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Topics - corbanwolf

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When I test game on flash I can see menu stages with all stages from 1 to 5. While testing on flash buttons from 2 to 5 are gray and unclickable. When I test on Android buttons from 2-5, well, there aren't buttons from 2-5. There is only one button number 1. Apart from that everything works good.

I am using Stencyl 9300


1. I am thinking about making an android app. Is there an option to save current state of game like high score and unblocked levels and achievements? Can I use built-in stencyl blocks or I have to use extensions?

2. Is it possible to set a timer or get a current date and time on the phone? In some games you got a timer like after 40min you will receive one extra live. Is there a way to do this? Extensions or built-in stencyl blocks?

3. When I purchase studio version of stencyl and purchase some extensions. Can I use them only in this one specific project or once purchased I can use them in all my future projects.

4.  How to set proper orientation of an android app. I mean. How to make an app being opened in horizontal orientation? It is made automatically or how to make this effect?

How to make an enemy not to be spawned again after once killing it. People advised me to use global maps. Could someone tell me how to do it?

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Werezombies2 - first amateur game
« on: April 29, 2018, 10:24:50 am »
The zombie apocalypse happened. One survivor was so lucky that by mistake found an opened door to sewers with bunker. Now he tried to get out and save others. Game is under development. Hopefully I will finish it someday.

Feel free to add ideas, report bug or advise.

WASD and arrow keys - up, left, down, right
FG and KL - attack and jump

Ver 0.002
-problems with HUD update
-problem with enemies falling off the tiles
-problem with attack collision
-crates receive damage when falling from height
-new enemy type
-map graphics
-player has no weapon untill finds one
-balance with attack, lifes etc

On one map I need to have an actor scaled several times. I mean I stretched it to be higher and wider. But it looks like code can get only original values. When I get "height" of an actor it gives original height as it is and also "position of Y" also returns Y as it wasn't stretched at all. Is there a way to access actual properties of actor which have been stretched in a scene?

Ask a Question / How to detect not collision?
« on: April 17, 2018, 02:31:53 am »
I want something to happen when player collides with one sensor. But right after they stop colliding, I want to happen something else. How to do that?

Ask a Question / [BUG] Bug with make collision shape a sensor BUG
« on: April 13, 2018, 04:31:32 pm »
I met a very strange bug.
Attachment 1.png
When I put make collision shape a sensor it maker it a sensor even if this part of code was never executed. You can see this in 1.gif. What I mean is this action is being executed separately even if the rest of code was never executed. No matter what. You can see in log that print dead enemy is print only when an enemy is dead. So the shape should be a sensor only when the command is being printed. As you can see, it becomes sensor without executing the rest of the code.

Attachment 2.png
You can see that when I disable this action (make a sensor) it never becomes a sensor. It proves that what I stated above is true. Please look also at 2.gif to see that it really is. I don't know if this problem exists only in my project, but it really is serious.


W and D - left, right
K and L - jump, attack
F1 - restart of stage

Please try gain 5LVL so you will see changed HUD. (best way is to kill the blue bug and then press F1)
There is only one stage so far. But coming more soon.
I will make more animations like jumping, landing, being hurt and maybe more attacks.
Those orange objects are actually fruits. I know they don't grow naturally in sewers. I needed to test gravity and if they perish.
I didn't notice the worm falling of the edge. It's because of ground is on different layer than the enemy.
The bed is as a heal point. Your HP is restored here. I think when I add some sound effects it will be clear ;o

Ask a Question / Game project posted in here?
« on: April 12, 2018, 12:29:00 pm »
Hey. Am I allowed to post my current game status? I need some advice and feedbacks on how to make my game more interesting?
Can I post it in here. I mean, in which category should I post it?
Can I post my actual game status anywhere? What if someone will decide to steal my resources and use them in their own purposes?

Ask a Question / Problem with same names of ghost actors?
« on: April 02, 2018, 03:49:09 am »
The problem occurs when:
You have an actor type (or whatever else) with certain name. For example "box"
Then you duplicate this actor type. So you have "box" and "box Copy"
When you delete "box", you have only "box Copy" left
When you want to change "box Copy" name to "box" it says that this name is already taken

Any solution here or way around?

How to make enemy goes from one edge of platform to another and never fall? I could place invisible actor that collides only with enemy that would prevent from falling, but this solution is not very mobile and versatile. I thought about collision shapes. But if right/left border isn't hit doesn't work.
just like this red tortoise doesn't fall off

Ask a Question / Any info/rumors about Stencyl 3.5.0 ver?
« on: March 04, 2018, 10:31:19 am »
The Stencyl 3.5.0 was planned to be released on late 2017, and now already 2 months of 2018 passed and there's still no news about the Stencyl update. Any rumors or info when it may be expected?

Ask a Question / Enemies don't appear after scene reload
« on: September 26, 2017, 04:45:45 pm »

I was wondering how to solve this problem. I want to create some enemies in one scene.  But once killed, I don't want them to show again when re-entering this scene. Of course I can use game attributes of type boolean. How each enemy is one game attribute. Is there a way to make it work different way?

Ask a Question / How to access [events] of actor using [behaviour] pointer?
« on: September 23, 2017, 04:36:24 am »
How can I access behaviour of actor if it has no behaviours? Can I access [events] as [behaviours]? I attach screenschot

I am working on pixels. And when I make collision shapes I have to use 800% view. In attached pic, I have 3 collision shapes. One is small rectangle on bottom. Rest 2 shapes are also rectangles, their x/y shapes and x/y dimensions are the same, they are in the same place but their groups are different. This small rectangle is under those 2 other shapes, so if I want to modify it, firstly I have to move other 2 shapes and then I can change it. How about adding list on the right of currently existing shapes, and reaching and selecting them there instead of clicking them in preview. Or simple copying all shapes from one animation to another?

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