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Messages - mdotedot

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Extensions / Re: Colyseus Extension [Public Beta]
« on: May 30, 2022, 12:47:24 pm »
1. my focus isn't that much on Stencyl lately
2. I don't have a subscription anymore so I can't download latest stencyl.
3. propably the HaXe version has changed that causes errors
4. The errors are coming from the haxe code from Colyseus. Maybe you can copy the 'new' versions over:
But the github hasn't been changed the last 14 months .. so you might need to reach out to the colyseus people.

If the errors are coming from the 'main' directory like  in the files StencylRoom for instance, then it is 'my' code and then I would need the latest version to test and again that will not be possible..

Hope you can find a solution.


Extensions / Re: [Stencyl 3.5] Image / Actor shaders
« on: June 04, 2021, 05:17:02 am »
Upload the example .stencyl file so I can see what you are attempting to do.

The results are in:

Overall: 512th (3.375 average from 74 ratings)
Fun: 523rd (3.225 average from 73 ratings)
Innovation: 34th (4.271 average from 74 ratings)
Theme: 452nd (3.57 average from 73 ratings)
Graphics: 515th (3.347 average from 74 ratings)
Audio: 651st (2.519 average from 56 ratings)
Humor: 169th (3.315 average from 67 ratings)
Mood: 487th (3.185 average from 67 ratings)

A Developers Journal / Post Mortem.

My ludum dare participation wend incredible well this time.
You propably know that I like to do things that shouldn't be done and this time this way of doing seems to work out nicely.
Initially I wanted to have another theme like hidden worlds or Lost Signal / split in two. But it was Deeper and Deeper.
Directly I had an idea about (deep)voice control. But how can I get that?

After the first hours I had audio recording but I could not figure out how to get the pitch from the recorded WAV file.
During game play I could save the recorded data to my server and use Linux tools to inspect this.
That would have been a way forward but I wanted to have realtime feedback. After some investigation I found out
that there are some Javascript stuff to get real data from a stream. BINGO.

After some tweaks to find out what the 'notes' are I found out that the frequency was the thing that made everything much better.

So on Saturday morning I had the game mechanic in place. The rest of the day (till 04:00) I worked on the animations.
Last week I installed Aseprite and had some experience with it.
That tool is sooooo much better than my previous experience with GIMP.
I could work with layers so much faster and I found out that I could use Remote Desktop on my Samsung Tab Note 7 plus.
So I had pen control. Some of you might know that I make 'regular art' and using the pen on my Tab made drawing so much more efficient with the computer.
Previous attempts where with scanning regular drawings and I lost the line-work  with it and spending time on drawing and then fixing things on the computer afterwards was not very efficient.

Using some references online I could select frames from regular animations and draw them. This wend very well and at the end of the day I had a lot of animations and other artwork ready.

Sunday was all about getting the right pitch for the game play. I needed to tweak the input to be more forgiving. No input wend from high/low frequency to 0 in an instant.
If I would have had a character following that inputpath they would surely crash into the ground immediately.
So tweaking this data took a few hours.

Next was to make it multiplayer. Oh boy that was another challenge. After a few hours it boiled down to the fact that in order to get audio input I had to make a secure (HTTPS) connection to the server.
But frustrating enough that requirement didn't uphold on my 'localhost' execution when testing the stencyl game.
On localhost you can have audio input and do client to server communications on a non-secure protocol. But once I uploaded a built to test on my server that failed. You cannot mix secure and non-secure protocols !!!
That TESTing was what I learned on previous jams. When you make everything on your local system it could fail missarably on a server. Past experience was with 3D assets that loaded differently.

So fail faster was here the thing that rescued me.

Conclusion : don't mix https with non-secure websockets. I didn't want to investigate in making the websockets secure. I know that it can be done but I didn't want to spend all Sunday making/fixing this.

That resulted in the way that I had four character-animations and I could have made the game with just one. So I decided to have the four characters be selected during the start of the game.

Adding all the assets together was prety straight-forward. (But as you all know : takes time) And on Sunday afternoon I had:

  • Character Selection Menu
  • Character control
  • Object spawning (cow, windmill, kite and airplane)
  • Different heights of the object spawning and using the wave behavior

At that time (Sunday 18:00) I wanted to have some audio in the game and I recorded lots of things with my voice to be added into the game.
Unfortunately I couldn't get audio to play. I think that is caused by having the audio channels 'blocked' by the recording.
I believe I should be able to adjust this, but, again at that time I felt that I should not bother to touch the working code.

The remainder of the time I spend on making the -test-for-audio- in HTML and make according scenes to give the player chance to turn on their audio. A audio recording bar would indicate the level of input to the player and they can start playing.

I wanted to make a death animation and a nice 'Loser' / 'Winner' screen but the time was running out and I selected for one scene that had either one of the results in them.

