UPDATE: It looks like what I'm trying to do is just too difficult/bothersome for Stencyl, so I'm going to try using another code base to build this. Thanks to all those who contacted me. You did some beautiful work and truly are the professionals you say you are.
Since nobody is willing to help me understand this for free, I'm offering to pay someone to write the code bits for me. They must not be copyrighted in anyway and can be freely distributed in any way I see fit.
I need to learn how to create text input fields and how to use them. I DO NOT LEARN BY ADVICE. I LEARN BY SEEING. I am offering to pay a person to write some example code that I can then use as I see fit.
Let's say someone has a list of things they wish to count, like below:
Thing A: # +
Thing B: # +
Thing C: # +
# = How many Things of type Letter, such as Thing A has 4 of it.
+ = A button they tap or click that creates an input field they can type a number into.
How do I make it so for example, I can tap on Thing B's + button and an input field pops up. If Thing B has 0 things of that type, then it saves the input as the number typed in. If Thing B already has a few things of that type, then it takes the current number of things and adds my new inputted value to it to give me a new total amount of things of that type. Example:
Thing A: 0 + <--- User clicks + button, input field pops up, they type 6, and 6 is saved
Thing B: 3 +
Thing C: 10 +
List now looks like:
Thing A: 6 +
Thing B: 3 +
Thing C: 10 +
Thing A: 0 +
Thing B: 3 + <--- User clicks + button, input field pops up, they type 3, 3 is added to original value, saved as 6
Thing C: 10 +
List now looks like:
Thing A: 0 +
Thing B: 6 +
Thing C: 10 +
I then need code that can read the values for Thing A, Thing B, and Thing C and print them on screen as example:
Thing A: 0 +
Thing B: 3 +
Thing C: 10 +
I need this code to be as simple and straight forward as possible. It needs to be usable in any game/app just by customizing the list names (Thing A, Thing B, etc.) and whatnot. I need to be allowed to show this code to anyone for any reason. I will gladly credit the creator of this code in any code I use it for.
Someone please be willing to take this job and tell me how much you'd like me to pay you for this code and we'll go from there.
Thank you.