android] UnityAds Video and Rewarded Video (0.0.7)
« on: October 21, 2016, 06:52:34 am »
Ok Thank you.

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