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Topics - airman4

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Ask a Question / Mouse cursor affected by slowdown ?
« on: March 27, 2020, 07:23:58 am »
I use this code for slowdown the time (aka slowdown effect )
Engine.STEP_SIZE = 45;
Engine.STEP_SIZE = 10; is normal
When the code 45 is active, it seems the cursor windows is slowing down as well (or lagging ? )
Is there a way to make it non effective on the cursor mouse ?

Ask a Question / Taking control of the Mouse pointer [Html5, swf ]
« on: March 14, 2020, 01:25:31 pm »
Hello !
I'm making a casual game in html5 and would like to know if stencyl allows taking control of the pointer mouse ?
Setting the mouse pointer at x, y place , re-center it when you are on edge screen, etc

Paid Work / [Game art assets ] I sell some of my game assets here
« on: March 10, 2019, 08:36:17 am »
Hi, i created some month ago an pack of art and sprites to sell online on various online platforms

Junk Heaven is one of them and the first to be presented here :

The theme is Post-apocalypse, destroyed city, traffic lights almost gone and green herbs taking it over.

Complete infos here
Complete set for a JUNK "sci-fi Post apocalyptic environment" or even "realistic current environment"
More than 30 hand painted assets, includes many variations for the same art assets to expand possiblities of settings
The sprites can be ajusted free-ly to give more an art style to your game/app
You also will find more than 70 animated assets under the form of PNG sequences -> animated assets for special effects like sparkle (loop and once play ), smoke (loop ) and basic flammes type (loop )
Realistic and colored Sunflowers on transparency alpha setting as art bonus
PNG+Alpha format


Here is where you can find the pack :
Main venues :
Unreal Market

Cartoonsmart and Gameartpartners


Others venues :


Videos around the asset pack here :
Lets hope its helps

Ask a Question / Sometimes it work and sometimes it doesnt
« on: April 08, 2018, 09:25:08 am »
I'm testing my game and the thing that comes up and bugs me is that some stuff i code mostly works but sometimes they doesnt.
For now i can only test on Google chrome swf flash browser
For example :
Most of the times on my game when you have a bonus attack the boss will do a special attack wich forces you to use that bonus (or no depending on your skill or the situation )
That special attack is basically , the boss going off screen and coming back charging towards the players furiously

Sometimes it bugs out for no reason, the boss goes off screen and when he is back on screen to charge towards us , he stops at the bound screen and stays there Looping and not moving at all

edit : I put the boss on always active but doesnt seems to work
Maybe my always active is bugged out ?

Those type of bugs are my code ? if yes how so ? and why most of the time it works then ?
Is it Google chrome ? Should i try EXE to see if it's better ?(cant have the exe for now )
What should i do to prevent it , my event scene is full of code, should i reduce it by putting the code somewhere else ?

Ask a Question / Help for coding an interactive line
« on: January 30, 2018, 02:32:28 am »
I would like to know how to code the red line in stencyl ?
Mostly how to code the fact that the line will follow the right angle according to the placement of the object (with the green target )

I planned to use an line actor in case of failing to code the line butalso same problem, the angle thing is blocking me

Ask a Question / Cant compile anymore with this game
« on: December 18, 2017, 10:24:24 am »
It's another game and i cant compile it anymore , please help
I dont have a single clue what goin on since it doesnt show anything after the crash (i see that NEKO.exe is crashing ??? )
Is it a problem of memory low ?

Ask a Question / Slope angle like this ?
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:58:08 am »
Why when i put my character on YES for "can rotate" physics for my heroine , it goes crazy and not like this gif below ?

What i do wrong ? How to get this effect ?

Heroine's mass is
I set the can rotate on off but the angluar mass is 0.01

Affected by gravity of course

Ask a Question / Is is possible ? Hitbox related
« on: November 10, 2017, 01:52:54 am »
Hi !
Long time no speak here
I just want to know if it's possible

Can we have an Actor ONLY interact with that part of that Actor in the attaché ?
Why ? i want the Rectangular HITBOX to be the only one to be interacted with and the
Horizontal one to be for the Heroine only

How to do that if its possible ?

I hope i'm clear enough

Ask a Question / Fail to compil Slope Detection problem
« on: May 27, 2017, 10:09:20 am »
I want my heroine to detect slope and i'm using Slope Detection
But it doesnt compil with stencyl 3.4

Any help ?

Ask a Question / How to safely remove sound file ?
« on: May 25, 2017, 03:56:54 am »
How to safely remove  OGG files ?
I dont think for now using EXE export or HTML5
So i will stick to flash swf for now and i dont need OGG files (i have them on my comp still in case)
But i want to remove them for making my game lighter on size
So how to do it ?
Going in ressource and remove all ogg
It wont fuck up the game ?

I got all those errors while gaming and testing mine and id like to get rid of those

How to locate them please ?

Ask a Question / Outlines on actors ?
« on: February 22, 2017, 12:17:07 pm »
Can stencyl be able to add outlines in the game ?
Fonts have this option

I just want to do this without redoing this on my sprites


Ask a Question / [FIXEDbyROB]Quality swf forced on LOW
« on: February 16, 2017, 07:12:15 am »

I tried this code over here

For setting the quality to low and having a better performance

But i can't make it work

To change the quality to low, put the following in a code block in a "custom import" event:
Code: [Select]
import flash.display.StageQuality;

and in a code block in "when created":
Code: [Select]
FlxG.stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW;

I dont know how to use the
"To change the quality to low, put the following in a code block in a "custom import" event:
Code: [Select]
import flash.display.StageQuality; "
Should i put that into a code block in When created instead ?

Ask a Question / Is Pausing and unpausing can causes problems ?
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:16:09 am »
I asked long time ago a code to Pause and unpause the game and it works

To pause: Code: [Engine.STEP_SIZE = 100;] (100 or higher)
To unpause: Code: [Engine.STEP_SIZE = 10;]

Use this code to pause and automatically unpause the game a second later:

Courtesy of Liberado, thanks a million

I use that in my game but sometimes i have funny reactions like the game doesnt really come back to normal entirely , some elements that should come and move towards us stays in the extreme side of the screen and doesnt move
Is it normal, should i use it a few times only ?

Ask a Question / Tips for framerate ? [Fixed]
« on: January 02, 2017, 06:55:01 am »
I found something and i think it's nothing new but i'd share here
I have some problem issues on my pc trying my new game and tried many thing to make the framerate good 50/60 fps
I managed to do it by reducing apparently the number of LAYERS and BACKGROUND LAYERS
I never read that could be a framerate killer but apparently it is for me

Or maybe i'm mistaken ?
WHat do you guys think about it (and happy new year 2017 by the way )
Your games who are fluid have how many layers generally , i reduced to 19/20 ones

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