Chit-Chat / Re: Castle Pals console launch!
« on: June 12, 2020, 01:34:56 am »Consoles publishing is such a complicated process. While obviously it's possible in some way, actually getting a game through the QA process of each store and even having the connections to leverage to release at all, would be difficult to do without a publisher.
I know what you mean! And as I understand, currently porting to consoles means redoing the game from scratch in a different engine. This takes resources on part of the publisher - which is extra leverage in publishing negotiations, unfavourable to the developer.
Anyway, you guys have gone a long and hard way, congratulations!
In this case the publisher doesn't rebuild the game, I don't know the details but he ports the Stencyl code to his own engine that allows him to add the things needed for consoles.