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Topics - cgilbertson

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Xcode - can't build project
« on: July 22, 2021, 07:50:56 pm »
I've published my game as an Xcode project, and I'm trying to build my game in Xcode now, but I keep getting met with an error pretty quickly. I'm making sure to open Xcode via Stencyl, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. What might I be doing wrong?

attaching logs! Thank you!! :)

Ask a Question / Can't generate APK - unity ads?
« on: July 21, 2021, 06:06:39 am »
I'm trying to generate an apk, but I'm running into some trouble. I think it may have to do with unity ads, but I'm unsure.
I'm attaching my logs below. I'd appreciate any help or guidance!!

Thanks so much :)

Ask a Question / APK won't generate
« on: February 08, 2021, 02:42:29 pm »
I'm trying to export an apk for my game, and yet I keep running into some sort of errors that I don't quite understand. Any suggestions? I'm attaching my logs.


Ask a Question / In App Purchases iOS
« on: November 18, 2020, 07:48:39 am »
I've enabled IAP for my game, and they work just fine, but I'm noticing a small delay.
When I press  the "buy a life" button, the sandbox mode appears with a purchase button via apple pay. The problem I'm noticing though is that there is a significant amount of time that goes by between pressing the "buy a life" button snd the sandbox apple pay window appearing. The delay is multiple seconds. Is this typical? Will this occur for the user as well, or is this purely a sandbox glitch?

I also notice a significant delay on the backend of the IAP. After completing the purchase, a little sandbox window pops up saying the purchase was successful. Yet again though, this little sandbox window doesn't appear until multiple seconds (around 10-20) have passed since the purchase has been completed. The problem here is that the IAP won't register for gameplay until after the sandbox window "purchase successful" has appeared., so 20 sec go by before the player would be able to play with their tap, and then they're interrupted by sandbox during gameplay. Is this typical as well? Is it purely a sandbox problem but won't carry over to actual IAP upon publishing?


Ask a Question / Black Screen after Launch/Splash Screen
« on: November 08, 2020, 07:34:54 am »
When I launch my app, there isn't a smooth transition between the launch screen and the opening screen of my app. It appears that there's the launch screen, then a flash of a black screen, and then my opening screen. I've tried an array of things, including working on my atlases. Any suggestions @colburt187? Thanks! @justin
(Attaching logs)

Ask a Question / Not saving, not running
« on: November 04, 2020, 01:06:42 pm »
Having a bit of an issue with b10655. Attaching logs - any suggestions? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

Ask a Question / Apple Privacy Policy
« on: November 03, 2020, 11:03:06 am »
I'm getting ready to submit my game to Apple, and I'm having some trouble creating the required privacy policy.
I'm not sure what format to use, nor what information to include. Does anyone have a template or sample privacy policy or any guidance they might be able to offer?

My game uses ad-mob for advertisements, Game-Center for a leaderboard feature, in-app purchases to gain an extra life for the endless runner game, and requests access to one's network in efforts to connect to Game Center and IAPs. Other than that, I'm not gathering any other data intentionally. Is there any data Stencyl collects? Is there any data that Stencyl has me collect? What kind of data might I be collecting unintentionally? What else might I need to include?

Thank you!!!

Ask a Question / New Stencyl Build won't launch to Xcode
« on: November 03, 2020, 10:46:37 am »
Stencyl build 10654 won't allow me to launch Xcode

Attaching logs below


Ask a Question / Help - Game won't start, files gone
« on: October 27, 2020, 02:11:38 pm »
I updated Java, restarted my computer, and when it turned back on, Stencyl's application was gone. It was only an alias that I could click on. I redownloaded Stencyl, and once I was able to open it, I saw my game. But now, I'm unable to run my game, and it seems that many files have disappeared.
I'm terrified that I've somehow inadvertently lost a bunch of data, and I'm not even sure how I could've possibly done so.
Attaching logs -
Thank you!

Ask a Question / Leaderboard Scores
« on: October 21, 2020, 10:04:39 am »
I've created a leaderboard for my game, and when I'm testing my game, the leaderboard shows up. However, it doesn't have any scores, and when I achieve a high score while testing, the high score doesn't seem to submit to the leaderboard. I've tried logging into game center and achieving high scores under my own game center id as well as my sandbox game center id, but still, no scores seem to be submitting to game center. When I check the leaderboard, it continues to say there are 0 players. Any advice?

Ask a Question / Leaderboard
« on: October 20, 2020, 02:06:39 pm »
I'm trying to incorporate a leaderboard into my game, but I'm having some trouble.

 I have an Apple Developer account, a Sandbox tester account, and within my app on Apple Developer, I've designated that I'd like a recurring leaderboard for high scores. I selected the options presented to me (i.e. named it, assigned it an ID, set it to Best Score High-Low, integers format, singular and plural suffixes, and duration of the board before it resets).

Within Stencyl, I have the player connect to Game Center. I know this connection is happening, as when I open the app, a Game Center banner appears telling me I've connected.  I then have a leaderboard button on my main menu, which directs the player to a scene that I have designated the leaderboard scene. In my events for this scene, I have: "When game center is started: show leaderboard for [my leaderboard's ID]"

When I test this out though, and I reach the scene for leaderboard, nothing displays other than the background of the scene. There is no sign of a leaderboard. Furthermore, when I achieve a high score, it does not seem as though my game is sending the high score to game center.

Am I missing a step? Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Thanks so much for your help!!

Ask a Question / Xcode and iOS
« on: October 20, 2020, 01:58:49 pm »
Ever since updating my iPhone to iOS 14, I have had an error in my logs when trying to test my game on my phone.  I'm able to run my game, but I'm met with this error (see below) in my logs, and I think it may be affecting aspects of my game.  I've updated Xcode to 12.1 and iOS to 14.1, both of which seem to be the most recent updates available.  Does anyone have any suggestions about how to solve this problem? Thank you!!

[ios-deploy] 2020-10-20 13:57:50.438 ios-deploy[14795:403108] [ !! ] Error 0xe8000022: The service is invalid. AMDeviceSecureStartService(device, CFSTR(""), NULL, &con)[/color]
[ios-deploy] [ 95%] Developer disk image mounted successfully
[ios-deploy] [  0%] Looking up developer disk image

(@justin - I attached my logs for reference if that helps!! Thank you!)

Ask a Question / Scaling
« on: September 29, 2020, 02:47:53 pm »
I'm in the process of making a game for iOS and Android. Stencylpedia says to build your game in 480x320 mode so it can scale from there. I've imported everything at 4x scale and all looks good on that front.
However, since modern day phones are much bigger than 480x320, and vary in ratios from phone to phone, I'm finding that even with enabling scaling, my game often looks funny in different phone simulators. Regardless of the method I select (scale to fill fullscreen, letterbox, etc.), the game is either cut off on the sides, or too small in and not taking advantage of a phone's entire screen.

Should I rebuild my game larger than 480x320? if so, what size? Or is there another solution I should look to?

Pages: 1