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Messages - FranAlt

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
Shared Resources / Re: Meestar's Advanced Minimap Display
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:27:26 am »
Hi! I can't find your Minimap on the Forge!

Thats right, I have a Samsung Galaxy SII with 2.3.6. It surely has something to do with do with the Android version. When I tried in a newer version of Android in a Samsung Galaxy SII I didn't get any ads, the same happened when I asked to people of other countries if they could see the ads, they replied 'no ads...'. I do get tons of requests and impressions (Which is odd because the ads are not appearing) I attached an image to show my AdMob screen, the app above (Cloud Run Testing) is with your integration and the one below (Cloud Run Android) is with Stencyl's integration via AdWhirl.

I used your implementation in a version I released yesterday, so if someone can test it out and tell me if they get ads that would be nice  ;)

Note: In 'Testing' the eCPM and RPM are high and the requests are low because It wasn't a public released version and I testing clicked on my ads, don't take those values as a guide, just know its working.

Im using Stencyl's native integration of AdWhirl and the ads disappear when you close the game and open it again. I don't think its an issue with this integration, it surely has something to do with AdMob. I have a black banner for when the ads are not loaded.

I can confirm that your integration also works (I had no problem with Stencyl's one). Landscape game, ads set to the bottom, Samsung Galaxy SII. Nice work ;)

Windows / Mac / Flash / HTML5 / Re: ButtonX20
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:15:10 am »
Awesome game! :D I must admit I checked the hints...

iPhone / iPad / Android / Re: Cloud Run
« on: April 05, 2013, 09:18:45 am »
Its odd because Im using Perfect Fit but it stretched to full screen. The game is originally an iOS game (480 x 320) with retina graphics. I did try to implement "Scale to fit" by modifying Stenyl's code as someone suggested in the forums but the game simply crashed, so Im using Perfect Fit and works fine, the only thing stretched are the fonts and the background.

I just fixed the GC and IAP thing, thanks ;) 

One thing, are you getting any AdMob ads?

iPhone / iPad / Android / Cloud Run
« on: April 04, 2013, 04:08:25 pm »
Jump from cloud to cloud, grab some coins and keep jumping! Clear all the mission but be carful, you might encounter some hazards during the game! Oh, and you can enable power ups from the store for FREE! Flying platforms and more! Extremely addictive game! Challenge you friends trough Game Center and try to beat up their score! Good luck!

I need some feedback so It would be great to read what you think about it. ;)

Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Re: [iOS] iAds in Landscape makes game Low Res
« on: March 25, 2013, 03:38:27 pm »

"I finally worked it around. It seems there's a bug when you use iAd in landscape mode. Everything turns low res. But, if you modify the code in Xcode (moving a line of code some lines forward) it works fine."

What code do you need to move some lines forward? Anyone could fix this?

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Re: Project Size
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:11:27 pm »
Hi everyone! Im having some issues regarding the game's size. When I try to upload it to Ad Hoc via Stencyl it warns me its over 20MB but when I archive it in XCode it tells me its just 14MB. Now when I run it in my iPhone 4s I get an odd 100MB - 150MB or RAM usage. Someone knows whats going on? 100MB of RAM is really high, other games take up to 20MB or even less...

News / Re: Stencyl 3.0 - Design Once. Play Anywhere.
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:42:35 am »
Hey Jon, could someone implement AdMob or other ad network via Xcode? I really need it because iAds wont show up in my country... I tried several times to do it but I had no success...

Ask a Question / Re: About clickable buttons on swipe menu
« on: January 24, 2013, 06:40:48 am »
I do the same ;) it took me a while to figure it out haha

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / Re: FPS drops to 20 FPS?!
« on: January 23, 2013, 01:39:03 pm »
The iOS Simulator will only simulate Software, not Hardware, the actual FPS will be shown while testing in the actual iDevice (Via console). I also got 20/30 FPS in the simulator but once on the iPhone I started getting 55/60 FPS.

Hope I could help!

Ask a Question / Re: About clickable buttons on swipe menu
« on: January 23, 2013, 01:12:29 pm »
Great approach! I was actualy thinking in a way measuring the distance of the swipe. For example (My menu swipes to the right and left); If X of initial touch - X of touch release > 10 it means that the user swiped to the right, if its X of initial touch - X of touch release < -10 it means that the user swiped to the left. If the result its a value between those numbers it means that the user touched a button. Maybe you could also include the speed of the swipe to this equation to make it smoother.

Resolved Questions / Re: When is stencyl 3.0 arriving ?
« on: January 21, 2013, 07:29:52 am »
Oh thanks! And anyone knows if AdWhirl will work in iOS?

Old Questions (from 1.x/2.x) / iAds iDevice
« on: January 20, 2013, 07:27:35 am »
Hello everyone!

I notice the iAds are showing off screen in the actual device (iPhone 4s iOS 6) how do I fix this? I am willing to do some Xcode coding but I really need to solve this!


Old Bugs (1.x/2.x) / Re: iAd position in simulator [1.3.5]
« on: January 16, 2013, 03:42:25 pm »
Hey Jon, Im on 2.2 and iAds are off screen in the iDevice, what should I do?

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