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Messages - andyvene

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Extensions / Re: !!!! Ojya Leaderboard Facebook Extension !!!!
« on: August 27, 2015, 09:09:36 am »

Extensions / Re: !!!! Ojya Leaderboard Facebook Extension !!!!
« on: August 27, 2015, 08:28:09 am »
Yes i know. I waited a long for a Facebook extension like this and i had to do it my self at the end.
 My cousin was developing our game to come out soon and i was developing the Facebook part.
Yes i think from Stencyl was missing a feature like this.

In a few minutes site will be updated.......   

Extensions / Re: !!!! Ojya Leaderboard Facebook Extension !!!!
« on: August 27, 2015, 03:38:51 am »
We are making some updates. Wait for the site again

Ojya Leaderboard Facebook Extension
for iOS and Android
(extension and game-kit)

Developed for pure gaming experience !

All developers update to latest version ,
as from July 2019 facebook depreciates important calls.

Facebook API 13   

The best Facebook Extension for Stencyl
for Leaderboard creation and Facebook general use

*** Error free score mechanism ***

***Easy to import our leaderboard to your existing game***

Interact with Facebook players, share levels,scores and bonus.
Increase the playability of your game.
Advanced offline-online gaming
Design powerful Facebook leaderboards
Using only Facebook server or SQL-database for scores

Fully working since January 2015 !

Finally  Facebook OpenGraph Scores   -  Levels/Scores/bonus  share with friends. (Not only score)
This was a wish of  many Facebook Game Developers asked from Facebook and never happened before.
Now all the complex logic mechanism of handling levels and scores is inside a STENCYL behaviour.
(online and offline handling of levels/scores , backup scores, comparing mechanism of local scores and internet scores)

Post to facebook timeline game celebration or challenges to other players
Please consider the sample game as a help to build your own leaderboard using the Extension or modificate ours for your needs

As you may know games like Candy Crash or many other games have these success not only for the game play but because users challenge friends with the facebook , sending helps and posting scores. And of course you may see a map of your friends score on your leaderboard.
The extension now has all the features a game developer could ask, for making a powerful leaderboard and connect all players together.
Of course you can use this extension only to post on Facebook timeline Images and info, without using the leaderboard part in your game

Now you can:  1.  Install your application and Login in facebook with permissions, so you
                                      can post scores, post stories and interact with your facebook friends.
                                      THE MOST IMPORTANT for gaming !

                                 2.  Get the level-scores and bonus of players that play the game.

                                 3.  Share bonus or any game item you like with your friends: ask, give and get actions.

                                 4.  Challenge friends and posting score ,images and information on their facebook timeline.
                                 5.  Celebrate a victory with Opengraph Action and post to timeline, small or large image.
                                                     With game score information, link and tags.

                                 6.  Support for multiple Facebook user accounts  playing online and offline,
                                                     and saving score information.

                                 7.  There is also, above the specific blocks of certain Facebook functions,  a general block that
                                      you can write your own facebook graph api call  in stencyl.

                                 8.  And last the NEW Open Graph Level Scores with a logic mechanism build inside Stencyl.
                                               a. Create for first time  or update existing level-scores in Facebook server
                                                                  or SQL database
                                               b. Save all the scores also in local device.
                                               c. Play the game and post scores offline if there is no connection, and post later
                                                                  when the user is connected.
                                               d. Compare and join the scores of the local devices and server scores with an
                                                                  option if the user wants to keep only the highest score of that level.
                                                e. With the level and scores you can post also bonus achievement that
                                                                    your friends can see. - ex: Level 1 with (Score:2000 Bonus:20)
                                                f. Error-free score mechanism and advanced off line gaming that understands
                                                                 every possible game condition, no internet, slow response, multiple attempts of
                                                                 getting the response etc...
                                                g. Two leaderboard Maps. One for each level where the Facebook user's icon follow the
                                                                   path , and one map with all the levels of the game.

The OjyaLeaderboard game is a finished , leaderboard. Every gaming aspect and every possible playing situation is taken in consideration.

The facebook setup with the Facebook API 2.8 and above is really plug and play . Only 3 attributes.
And now in Version 10 you can setup easily the FTP and SQL connection , to take advantage of the new features.

In the game there are also blocks and code that you will find really useful for your games in general!
The extension will have a code,password that will be sent with an email to you and with a link to download the extension.
Inside the zip file you get also 2 PDFs. One for the complete installation and main setup of facebook, ftp and SQL (if choosed).
The second pdf shows how the blocks of scores , sharing game-items and post to timeline works.
Please, follow always the Facebook policies that may change.

