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Messages - Raseru09

Pages: 1 2
I used Sidescroller sword attack behavior from Stencyl Forge, and it didn't work fine. I've also been trying now to spawn that other actor that damages enemies but it doesn't appear on the right place, and even so, my animation doesn't change.
so i kinda wanna ditch that behavior...
Thanks a lot, now I understand it a little bit more now..

I still haven't Achieved this, can I use the region technique instead?

I see, I guess I'll work on two actors.

no reason. i just didn't know it was actually impossible.

2 actors, right?

gee, thanks, i'll work on it. So i really have to use another actor?

I'm new at stencyl and i want to know how to make a side-scrolling sword attack behavior using only 1 actor with this animation present.

Pages: 1 2