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Messages - RulezTeam

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Chit-Chat / Re: AdMob and GDPR
« on: May 18, 2018, 05:05:10 am »
is there something new about the implementation of "new" admob in Stencyl ?

Ask a Question / Re: Just quickly... (In-App Purchases - Android)
« on: May 14, 2018, 06:35:07 am »
Hi robin,
I know that it's an old thread, but with new Stencyl version, I have the same exact problem; the first item is bought successfully, but if you try for a second one, there is a problem. In my game between a purchase an other you must wait about 20 sec, so there is all time before buy function. I have open an issue, because this is so strange.

Hi Rozek,
so, there isn't a block to call with a specific ID, but I should use the callback shortly before  I use the show reward. I'll try for it asap the extension is compatible with the new version of Stencyl, because as I reported, when I compile with this extension, the project have some errors that stop the compile job, so I cannot test the game and the extension.
It seems that the extension use the same name package as the project.

Hi Rozek,

how can I check if the user have seen a specific reward ad (as I specify with placementID) if I can only check  a generic reward is granted ? (without any placementID)

Thank you

Other info: I'm on 3.5 9876 (latest private build) and I have some errors when I've tried to compile:

Code: [Select]
Level:     INFO
When:      2018-05-07 16:44:12:473
From:      stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler

[haxelib.exe] Execution failed for task ':app:processReleaseResources'.

Level:     INFO
When:      2018-05-07 16:44:12:473
From:      stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler

[haxelib.exe] > Error: A library uses the same package as this project: com.stencyl.mygame

Shared Resources / Re: Multiplayer Extensions Resource List
« on: March 16, 2018, 04:52:48 am »
yes, at server side it does things twice, but only for UpdateScore and GetScore.While if I send a NewScore it does one time. So, it's strange. Or is it not strange ?

Shared Resources / Re: Multiplayer Extensions Resource List
« on: March 16, 2018, 02:15:40 am »
Hi mdotedot,
 I'm looking at log report of DB when I use score extension, and I've seen that when I use block download score (GetScore) it  make two call for every request that I make. So if I would to load two score level, my server receive four request. Why ?

The same thing is when I update the score (SendScore.UpdateScore.scorenr_). I receive two calls to sql server.

Shared Resources / Re: Multiplayer Extensions Resource List
« on: March 15, 2018, 02:30:38 am »
Hi mdotedot,

I don't know if this can help you, but in scoreindicator.hx at 420 line there are this :

// setroomdata
         if(items[2]=="OK") {
             // Store the results in the ID location so that other blocks can retrieve it
            // # and . extraction
trace("requestScoreIndicator result :"+items[3]);
            callBack(items[0]); // callback function   
      } // requestScoreIndicator (List)
         if(items[2]=="OK") {
             // Store the results in the ID location so that other blocks can retrieve it
            // # and . extraction
trace("requestScoreIndicator result :"+items[3]);
            callBack(items[0]); // callback function   

The second bold line should not be about "requestScoreLimitIndicator" ?

Shared Resources / Re: Multiplayer Extensions Resource List
« on: March 15, 2018, 01:33:46 am »
Hi mdotedot,
I'm testing your mod, but it doesn't work. If I use the "classic" score it connect with server and work, but when I try to use the ScoreIndicator extension (your mod for me) it crash the game.
FYI, the game crash even if I don't use any new block. In fact I have replaced all standard block from score with the same block that are present in ScoreIndicator,  so no "score limit base" , and the game crash. If I use the standard score, no problem. So I think that there is some event in ScoreIndicator that block the normal operating flow.

Can you try to use the ScoreIndicator with your project and see what is the problem ?

Thank you

Extensions / Re: (Stencyl 3.5 / OpenFL 6.x) Extension Modifications
« on: February 19, 2018, 03:31:35 am »

what about these about these to work with OpenFL6 :
- import openfl.Lib;
- import openfl.display.BitmapData;
- import openfl.utils.ByteArray;
- import;

Should I replace openfl with lime ? Or every simgle import should be mod different from other ?
For example :
- openfl.utils.ByteArray;  -> lime.system.ByteArray ?

Thank you

Shared Resources / Re: Multiplayer Extensions Resource List
« on: February 12, 2018, 01:01:26 am »
Thank you. I'll try it and report here.

Shared Resources / Re: Multiplayer Extensions Resource List
« on: February 09, 2018, 06:09:46 am »
Hi mdotedot,
I attach the score mod (for 3.4). Can you look if the block is available/visible ?

Thank you

Shared Resources / Re: Multiplayer Extensions Resource List
« on: February 08, 2018, 01:18:04 pm »
Hi mdotedot,
do you remeber the score extension modded that you have done some time ago ?
I don't find any block to choose the number of score (before or after me) that I would like to download.
That's strange.
Am I doing something wrong ?

Extensions / Re: [IOS/Android] UnityAds Video and Rewarded Video (0.1.0)
« on: February 07, 2018, 05:56:15 am »
Hi Robin

I'm on Stencyl 3.5 b9705 and when I try to compile on Android, I have this message :

Type not found : openfl.utils.JNI
line: 12
columns: 7-23

I've update all: extension manager and the extension itself.

What can I do ?

Thank you

Shared Resources / Re: Multiplayer Extensions Resource List
« on: February 05, 2018, 06:37:34 am »
Hi mdotedot,

in your turn.hx is missing at line 458 this command : 


this was a little bug with previous version of your extension. Without this line, the app cannot know when and IF it's disconnected from the turn.

Now, I'm testing these changes with my game and tell you how them works

Thank you

Shared Resources / Re: Multiplayer Extensions Resource List
« on: February 05, 2018, 03:01:26 am »
Thank you ceosol.

Hi mdotedot,
I've compared your extension mod for working with Stencyl 3.5 and I've seen that you have modded more command than you have talked in other thread. For example I've found this :
               #if (openfl >= "4.0.0")
       script = new com.stencyl.behavior.Script();
                script = new com.stencyl.behavior.Script(Engine.engine);
So there are more things that must be converted to work with new openfl, not only the call to URL...

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