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Messages - andyclark

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Guaranteed:  the most sickening yet humorous and emotive Flash Game ever created (imo:)).  It is family grade entertainment along the lines of 'Comedy Central' or fox tv. for example.

Thank U, Stencyl ! :)

In case the Game cannot be found there (:)), it can be found on my CaseSite:   
CaseSite is identity confirmed, malware scanned daily for Viewer Comfort.
from andy clark  eugene oregon

Chit-Chat / Please, need some help on this aspect
« on: February 01, 2013, 08:29:44 am »,18628.0.html

The Release 2.2 came with an excellent video player, got it working just fine EXCEPT:
1.  Need to know how to make it the BACKGROUND for the game.  Seems it always wants to be in the foreground, covering my Fine Game.   I do not have much experience with Stencyl, I have really tried long and hard to find answer and figure it out before i ask.
2.  I tried many approaches to make video play past the scene associated with the scene-behavior.  Is there a version similar to the SOUND, which is game-level? 
3.  Video-Actor confused my and the downloaded behavior on Stencyl had error codes and abended.

I would greatly appreciate Guidance, particularly on Item 1.  Thanks from Andy Clark at 

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Banana Smash - My first game on iTunes
« on: January 27, 2013, 01:33:57 pm »
How was the process getting it on i-tunes?  I understand you need $99 to start, no big deal.  How about copyright and game content issues?  Is there an approval process for the Game?  Did U pick the price?  One thought to enhance your profitability...if they allow it... make several different versions of the same game with different "Art", call it different names, and sell it for various prices to different audiences.  Changing the sprites and maybe a few scene details takes almost no time.  There is a cable channel called Comedy Central and they do that...they made about 10 billion shows that all started with Family Guy (or wherever it all came from).  They cloned it into another show called American Dad and a few others.  If it is good enuf for Hollywood, it must be good enuf for Gamz imho. :)

Paid Work / Re: Programmer for "Hire"
« on: January 26, 2013, 05:42:58 pm »
Tuo, perhaps you can help me.  I was most impressed with the eloquence of your coding, I downloaded several of your examples and left comments on at least 3 of them regarding the genius nature of your work.  I am in rather Dire Straits ( tells the story).  What makes this a coincidence is you will hear ME in a SWAT car after violent company-arranged kidnapping using corrupted police.  It is insane but...I was able to get/post absolute proof:  forensic results from the police systems, posted.  You will hear me say "to me this is all part of it, it is the Trial by Fire".  My Flash Game is excellent, it depicts how if a corporation hired Jesus, they would fry Him in an Electric Chair and sell His Cross to Adolf Hitler.  It is totally pro-Progress, I was forced marched in chains and no shoes....just like Jesus.

 Do you accept PayPal payments?  My problems related to using .flv files in Stencyl game.  The behavior that it provided with Stencyl is good except i can't get it to play past the scene the behavior is associated with and, I want to make the .flv play in the in the foreground.  Ok, lots of info, after seeing my Site, you might not want to help or you might really want to help because you will understand it.  Oh Oh...see my Youtube video Art ! !  linked.

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Banana Smash - My first game on iTunes
« on: January 26, 2013, 03:07:52 pm »
Congratulations!  I did not buy the game but I looked at the link.  It is really something to make a game and get it on i-tunes... It takes a lot of motivation and creativity.  Great Job !

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / A Very Emotional Game
« on: January 26, 2013, 02:08:39 pm »
I created several versions of a simple Stencyl Flash shooting game, trying to tweak each detail until perfect.  I have it on my personal website WWW.RisePatriot.COM .     It involves Jesus, Electric Chair,  Pony, Hitler, Dachau oven, and Severed Heads (all cartoon like so its sorta funny) It is horrific and sick beyond comprehension and if you are under 18 or sensitive to extreme satire please do NOT look without appropriate adult guidance.

I am curious if it works on machines other than my own.  I am trying to avoid going to Starbucks to ask somebody.  Many of them have pepper spray.   I used WYSWYG web builder, my site is certified malware free each day by a service.  I am NOT trolling my sorry-ass site, I am really proud of my Stencyl Game and wondering if it works ok on other folk's machines.

Chit-Chat / Addicted to Stencyl
« on: November 26, 2012, 09:15:51 am »
   Idle chit-chat.  I am a very novice hobbyist with Stencyl.   I make little games for my own amusement and emotional release.  Problem:  it is causing addictive-compulsive behavior as I work endless hours to perfect some tiny aspect of my little games.  This is worsened GREATLY by the ability to incorporate google images, video art, and create animations.  It is INFINITE and I will get some idea then HAVE to go 'play' with it...endlessly until I am happy with it. 
   It is irrational, my simple Games are so possibly-Offensive and Twisted they can't be placed on sites such as Kongregate, where I was banned within an hour of posting my first game...but it did get 25 views in the hour, hahahah.  In addition to Games, I have video Emo-Political Artworks, U can look on  Factual, official... U can meet me in a SWAT car a/v trying to explain employee obligations under Dodd-Frank while handcuffed.... hysterical... shows you what financial legislation really does for the Workers.


Chit-Chat / Impressed with Stencyl Community
« on: November 15, 2012, 10:36:36 am »
I just wanted to point out how excellent Stencyl is for young people and how friendly the community is compared with other forums. 
IMO, the recent example in StencylForge 'new game sandbox'  by Warzone Games and ButterMonster stands out.  In the most friendly way, they challenged each other to Create over a sustained period of time.  They will no doubt be very successful in all they do as a result of what they practice on Stencyl, even if unrelated to games. 