Two hours or so before the deadline I completed the LD page and wend to bed.

The next morning I was surprised with the great feedback I received and most people seem to enjoy my entry. WOW very excited!
On Monday afternoon I had already received enough ratings to be given a score at the end of the compo. How cool is that!

If you are doing a LD yourself I would greatly appreciate a vote/comment from you on my LD page (I will certainly comment/rate yours if you post me your LD page)

I will be updating this post with the result I will get. (22 days from now)

Extensions / Re: Physics Tools Extension (Beta Release 4)
« on: April 27, 2021, 03:35:01 am »
Hi Merrak,

Today I wanted to use your awesome toolkit again for a NON-phyisics game. Yeah I know that this is a physics tools extension.
But I could really use the flightTime component. That gave an error.

It is caused by the gravity being 0.0.

I have made some changes:
Code: [Select]
// 1. Figure out the needed horizontal velocity.
var arcHeight:Float = Math.abs( x2 - x1 ) * Math.tan( -1 * angle * Math.PI / 180 )+0.01; // M.E. : avoid infinity / divide by zero later on


// 2. Quadratic Formula
var a:Float = gy == 0.0 ? 0.01  : 0.5 / gy; // M.E. : infinity check (divide by zero)


// 3. Find number of steps to reach target's height
a = gy == 0.0 ? 0.01  : 0.5 / gy; // M.E. : infinity check (divide by zero)


Maybe I should change the 0.01 to a lower number, but you are the math-wizard and let you decide.

Ask a Question / Re: There are no extensions
« on: March 01, 2021, 07:12:08 pm »,15063.0.html

You could also use a code block (Flow->Advanced)

like so:

Look for more code options here:

Ask a Question / Re: How to apply shaders to specific layers
« on: February 16, 2021, 06:07:54 am »
The Image/Actor shaders work on images and actors (like the title says :)  )
So you could create a large actor and apply such effect on it. But you would need to investigate and trial and error with the shader code. And be aware : shader code is not easy!

(background) layers might be effected by the scene shaders.

I want so many things. Most things I want need to be paid for.

If you are looking for advice how to do it by yourself : learn server side scripting

You can't do what you want if you don't control the server-side. Be it a docker, vm or private server.
You could run things from your local computer(s) but you need administrative access on your router.
And of course the computer you run, as a server, should be on all the time you want to run the service for your game.

If you want someone to make this you propably should provide more information,
because I estimate that you are only looking at a solution that MIGHT work for your idea. Depending on the reason you
need this there are propably much better solutions than a textfile that only one game at a time can access.

You can also run some examples from my extension list. Maybe something that is there will help you:

Ask a Question / Re: communications with a server
« on: February 09, 2021, 05:42:42 am »
That depends on so many factors. You really should be very exact what you are trying to do.
Most colyseus multiplayer examples run from your local computer to a server on the world wide web.
(ColyseusTickTacToe for instance)

To have us help you need to give error/warning messages. 'nothing works for me' is not very explanatory!

If you mean the visit url block then depending on the URL and the location of the files you might receive CORS message.

Check the console for these. (Right Mouse Click on Chrome, select Inspect and navigate to console output)
If you have CORS message you need special file on the server that allows navigation. Otherwise you can only access pages on the same server.

Shared Resources / Playing Cards Resources
« on: January 26, 2021, 12:01:04 am »

Ginge on the discord chat made a Cards game. He gave permission to post this here.

Download Cards Stencyl file

His discord post:


The code contains:
- a deck of cards (images from imported as distinct animations on a single actor
- code to set up a Deck as a list and generate the 52 actors
- a shuffle function
- the ability to click and drag cards around the screen
- the ability to flip a card (or all cards) over
- and some Debug codes:
     - Space spreads the cards out to view them all based on their order in the Deck list
     - Enter triggers the "flip" event in all cards
     - Tab sends all the cards to a stack in the top left corner and flips them facedown
     - Up shuffles the deck again.
     - Note: If you press Up followed by Space, the cards will reorganize
                   themselves to the new shuffle
Cards keep track of their suit and their value. This allows the code to switch between the facedown animation and their correct faceup animation. Additionally, that would be useful as separate Attributes for games such as Solitaire, War, etc when you need to compare values
Future things to add:
- "Piles" as a set of facedown cards
- a "Draw" function that takes the top card of a Pile. It can either go to a display spot on the table (a la Texas Hold'em Poker or Solitaire) or into a "Hand" list
- a "Stack" of cards that moves together. If you grab at one card, it will drag all cards stacked on top of it with you, but leave the ones behind that card.
- Might add the option for the Deck to actually contain multiple copies of the full deck of cards as some games call for 2-4 decks to be mixed together.
Some Card Resources:

