Ask a Question / How to add a language in Xcode
« on: June 26, 2018, 03:32:58 am »
Hi, I've added a couple of languages to my app, so you can choose between english, french or spanish. It works well, but I want these languages to show up in the app store as 'available languages', I know I need to ad the languages in xcode, but can't get it to work. When i try to tick Base language, I get no options, and the same when I try to add a language - there aren't any files to choose from (obviously since the translation is done by stencyl, rather than xcode i'd expect this).
Does anyone know the file structure, so that I can create a dummy file, so that the languages appear in the app store?
Does anyone know the file structure, so that I can create a dummy file, so that the languages appear in the app store?