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Messages - corbanwolf

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 15
If in every scene you have the type, you can just add this code to a player actor type

Plus it says it's not available in my country. UK here

It says it's not compatible with any of my devices. Also it says it needs to be android 4 or up, maybe that;s why

Ask a Question / Re: Is this actually optimising code at all?
« on: May 20, 2020, 12:24:19 pm »
Thanks for the explanation, you're right.

Ask a Question / Is this actually optimising code at all?
« on: May 20, 2020, 07:15:47 am »
Event always is being executed 100 times per one frame. That's a lot, and it gives good precision if you want to do something very quickly, but sometimes it may be heavy for a program and you don't need that good precision at all. Is it good to use block [do every 0.1 sec] instead of Always. Always is executed 100 per second, however if do every in this case only 10 times a second. Is this optimising code at all or running timer (I mean, every 0.1 is like a timer that runs infinitely) is more efficient?

How did you achieve to make them appear?
Basically making them disappearing is the same. You make if statement checking if mouse still hovering over an actor if not, then you delete the created actor. You can make a relation using ACTOR attribute. Just basically set Actor value to the created dialog and then delete that actor when mouse is not over a character.

Ask a Question / Re: Get device height?
« on: May 19, 2020, 11:34:11 am »
In block search just type screen, and you will find a block with screen size either height and width. And as @yoplalala said, it's good to use scalling mode so it will fit any screen automatically

Ask a Question / Re: Car Sounds
« on: May 19, 2020, 11:31:36 am »
What did I just say? Create another topic and provide more details as error logs, what system are you testing on and what changes did you make before it stopped to test successfully

Give us some more details. Did you try to test an empty game? Try to test in HTML5.

Ask a Question / Re: Car Sounds
« on: May 18, 2020, 05:23:04 pm »

Stencyl can be installed on various systems, and can build games on various systems. Everything is explained on their website. If you got any question, please check FAQ, maybe your question is answered there, and if not, you can ask on forum. But one question per one forum thread. Otherwise it's an off topic.

It's about attribute if I'm not mistaken. Probably you deleted or changed a name of something and some code dependant on it can't find it.

Or your code wants to load a value of attribute but the value hasn't been set yet. Analyze what changes you made to your game since last successful run and try to modify piece by piece to see where's the bug

Ask a Question / Re: Question about desktop screen size
« on: May 18, 2020, 09:23:42 am »
I could be wrong, but if your goal is fullscreen then it doesn't matter cuz the screen dimensions are various. But when you test your game is good to try different dimensions to see if HUD is aligned properly from screen borders. Here are some more scaling modes:

Chit-Chat / What inspired you to create games?
« on: May 16, 2020, 12:58:12 pm »
Hey. I'm making this topic so people can share their inspirations and reasons why they decided to become game developers. What games made you see a game as an art. What games you fell in love with for their climate, memories associated with them, music, graphics, younger years? Why you like making games? Is it because you can build a world are rules in it, an engine, a system of the game that works. It's like creating a world of your imagination. You draw characters, you add sound and you add code to make them look like they are alive, like they are real. They can fight, they can die, you can talk with them.

My fav games are:
SNES: Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Super Bomberman 5 (and all other versions), Super Mario World, Secret of Mana
NES: Kiwi Kraze, most Kunio-Kun games, Bubble Bobble 2, Chip n Dale (1 and 2),  Bonk's Adventure, Kick Master (love the music in this one)
PC: Terraria, Worms 4
I just like making games. Even tho I haven't released any, I got few projects and I work on them in my free time. I like drawing nice pixel art, them animate it by drawing animation frames/sprites, and then importing it to a game engine so I can control that character and draw enemies, draw silly enemies, or scary-looking. Add an exploration and progress system to unlock some secrets. I just got so many ideas for games that if I just didn't do anything in that direction I would see this as going to waste.

Share your experience guys

Ask a Question / Re: Car Sounds
« on: May 14, 2020, 06:03:12 pm »

It's good to start from really basics. Learn a bit of C++, just learn till basic functions, and that will be enough. All code whether it's C++ or the blocks like in Stencyl, they all base about true, false, 0, 1, if, etc. Just learn basic statements and you will be just fine dude :)

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