OjyaLeaderboard extension open the gates to Facebook for Stencyl, and uses the authentic calls of Facebook and the original SDKs. The app review by Facebook concerns only the developer of the game. Use our blocks following Facebook policy in respect with the current API.
See inside our PDF for how to obtain easily the app review by facebook

From July 2019 and using facebook API 3.3 , you need to have a web-hosting service with ftp and sql access , using sql-scores.
Facebook has depreciated the function Ojyaleaderboard was using for the scores.
Although, it is more professional and secure to use an SQL-database for the scores. And it is very simple and automatic to setup the sql-database using Ojyaleaderboard.

Last update in  16 February  2021
The extension is tested with Stencyl  3.4.0 build 9300 , Stencyl 4.0.4 and Stencyl 4.1.0.
Facebook iOS and Android SDK v8
Tested with latest Facebook API v13                                                                                                  Version 13a
Compatible with iOS and Android                                                                                                          32 euros
I will support the extension ofcourse and will be updated often.                         

Thanks you and good developing with Stencyl!                                           
Ojya Games

Please visit our site to get the extension and the game, and for details of how to use it.  OjyaGames site

Youtube Channel
Youtube :
Youtube Post Challenge new version :

Define the Facebook App :
Import game Kit :
Play the Game Kit V5 :

Change the two map leaderboard path graphics :


Extension Ideas / Re: [Unsupported] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: April 02, 2015, 02:46:47 pm »
Guys stay tuned. I have a completely new extension that works now for 1 month for iOS and android. Made it for my game.
Name of Extension OjyaLeaderboards.
New code and updated  from the begging with compiling.   Fully working for Stencyl 3.2.
 Futures:  Automatic Facebook app install-login with permissions for gaming , Graph requests, Requests for Facebook bonus-lifes you name it , send,ask,turn, Challenge friends , callbacks-Json extract infos , Scores and the most important blocks and also custom blocks that make the extension plug and play.
And more,  a 2d candy crash style Leaderboard with Photos of Facebook friends and score.
But now with 3.3  made it work for iOS but Android crashes. So one has to use 3.2 and 3.3 for iOS and only 3.2 for android. For the moment.
I am happy that works with 3.2 (and 3.3 for iOS)  i will try also support it.
I think to charge just 2 cup of coffees as i hope you can appreciate  how it works,  the futures in it and the hard working of making it.
Please give me time as i have to set some things and see of course the 3.3 android problem.

I had ready an extension using :    import.nme.JNI   and import me.Lib  with Stencyl3.2

Please, can anybody tell me what to use now with 3.3.  The right path. ( have to use lime , openfl or  openfl.utils. .....   syntax. Please tell me the exact path.)


Extension Ideas / Re: [Unsupported] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: November 21, 2014, 02:09:54 pm »
Facebook implementation = more users = more revenue for developers = more sells for Stencyl   ...simple!

Ask a Question / Re: Stencyl 3.2 !?
« on: November 20, 2014, 07:30:29 am »
please i would like to notify that as you know Stencyl loads images from url if  url ends to " .jpg "
Now Facebook has changed the image profile url to  " .jpg?oh=43434987 ..."
So there is no .jpg at the end.
Stencyl cannot download the image from that URL
Can you make it change in next release 3.2 or if there is a workaround?
Also for Facebook support please let us have only a token retrieve block. Nothing else maters. All the other stuff can be done inside stencyl also right now by the user with http get and post.

Extension Ideas / Re: [Android & iOS] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: August 23, 2014, 04:35:22 am »
Hi there,

someone managed to use the functions to read data from the player data and friends?
lists always return with null.

sorry for my English.

The GRAPH_request s  inside code doesn't work. So impossible to post score or read friends or personal data.
All the blocks works great and they give response back but there is no communication with FB SDK.
The only thing that communicates is FB DIALOG. This actually popup a dialog and than posts to Facebook timeline.

Extension Ideas / Re: [Android & iOS] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: August 21, 2014, 12:59:34 am »
Andrew, david is the guy who made the plugin. Im just using it and im not exactly sure how it works. The plugin was working perfectly for stencyl 3.0, due to the new admob sdk all of us have had to move to stencyl 3.2 and now there are some compatibility issues. The only progress ive made so far for 3.2 is that there are no compile errors, but the facebook post dialogue doesnt appear when the post block is called within stencyl.

