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Topics - wolf2013

Pages: 1 2
Ask a Question / Change Actors color in other bahavior
« on: March 04, 2017, 02:50:11 am »
Hi Stencylers,

I've been working with this for almost one hour, trying to change color of my particle, when ROCKET hits WHITE STAR the particles should be default WHITE and when it hits the YELLOW STAR the particle should change it's color to YELLOW.

Ask a Question / The top of actor 1 was hit - NOT WORKING ?
« on: September 04, 2016, 06:15:27 am »
Hey stancylers

For about 3 or more days I'm trying to get this done, this seems to be easy to do.
Is it a bug in stencyl ?

See attached...

Ask a Question / SOLVED: Actor direction locator
« on: August 30, 2016, 09:18:09 am »
Hi Stencylers

I need a locator for an actor which is out off screen to know where to head to because my scene is not only one way running.
For visual understanding what I mean, I have attached drawing of this idea,
any ideas how to achieve this ?

found example in BATTLEFIELD 1

Ask a Question / Danish character Å = ~x00e5 ?
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:03:30 am »
I've been fighting with this for two days now, the strange thing is that it happens only when I TEST GAME not when i TEST SCENE(works)

what's with this ~x00e5 code ? 

see attached

note:   when I try a NEW GAME everything works as it should

Ask a Question / WORD into LETTERS than add each letter in to LIST
« on: May 18, 2016, 08:07:16 am »

here is the idea:
I need word "HELLO" to be separated into letters so that I can add each letter into a LIST like this..

the LIST:
#0 H
#1 E
#2 L
#3 L
#4 O

NOTE: I don't wan't to use the CHARACTER AT POSITION IN TEXT block because of a strange issue with danish letters ÅÆØ when shifting scene

found a solution here

Ask a Question / How to reset a LIST ?
« on: April 21, 2016, 09:21:02 am »

I have a Game Attribute List called "WORDS" which contains many words and when specific word is spelled correct it is replaced with checked.

And now I have a button called RESET which of course should reset the WORDS list to it's original. How ?

#1 = cool
#2 = checked <--- ( before.. word "nice")
#3 = hello

I've tried this step:

made new backup list of WORDS

then ..  <set WORDS to BACKUP WORDS>  not working

I know that JavaScript can access camera on devices  via. this code
"<input type="file" accept="image/*" capture="camera">"

so, is it possible with stencyl somehow ? :)


first I want to note:  I know I could remove checked items from list , but I need them to stay in list !

So how do I get the right count for my list without the CHECKED ones ?  Attached illustrated example.

If I have 6 items in my list and 2 of them are CHECKED , I need to count without the CHECKED ones , so that it returns 4 instead of all 6.

Resolved Questions / SOLVED - Fire trail WORKS but ...
« on: February 13, 2016, 05:13:10 am »

when ever I turn my ship the trail does not stay connected/parent to the actor to the point where it should be.
I think my attached mockup will explain better then my words :)

how can I fix that ? it should be as  figure C on my mockup.

Ask a Question / AdMob full screen banner not loading
« on: February 09, 2016, 11:25:23 am »
could you guys tell me if I'am doing the admob mob loading the right way ?

Ask a Question / Why does my rotation speed grow ?
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:53:07 am »
I have an event Every N secs, to create every 2 secs an actor which I can rotate
the first one rotates nice and slow but the next one rotates faster and the next one even more and so on ... why ?

Ask a Question / If 3 clicks in 0.5 seconds - bonus
« on: January 04, 2016, 06:48:26 am »
I've tried to figure it out by myself , did not work :/

how to count 3 clicks in 0.5 seconds - the idea is to give extra bonus score


Ask a Question / - Do every SECOND - like block for PIXEL ?
« on: January 03, 2016, 09:43:58 am »
how could I achieve to CREATE actor after every 100 pixel  ?
Let's say my scene is 1000 pixels long , and whenever my Hero reaches 100 pixel it should create an actor, then after 100 more pixels again and so on.

I have an attribute that counts the position(pixels)

I think it's easy for the pro's :)

Ask a Question / HTML 5 export error
« on: December 24, 2015, 05:47:24 am »
what could this be ?

/Stencyl/plaf/haxe/lib/stencyl/1,00/com/stencyl/models/background/GradientBackground.hx:35: characters 51-57 : Array<Int> should be Array<Float>

Ask a Question / Create only ONE Actor (not like in update event)
« on: December 21, 2015, 09:18:28 am »
i have a SCORE attrribute and I need to create an actor when the score reaches  e.g   <if SCORE = 200> create Actor.

When i put the code in UPDATE EVENT it creates unlimited actors and when in CREATED EVENT not working because  SCORE = 0

is there any IF event for attribute ?

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