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Topics - Cobra Blade

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Behaviour Error for iOS
« on: October 26, 2021, 08:05:38 pm »
Not sure if this is a bug or if anyone else has gotten this, but when I tried to test on iOS I got this error.

So this is the behaviour

The issue is this line here by the look of it

No biggy though, it's easy enough to just remove this for now and it'll run fine.
Just thought I'd share in case anyone else gets this. This was while using 410-beta3 b10814

Journals / Cobra Blade - Games
« on: July 13, 2021, 07:04:46 pm »
So far I've made 3 games, and have very early builds of a 4th that can all be seen here.
My goal is to try and have all my games powered by one engine, it'll make life a lot easier when it comes time to updating them, which on the Apple side of things is a constant as Apple isn't shy about killing off older tech and apps.

The other issue of having my games spread across multiple engines is when they cease. My original game Soulless was created in 2008 with a program called Power Game Factory that died when Apple dropped PPC emulation in OS X.

Powerslam was created using BlitzMax in 2012 and I never want to touch actual code again after that, but that too was discontinued.

After that I came across Stencyl, here is one of my early posts of me re-creating Soulless in Stencyl. As Stencyl is also tiled based like PGF it made it easy to make a 1:1 port of my game and I also added more enemies and improvements alone the way. Unfortunately, Stencyl was only 32-bit back then, which I didn't realise would be a problem until near the end of the project as I started hitting the memory wall.

This year, I released a beat 'em up called Brawler that I created using MMF2 and I also have another project, Bioroid that is probably 8% done.

Anyway, that whole write up is to set the scene, because my goal is to get my Stencyl port of Soulless out there as the 1st step in bringing all my games into a single engine. As it is my 1st, and it was already completed in Stencyl 2, if I can get it fully working in Stencyl 4 it'll be just the 1st step. That is why I've made this journal entry, as there will be a lot more to cover as I try to recreate my other games in Stencyl. Akemi helped by updating the Ladder and Water Packs kit that Soulless depended upon, and Justin is going above and beyond fixing a lot of the issues the prevent being able to successfully import my Stencyl 2 project into Stencyl 4. With the progress he has made already I'm really confident that this is actually going to be possible, and Soulless will soon be powered by Stencyl.

So I'm thinking about what is next for me and Stencyl, Brawler only came out this year so Apple won't be looking to tear that down for a while yet, so my next move may be to begin recreating what I've done of Bioroid then continue working on that project with Stencyl. Then there is something completely different. I recently came to the realisation my old favourite game series Battle Arena Toshinden is clearly dead for good, and I've been entertaining the idea of creating a game heavily inspired by it with Stencyl with my typical pre-rendered style.

Ask a Question / Is it possible to update the Ladder and Water Packs?
« on: June 23, 2021, 05:26:03 am »
The Ladder and Water Packs was a great kit that really helped me created my game for Stencyl 2.2.
Unfortunately it was never updated beyond that version, is there any way to update it for Stencyl 4.x?
Jon and captaincomic tried helping back in Stencyl 3.0, but it looks like that forum post has since vanished, so I'll have to start over with trying to get it to work in Stencyl 4.x.

So the first error I get if I try to compile my game is from the Event Splash in Underwater
Code: [Select]
if(!_CreateSplash || _WaterRegion.getName().charAt(5) == "X") return;
for(var i:int=0; i<(_NumberofSplashParticles+1); i++)
    //createActor(getActorType(119),actor.getXCenter(),_WaterRegion.getY()-(_WaterRegion.getHeight()/2), FRONT);
    createActor(_SplashActorType,actor.getXCenter(),actor.getYCenter(), FRONT);

merrak suggested to replace the "for(var i:int=0; i<(_NumberofSplashParticles+1); i++)" with "for ( i in 0..._NumberofSplashParticles + 1 )"

This then let me get a little further with Stencyl then stopping the Create Event in Ladder Regions
Code: [Select]
//Get all "Ladder" regions in the scene
var tempRegList:Array = getAllRegions();
for each(var oneReg:Region in tempRegList)
    if(oneReg.getName().substring(0,6) != "Ladder")

merrak helped out again by suggesting to replace "for each(var oneReg:Region in tempRegList)" with "for ( oneReg in tempRegList )"