David is the only guy who can help out ATM. Lets hope he finds time to get this up n running.

Hello Z.  Thanks for you reply.  Actually the post block works for me.  I am with Stencyl 3.1. 
The thing that doesn't work is when you make a direct request lets say post score or graph/Me. 
There is no response.  Either  method I use Post or Get. 

As far as I understood is that there is a problem not with the modules other guys have created in this forum like GET PLAYER DATA OR GET FRIENDS DATA  from a user like us in this forum or post score from another user also , But I think there is no communication with FB sdk. Or other module.
  The POST dialog that works is BECAUSE the login and the post is made within the browser dialog that appears.   The dialog that appears is a real browser.  actually you can navigate in pages.
So I think we have to search deeper. 
I mean between hypfacebook.hx and actually where the actions go. 
@cpp and @inij are the connections direct to facebook sdk commands like Fbaccesstoken etc of the facebook sdk.

Hope to make it work.  Actually I only need to take the token. 
Cause inside stencyl I just created a fully working post a share score ,challenge and full leaderboard design like candy crash.  The only thing is that I take my token and  with a php site automatic to stencyl and all is working really great. 
But I won't to get rid of the site for the token. 


Extension Ideas / Re: [Android & iOS] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: August 20, 2014, 04:00:30 pm »
I have a build coming up in 10 days, would really appreciate an update for 3.2 , dont wanna release without it. Willing to help anyway i can. All the best,


Hello Z,
please can you tell me if you can make work a GRAPH REQUEST /ME and have the response back with the listener ?
For me doesn't work.
The response in stencil works if i give a variable of mine like "HELLO". But it doesn't work with      _myvar = event.sResult.
Is always null. So i think the GRAPH response or actually POST is doing nothing.
I am working on iOS.
Maybe there is a problem with the hypfacebook and Facebook sdk etc......
I mean the Haxe code in facebookextension.hx works really great and gives results back in stencil.
I would appreciate your help. I followed all the steps as you said before to install macros etc. No compile errors.


One other thing for ios. in the file Hypfacebook.hx
I saw that for iOS the all the @CPPs        are defined       @CPP("HypFacebook") for all functions.
instead for android is defined @JNI("fr.hyperfiction.HypFacebook","connect") for each function different.

This must be wrong for iOS.  How application understand which function is for which ?

Please if you can help me David or Z.

Extension Ideas / Re: [Android & iOS] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: August 20, 2014, 02:32:56 pm »
I have a build coming up in 10 days, would really appreciate an update for 3.2 , dont wanna release without it. Willing to help anyway i can. All the best,


Hello Z,
please can you tell me if you can make work a GRAPH REQUEST /ME and have the response back with the listener ?
For me doesn't work.
The response in stencil works if i give a variable of mine like "HELLO". But it doesn't work with      _myvar = event.sResult.
Is always null. So i think the GRAPH response or actually POST is doing nothing.
I am working on iOS.
Maybe there is a problem with the hypfacebook and Facebook sdk etc......
I mean the Haxe code in facebookextension.hx works really great and gives results back in stencil.
I would appreciate your help. I followed all the steps as you said before to install macros etc. No compile errors.


Extension Ideas / Re: [Android & iOS] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: August 17, 2014, 03:37:29 am »
After a couple days, I've managed to modify the extension to allow my games to 'LIKE' a URL link and post it to a user's timeline.

Start by modifying the FacebookExtension.hx file found in:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\FacebookExtension.hx"

Code: [Select]
public static var _likeActionInstance: String;
public static var _error: String;

public static function facebookLikeUrl(URL: String){
//Add a listener to run after the data is retreived
fb.addEventListener( HypFacebookRequestEvent.GRAPH_REQUEST_RESULTS, _onLikeComplete );

var arr:Array<String> = ["publish_actions"];

var h = new Map<String,String>( );
h.set( 'object', URL ); //Set the URL to like GRAPH_REQUEST("/v2.0/me/og.likes", h , POST) );
public static function _onLikeComplete( event : HypFacebookRequestEvent ) : Void {
_likeActionInstance = event.sResult;
_error = event.sError;
    public static function getLikeStatusInstance (): String{ return _likeActionInstance; }
  public static function getLastErrorMessage (): String { return _error; }

Then add the following code to the blocks.xml file located:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\blocks.xml"

Code: [Select]
<block tag="fb-like" spec="Facebook User Likes URL: %0" code="FacebokExtension.facebookLikeUrl(~);" type="action" color="blue" returns="void">
<text order="0"></text>
<block tag="fb-like-instance" spec="Get Like Action Instance" code="FacebokExtension.getLikeStatusInstance()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

<block tag="fb-last-error" spec="Get Last Error" code="FacebokExtension.getLastErrorMessage()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

Close any existing game and reopen.  New blocks will be available in the Custom block location.
After a couple days, I've managed to modify the extension to allow my games to 'LIKE' a URL link and post it to a user's timeline.