Chit-Chat / Re: Is making games on here worth it?
« on: November 14, 2012, 03:42:48 pm »
It is worth it but your probability of a financially successful game appear small.  That is COMPLETELY beside the point.  I will assume you are young.  If I am wrong, sorry.
The skills you develop are what is most likely to earn you the $5,000 (probably that much a month or even week), not the game.  Learning how to make a game causes your BRAIN to open new pathways.  I am 54, have 3 grown kids, blahblah.  I was very successful in business.  I tell you that ONLY to give some measure of credibility to what I am telling U:
1.  Whatever you do, do because you love it and want to help people, make them happy, provide them a useful product.... do the Right Thing for the People, do it daily and with enthusiasm... and the money will follow...For Sure!
2.   Learn for the sake of learning, do for the fun of it, don't look for money in game making (for example that applies to any other product) until you have a viable product or concept, it is like planning what you are going to do with lottery winnings upon buying a lottery ticket. 
3.  The quality of the game and the $$ are un-related.  Seems some of the stupidest, simplest games are the really big ones.  See, most people outside the game community don't want to play a long-ass game but they will play something like 'Bejeweled' endlessly.
4.  Copyright law and rules against offensive art really STIFLE meaningful game development...really limits the variety that is possible.  Youtube got around it, so should Kongregate (for example).

Ask a Question / Using remote sound/video files in .swf Games
« on: November 08, 2012, 11:43:16 am »
My objective was to keep game file size down by incorporating the musical background in a 'remote' sound/video file.  I used the .flv player behavior that is in our Library. 
It did not work directly from would not get the youtube video:
It DID work when I placed the same file on my server:

the game is on  .  it is emo-political Art.... it got 25 views on Kongregate in less than an hour and then they pulled it.  I did not read the rules.  Seems the gaming world got lots of rules.

It also does not work on Stencyl in the beginner game posting.  Is that due to LIMITS placed by Youtube and Stencyl or do I need to add/change something?  thanks from Andy

Chit-Chat / Re: Consider a partnership?
« on: November 08, 2012, 06:35:33 am »
Y'all are AWESOME.  I love the creativity and collaboration.  I am the most Novice of Stencyl users and have zero plans for a serious game.  The way you guys think is SUPER, really OUTSTANDING.

I encourage EVERYONE who loves Stencyl or has plans to use it frequently to PAY FOR IT. 
I know many of you are young but your parents would be HAPPY to pay $79 especially if you show them your free games. 

I reviewed other game making packages, including one that has initials "mm2".  To each their own but Stencyl immediately reached my 'favorite list'.  We are on the 'ground floor' of something big: Stencyl

Ask a Question / Solved. Stencyl is Perfection.
« on: November 07, 2012, 10:17:27 pm »
I noticed the feature I was looking for and frantically asking about is 'pre-shipped' in my library as a sound behavior.  It has a super duper pre-packaged function that appears to be specifically and exactly as I imagined, very flexibly uses FLV.  that opens up entirely New Dimensions, i will test it tomorrow.

Imagine and Stencyl delivers.

I was more than happy to subscribe to 'Pro' today for $79.  It is a bargain.  The more money we pay Stencyl, the better and better it will get.  I am amazed at how far/fast this software has Risen.

Ask a Question / Re: Vertical game
« on: November 07, 2012, 06:54:22 pm »
Resolution?  Do U mean screen size?
  If Answer Attribute=TRUE load your project and change the 'settings'.  That is a little switch near the top of the screen, right below the file/edit/view...
  If Answer Attribute=FALSE please ignore, thank U

Sorry about the code like answer...i have been playing with the logic all day, I am lost but it will come after I 'get' it.  :)

This software is complex but very flexible in what it does.  I paid the $79 today, not because I needed to because I won't design serious games.  The free version is all I really "needed" to have fun.  But the software is so AWESOME I was compelled to pay anyway! :) :)  Stencyl earned my business. 

Chit-Chat / Re: Live and Learn: copyrights and emo-political games
« on: November 07, 2012, 12:38:10 pm »
i think i found a way.  suggest some musical choices to go with the Game.  Use the "open browser" to connect to a youtube music video.  Put a notice in the game saying it will open a youtube window for the music of their choice.  Probably a way to minimize the youtube window automatically.

You might think "but the game player knows to play their favorite tunes while playing a game".... most dont want to bother but if there is a push-button OPTION, it seems perfectly compliant with the laws.

The rules these sites operate under IMHO are too restrictive.  Since the SPOKEO case,  I think there is a lot less liability to the host-sites.  I think Kongragate is missing a HUGE revenue stream  of people who would happily PAY THEM to post emo-games and copyrighted songs AS LONG AS no money was being earned off the download.

Chit-Chat / Live and Learn: copyrights and emo-political games
« on: November 07, 2012, 10:26:06 am »
Making games is SOOOO different than making Youtube Music-Emo-Art videos.  On Youtube, there are very few limits because you can't monetize a song that does not belong to you.  e.g.  (Diary of Dodd-Frank/Blutengel Lucifer).

Ok, so I tried putting a song in a simple, funny game and put it on Kongregate.  It had 25 views in the first hour.  Then it disappeared. (it is on my site: .)

Turns out that anything emotional/political is offensive in some way so Kongregate don't allow that.  I disagree but I dont make the rules.  I even apologized via email to Kongregate, they let me keep my account.

However:  the use of someone else's song... that part I completely understand.  Seems they wanted to PAY me in some way for my Emo-Art Game that has copyrighted music in it!
Anyone know where I can place offensive personal Emo-Political Games that others are sure to love?  I don't want to earn $, that makes it dirty.  I only want people to laugh and feel a sense of release.

thank u for any direction, from Andy

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