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Messages - KitsuneQuills

Pages: 1
Stencyl Jam 13 / Re: People's Choice - Which entries do you like the most?
« on: November 23, 2013, 09:51:12 pm »
I like:

Tiny Dangerous Dungeons
Good Boy Adventures - The Beginning
Little Big Cube

Chit-Chat / Re: How did you find out about us?
« on: November 23, 2013, 07:46:08 pm »
I found out about Stencyl from this "How to Make a Video Game" guide on Digital Trends. It lists other software, but I decided to go with Stencyl because it seems to meet my needs, is free to use Stencyl 2.2.0, and I could get it to work really well on Lubuntu 12.10 without too much effort.

Chit-Chat / Re: Opinion about an icon
« on: November 23, 2013, 07:37:22 pm »
I like A, but so far you have only 4 votes on the poll. Wait a little longer before you decide.

Ask a Question / Re: Anchor Scene Behavior to Screen?
« on: November 23, 2013, 12:28:24 pm »
So any ideas on how to draw this text box on an actor? Keep in mind that I'm using "real" code for this, not design blocks. I'm not opposed to utilizing design blocks, I just haven't been able to get the code to work with them.

There are also two other ideas I'm considering for this project (if I can't get the text box to anchor):

1: Keep the camera stationary and turn the ground into an actor (or actors) that move left when the space bar is pressed. With the right animations, this could create the illusion that the player character is walking right.

2: Abandon the whole idea of a side-scroller and turn this project into a single-screen platformer that uses regions to determine whether the space bar makes the character step, climb, or fight. When they reach their mini-goal number of words, it will move on to the next scene. I know. It doesn't sound like the most fun game. The focus is really more on motivating people to type more.

Any programming suggestions you guys have would be more than helpful.

Ask a Question / Re: Anchor Scene Behavior to Screen?
« on: November 22, 2013, 01:45:18 pm »
The code you suggested is viable, but doesn't seem to anchor the text box to the screen. The behavior acts the same as the "Noventure Alpha" demo currently on the Forge. I'm starting to think that my only option is to somehow turn this text box into an actor that I can anchor to the screen. I don't know how to do that either. I have been able to convert the code into an actor behavior that attaches successfully (to an actor added to the scene) and lets the game load, but the text box is nowhere to be seen during actual gameplay. I'm probably doing it wrong. The reason I'm trying to use Tuo's "Demo- Real Text Boxes" instead of any of the other available text boxes is because I want to be able to select and copy the text. I also want to be able to type and move the player actor at the same time by pressing the same keys.

Thanks for all your help. If I can't figure this out soon, I should probably shelf this project until I learn a bit more about coding and game making.

Ask a Question / Re: Anchor Scene Behavior to Screen?
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:18:49 am »
Make sure you are constantly updating the "_X:Number" to the camera/screen X (plus whatever offset you want to add onto it). If you just set it in a "when created", it won't move like you want it to.

I think that's the problem I've been having. This behavior I'm using forces me to work with the raw code, which is something I'm not used to. I've been trying to figure out what to do by making temporary behaviors in design mode, then looking at the code, but none of the blocks seem to use anything like the x,y commands I'm trying to modify.

Code: [Select]
_X:Number = getScreenX();
That worked the same as the original code, but I'm trying to offset it by +30 pixels and make it constantly update.

Ask a Question / Re: Anchor Scene Behavior to Screen?
« on: November 21, 2013, 08:03:49 pm »
Hmm, the "_X:Number = getScreenX();" didn't seem to work. Now I'm trying to figure out how to create a "textbox" actor that I can attach the code to, and make it show up on the screen.

Edit: I guess what I want to do is attach the behavior to a HUD actor, but I'm not sure how to do that since Tuo originally designed the code to be a behavior that attaches to the Scene. Sorry, I'm really new at this.

Ask a Question / Re: Anchor Scene Behavior to Screen?
« on: November 21, 2013, 02:19:51 pm »
Erm, the x,y is set using the following code. How would I insert the camera x,y in there?

      public var _X:Number = 30;
      public var _Y:Number = 300;
      public var _Width:Number = 575;
      public var _Height:Number = 120;
      public var _TextSize:Number = 25;
      public var _Attribute:String = "DelayText";

Ask a Question / Re: Anchor Scene Behavior to Screen?
« on: November 21, 2013, 12:48:06 pm »
Oh. Thank you! That sounds so simple. I'll give it a try.

Hello, Tuo! I just thought you might like to know that I started a new thread about the issue I'm having here:,26718.0.html

As you suggested, I uploaded the unfinished game to StencylForge and made it public. The name I very tentatively gave it is, "Noventure Alpha". If I can't figure this out, it's okay. I'll just have to rethink the game design. Thanks again for all your help.

Ask a Question / Anchor Scene Behavior to Screen?
« on: November 20, 2013, 10:43:58 pm »
Hello. I'm working on a project where the player moves an actor by typing in a text box (using Tuo's "Demo- Real Text Boxes" scene behavior codes). It seems to work great, except that I can't get the text box to anchor to the screen. No matter what I try, it just scrolls with the scenery. Any ideas? The (very rough) alpha test version is available on StencylForge under the name "Noventure Alpha" if you want to give it a try or look at the code. I haven't imported any of my own graphics yet, obviously. The name "Noventure" is a play on "novel" and "adventure," but it's just a working title that I'll most likely change later.

I didn't notice that you replied just before I edited my question! lol. I saw in the code it mentioned that the text boxes can be altered to attach to the actor instead, and that got me thinking that might be worth a try if I can figure out how to do it. I'm still new Stencyl and not much of a direct programmer myself. I just have an idea for a game, and I think Stencyl is a good way to make it. I'll try to check out your livestream and chat when we both have time.

Thank you, Tuo! By the way, is there an easy way to anchor the text box to the screen? Say, for example, if I wanted to make a side-scroller platform game with a text input box always stuck right at the bottom of the screen. How would I keep it from moving with the scenery as the player actor walks? How would I want to modify the DelayTextField code to attach it to a parallax scrolling layer? Is that even possible? Well, as you can see I'm full of questions. You've made a lot of great demos.

Edit: Maybe a better strategy for me would be to attach the text box to the player actor instead, so that it would travel with the actor. I'm trying to figure out how to make that possible by modifying the code.

I can't get Demo- Real Text Boxes to play when I press "Test Game" in Stencyl. It generates SWF, but the game play window never pops up. Could this be an issue with the embedded font in the code? I'm running Stencyl 2.2.0 in Lubuntu 12.10, and I did change the embedded font location to a font on my local HD. Other games test just fine. By the way, how do I find out how to make it use a default font that's not embedded? I just want to know if that's an option. Thanks.

Edit: Oh, never mind! I looked over my generated logs again and figured out what the error was. It was unable to resolve the font path because the font I was trying to use was in a folder that it couldn't access. Silly me. I changed it to a local .ttf font file in a download folder on my desktop. It's working fine now.

Pages: 1