This then let me progress to the next hurdle, Ladder Regions again but the Event Updated

This was a Code block that had
Code: [Select]
for each(_CurrentRegion in _RegionList) {
Ginge suggested replacing "for each(_CurrentRegion in _RegionList) {" with "for( _CurrentRegion in _RegionList ) {"

So a little more progress made once again, next up Water Regions under the Create Event
Code: [Select]
//Get all "Water" regions in the scene
var tempRegList:Array = getAllRegions();
for each(var oneReg:Region in tempRegList)
if(oneReg.getName().substring(0,5) != "Water")

Well, this looks identical to the Create Event in Ladder Regions I had earlier that merrak helped out with, so I replace the "for each(var oneReg:Region in tempRegList)" with "for ( oneReg in tempRegList )"

This lets us progress to Water Regions and the Updated Event and its code block
Code: [Select]
for each(_CurrentRegion in _RegionList) {
Likewise this looks identical to what Ginge helped out with earlier so I'll replace "for each(_CurrentRegion in _RegionList) {" with "for( _CurrentRegion in _RegionList ) {"

This in turn made Stencyl throw a wobbly, and it is now complaining about these three sections all at once.

You have the Splash Event again from Underwater
Code: [Select]
if(!_CreateSplash || _WaterRegion.getName().charAt(5) == "X") return;
for ( i in 0..._NumberofSplashParticles + 1 )
//createActor(getActorType(119),actor.getXCenter(),_WaterRegion.getY()-(_WaterRegion.getHeight()/2), FRONT);
createActor(_SplashActorType,actor.getXCenter(),actor.getYCenter(), FRONT);

The Create Event from Ladder Regions
Code: [Select]
//Get all "Ladder" regions in the scene
var tempRegList:Array = getAllRegions();
for ( oneReg in tempRegList )
if(oneReg.getName().substring(0,6) != "Ladder")

and the Create Event from Water Regions
Code: [Select]
//Get all "Water" regions in the scene
var tempRegList:Array = getAllRegions();
for ( oneReg in tempRegList )
if(oneReg.getName().substring(0,5) != "Water")

I'm no coder, so am left really helpless. Can anyone spot what went wrong or what needs to change.
I've got this fully finished Stencyl project from 2013 that I just can't compile due to this.  :'(
So any help is greatly appreciated.

Shared Resources / Ladder and Water Pack
« on: February 14, 2013, 04:59:04 pm »
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this as I'm new to this part of the forum.
I found the Ladder and Water Pack to be really essential to my game when I was creating it in 2.2, but it looks like it won't work in 3. So I was wondering if anyone knew if the Ladder and Water Pack might be getting an update for Stencyl 3 or if it has been abandoned.

Archives / Actor Alignment
« on: February 01, 2013, 10:42:59 pm »
One feature I have missed since my The Games Factory & Multimedia Fusion days is an align option.

It would be really great if you could right click an actor and have options to align vertically (top/centre/bottom) and horizontally (left/centre/right).

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Soulless
« on: December 07, 2012, 05:04:49 pm »
Seven weeks in and my port of my 2008 game Soulless is coming along quite well in Stencyl.
This is just a sneak peak and only has two three playable missions so far. Hopefully I'll have the port finished and up on app stores by early next year.
The file size is already fairly big so if you have limited bandwith or a slow connection check out the video instead over at Vimeo or YouTube.
Thanks for stopping by.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Chit-Chat / First Impressions
« on: October 13, 2012, 06:40:19 pm »
It isn't as quick and easy to approach as GameSalad, but the behaviour of your game is much more predictable. You tell something to do something, and it'll do exactly what you told it to every time, not just some times. Now while the Stencyl events appear kinda daunting at first I've come to love them as they provide a lot of flexibility. Actually I couldn't think of a better way to handle events now I've learned how to use these and the flexibility actually makes things simpler in the long run since your not left trying to figure out workarounds to get things to do what you want them to do. So while no one wants to have to recreate their game from scratch and I'm definitely sure no one wants to have to then recreate everything from scratch for a second time over, as long as the Mac/Linux/PC apps and iOS/Android apps run identical to the flash preview I'm sure Stencyl will finally be the go to game creator app I have been looking for.

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