Start by modifying the FacebookExtension.hx file found in:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\FacebookExtension.hx"

Code: [Select]
public static var _likeActionInstance: String;
public static var _error: String;

public static function facebookLikeUrl(URL: String){
//Add a listener to run after the data is retreived
fb.addEventListener( HypFacebookRequestEvent.GRAPH_REQUEST_RESULTS, _onLikeComplete );

var arr:Array<String> = ["publish_actions"];

var h = new Map<String,String>( );
h.set( 'object', URL ); //Set the URL to like GRAPH_REQUEST("/v2.0/me/og.likes", h , POST) );
public static function _onLikeComplete( event : HypFacebookRequestEvent ) : Void {
_likeActionInstance = event.sResult;
_error = event.sError;
    public static function getLikeStatusInstance (): String{ return _likeActionInstance; }
  public static function getLastErrorMessage (): String { return _error; }

Then add the following code to the blocks.xml file located:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\blocks.xml"

Code: [Select]
<block tag="fb-like" spec="Facebook User Likes URL: %0" code="FacebokExtension.facebookLikeUrl(~);" type="action" color="blue" returns="void">
<text order="0"></text>
<block tag="fb-like-instance" spec="Get Like Action Instance" code="FacebokExtension.getLikeStatusInstance()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

<block tag="fb-last-error" spec="Get Last Error" code="FacebokExtension.getLastErrorMessage()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

Close any existing game and reopen.  New blocks will be available in the Custom block location.
After a couple days, I've managed to modify the extension to allow my games to 'LIKE' a URL link and post it to a user's timeline.

Start by modifying the FacebookExtension.hx file found in:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\FacebookExtension.hx"

Code: [Select]
public static var _likeActionInstance: String;
public static var _error: String;

public static function facebookLikeUrl(URL: String){
//Add a listener to run after the data is retreived
fb.addEventListener( HypFacebookRequestEvent.GRAPH_REQUEST_RESULTS, _onLikeComplete );

var arr:Array<String> = ["publish_actions"];

var h = new Map<String,String>( );
h.set( 'object', URL ); //Set the URL to like GRAPH_REQUEST("/v2.0/me/og.likes", h , POST) );
public static function _onLikeComplete( event : HypFacebookRequestEvent ) : Void {
_likeActionInstance = event.sResult;
_error = event.sError;
    public static function getLikeStatusInstance (): String{ return _likeActionInstance; }
  public static function getLastErrorMessage (): String { return _error; }

Then add the following code to the blocks.xml file located:
"[Stencyl Install Location]\plaf\haxe\extensions\facebook\blocks.xml"

Code: [Select]
<block tag="fb-like" spec="Facebook User Likes URL: %0" code="FacebokExtension.facebookLikeUrl(~);" type="action" color="blue" returns="void">
<text order="0"></text>
<block tag="fb-like-instance" spec="Get Like Action Instance" code="FacebokExtension.getLikeStatusInstance()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

<block tag="fb-last-error" spec="Get Last Error" code="FacebokExtension.getLastErrorMessage()" type="normal" color="gray" returns="text">

Close any existing game and reopen.  New blocks will be available in the Custom block location.

I saw you made a block for posting to fb timeline.
Please can you make one to define the access token. So to have it in stencyl as global attribute.
Actually this is the only thing important cause inside stencyl I just made with http post get , everything.: Token validity , leaderboard design of friends , login, posting to fb timeline  and works really well. Just with hTTP POST GET.
BUT I use my php site response to retreive the token.
Would be really nice.

Extension Ideas / Re: [Android & iOS] Facebook Mobile Extension - OpenFL
« on: August 16, 2014, 11:42:04 pm »
Hi David and Z,
Please,  can you tell me how to take as an attribute text the TOKEN from your extension after login. 
I think this is the most important thing to do.
Would be great to have a stencyl block named token. 
After that with Http GET and POST can do anything.

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