Poker Extension
Cards question
Cards game by LIBERADO
drag drop 1 actor

Journals / Re: Merrak's Non-Isometric Adventures -- Planar Programming
« on: January 10, 2021, 12:15:25 am »
Solution: make an editor so that bad players like m.e. can remove some enemies :)

Journals / Re: Merrak's Non-Isometric Adventures -- Planar Programming
« on: January 09, 2021, 04:26:26 am »
Hi Merrak,

This devlog is kind of a DESignerLOG.
Quite some interesting points you mention.
Especially the part regarding grinding and number-crunching.
Did you make a roadmap to implement the design or do these design things come like a design iteration?
I kind of heard that you programmed an ability to throw while running in combination with the boss.
What was first, the boss or the mechanic?
Previously I mentioned that I very like your design of replay of the level in order to find/gain more points.
As a player I like it better when this information is presented graphically instead of numbers.
Also it would be cool if the replay had a little bit different things to experience. Another npc animation or stuff like that.
But I also mentioned playing 'backwards' (from the end to the beginning) to have a different take on the level.
Another approach could be that you present some secret doors,caves or hiding places to find things that give you the experience points when you are not a very good platformer.
My estimation is that I will be not able to beat most levels with even the required experience points to read a book.
I would fail too frequent to accomplish this and then out of frustration would stop playing the game.
If there would be an alternate way of (re)play the level to gain the experience point it could help me.
All this is with the estimation that I wouldn't reach the experience points needed, so when I get the alpha/beta playability it could be different.

Kind regards from

Journals / Re: Merrak's Non-Isometric Adventures -- Planar Programming
« on: December 18, 2020, 07:57:15 am »
Awesome devlog once again.

The statemanager looks a lot better than the previous lengthly behavior.

I was wondering what you meant by 'copy/pasting' code?! It was in the part where you talked about the Tick.
Isn't that something that a global block can help you with? Or do you think that it makes the code more difficult to read?!

Also I think it would be great if you could indeed talk about performance.
Sometimes people on the forum or on discord do things in the update event like spawning 'every x ' blocks etc..
Also some people are cautious about using booleans because they think it would generate slower code. Tips&Tricks to debug are also things that I think a lot of people would benefit from.
I have seen that you used tools like hxScout.
I personally had a hard time to 'read' the information that hxScout showed me. Especially where I could zoom into the  processing part of the code. Most of the time the memory and rendering stuff appears and 'clutters' the view from the part that I really wanted to debug.
You talked about hxScout in your IsoMetric Adventure (page 34) so maybe you can talk about this in an upcoming devlog?!

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: GoldSpace (Working title: Space Pirate)
« on: December 03, 2020, 10:19:40 pm »
" 545th stable build of the game i released after 6 years"

Congratulations !!!

I've played the latest beta on windows and enjoyed it (maybe I enjoyed it more using the cheatcode :D )
The hacking terminals are a treat as always. The enemies are well spread. I personally don't like to follow dialogue but at least the first hijacking didn't require knowledge provided by the npcs.

The amount of work you have put in really shines. Tiny little things I saw you made over the years made me smile.
You really had the perseverance to continue to work on this project and I applaud you for it!

I've followed along with your devlog and it is inspring!
Thank you for all your effort in keeping this devlog up to date. It was a treat to follow your progress and decisions.

Journals / Re: Merrak's Non-Isometric Adventures -- Planar Programming
« on: November 13, 2020, 11:32:14 pm »
Hey Merrak,

Great devlog as always.

Thank you for working on your animation/state manager.

As you may know I'm investigating this myself.

The 'standard' animation manager from the jump and run-kit works fine for non-interactive objects and when you don't have a lot of states.

I've hit on the animation manager problem on two projects that involved:
  • Animation sequence involving multiple actors
  • Switching animation during an animation

When you have an animation sequence where you for instance push a rock. Ideal you go from idle/stand position to a push behavior.
Then you move the actor and you need to check if the actor really 'hits' the other actor and then the rock needs to move in sequence of the push animation.

When the player holds down the direction key the push animation shouldn't become an Idle/Stand but keep on pushing. But when the player does  not hold the direction key the animation should go to 'from push to idle'.
And then when you are in the animation sequence of going from push to idle and during that animation the player hits the direction button again it should go back to the push animation sequence.
That applies to turning around as well while in push state. The rock should be going to the direction it needs to go (tile based) and the player could move away.

My approach wasn't behavior-based. And I'm not sure if that is the right direction for me to take.

Do After blocks indeed are problematic. (Especially with the slide block from Stencyl which has duration and using do after that duration )

Change-State-Matrix is something I was thinking about, but I'm not sure if that is the right approach.

I'm thinking of a more frame-based approach but I still do not have code to back it up.

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