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Topics - rvhanson

Pages: 1 2
Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Unable to Import Games
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:38:42 am »
I have these .stencyl files I want to import to my library on my "new to me" ubuntu computer. I got stencyl updated and everything but I cannot get them to import. I click the import button on stencyl home screen and nothing pops up so I can browse my computer to find these files. I try the same thing with File: Import Game and nothing pops up. I can export and import behviors and export games but cannot import. Any help will be great.


Ive reinstalled Stencyl and I had to download the june 22 update. I run stencyl by terminal and no errors happen. It tell me to download so I do. Then it tells me to let stencyl restart, but it doesnt. I load stencyl again and it tell me i have to download the update from scratch. Any help?

I installed wine and ran stencyl by wine that once and now i can run stencyl without wine.

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Understanding iOs publishing
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:37:09 pm »
I understand I need both iOS Pro and iOS Developer Program to publish an iOs game but if i publish like 3 in one year but do NOT renew my yr contract with iOS Pro and iOS Developer Program does my game get deleted of the app store?

Resolved Questions / Help with Sounds [Solved Thanks To Joe]
« on: June 12, 2012, 07:15:38 pm »
I'm reading the article . I was wonder what does 16 bit mean. I found out that 16 bit = 2 bytes but no music file can equal 2 bytes. Even the jump sound that is include in stencyl is 4 kb what is 4000 bytes or 32000 bits. The only thing i can come up with for 16 bit is a .wav file and those aren't compatible for stencyl. I belive as bit-depth is meaningless in MP3 format. If that is true, than what does the 16 bit requirement mean in that article

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / After Publishing A Game...
« on: June 12, 2012, 12:37:06 pm »
*This Topic was Moved From "Ask A Question"*

After I published my game some sound files are missing or shortened. All sound files are at 44100 Hz and all the EXACT same time length. It is not the length of my game because i published one scene (which is really small) and the sound didnt work. 3 sounds are in one behavior and 1 song plays. 3 other sounds are in another behavior and 2 play. I need help! Also I did not click debug remove unused files AT ALL in the production of the game. Another thing is that the sounds work in the adobe flash player 10 that pops up when testing a scene but will not show up on the published copy. Last I have published on both the stencyl arcade and as a shockwave game; both do not work. None of the sounds are iTunes protected but they all are mp3 files. Please Help!

I forgot to include a log report. There are no error messages. The published game can be found here. . The missing sounds are the stomb sound for scene 1 & 2. The shorten sounds are stomb sound for scene 3 and the kill from side sound for scene 2. The missing kill from side sound is in scene 3 (scene # do not include the 3 title screens). Game link in stencyl arcade . Any help with this issue will be fantastic.

*Modified Again*
I have set sound files to music and sound effect. Both do not work.

Ask a Question / After Publishing a game....
« on: June 11, 2012, 10:16:09 pm »
After I published my game some sound files are missing or shortened. All sound files are at 44100 Hz and all the EXACT same time length. It is not the length of my game because i published one scene (which is really small) and the sound didnt work. 3 sounds are in one behavior and 1 song plays. 3 other sounds are in another behavior and 2 play. I need help! Also I did not click debug remove unused files AT ALL in the production of the game. Another thing is that the sounds work in the adobe flash player 10 that pops up when testing a scene but will not show up on the published copy. Last I have published on both the stencyl arcade and as a shockwave game; both do not work. Please help!

*Modified* None of the sounds are iTunes protected but they all are mp3 files

Is there anyway to upload over 16MB games without some files being removed. I try condensing my game to 3 real scene and 2 scene (start menu and credits), 17 behaviors, and 7 sounds (2 sec each) and some of my file are being deleted when I post my game. I also havent click debug clean up unused files either. Can someone help

Ask a Question / Sounds
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:49:55 pm »
Everytime I upload a mp3 file to stencyl it screws it up and wont upload. They are about 2 secs each but the just mess up. They arent protected by iTunes or anything like that. Does anyone know the answer?

Ask a Question / Stencyl Upload Limit
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:42:38 pm »
I see on the publish to the stencyl arcade it stays stuck on "Finalizing SWF" Can I wait like a day and it will upload or do i have to delete this animate background i have to upload it?

Ask a Question / Cannot Publish a Game
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:05:13 pm »
I finish my game and click published and it came up with an error message saying it cannot and check the log and see if a music file is screw up. I can guaranteee they play outside of stencyl. I played them in itunes and window media player but  I even deleted all the music off of stencyl and it still won't upload. Can someone help me?  Second here is the message. Unable to export SWF to the requested location. (Check your logs. Ussually, the cause is an incompatible sound file.) C:\User\rvhanson\thegame.swf . Any help? My logs are attached in this message

Ask a Question / I cannot publish a game
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:09:02 am »
I finish my game and click published and it came up with an error message saying it cannot and check the log and see if a music file is screw up. I deleted all the music and it still won't upload. Can someone help me?

Ask a Question / Videos in game
« on: June 10, 2012, 03:20:47 pm »
How do I take a video from a website and code it into my game. I think it is posible for flash but what about iOS

Ask a Question / 90% error
« on: June 10, 2012, 02:37:45 pm »
I have been trying everything. I have a 4GB computer and have been asking everyone but they cannot find the problem with my game. I have gotten the 90% error and i download the new shortcut and replace my old shortcut but recieve the message "Error Could not create Java Virtual Machine. Error Fatal exception has been made. Program will now exit." What can I do? I have also jack up my java ram intake and that hasn't help either. Any help one can offer would be great.

How does one run this extension

Ask a Question / New bypass for the 90% warning
« on: June 10, 2012, 11:52:05 am »
I've been looking for how to enhance how much of the memory i will allow stencyl to use. I found something here on this site but its only for 2.0 and it doesn't work with 2.1. Any new one out there?

*Update* I am using Windows Vista

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