[EDIT:] When I posted the Truetype font in another folder, it loaded up just fine! Not a Stencyl issue.
I read this article in stencylpedia already, just so you know:
http://www.stencyl.com/help/view/font-editor/I also tried drawing the fonts, and although it was buggy and it was easy to mess it up, it basically works. Still, It is a lot of work for me to align the text properly; it comes out all uneven through no fault of the software. I would rather upload a truetype font and be done with it, though I'm aware of the advantages of the image font, which I'm really glad is there for later use.
When I try and upload a truetype font, the dialogue box refuses to recocnize the truetype font when I click on it! when I double click on the TT font, I get a separate window that displays the font and info about it, but stencyl refuses to load the font!
Any help or ideas, please? Thanks in advance for all who reply.
Also, I am willing to use the sans serif font that comes with the program if there is no ready solution here, but it is inferior to the royalty free, ok for commercial use, TT fonts I would prefer to use. I'm assuming that's free for commercial use (sans serif setting for new font in stencyl)?