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Messages - nomnum

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / Re: Help with a simple Pacman movement behavior.
« on: April 08, 2012, 07:38:07 pm »
Note that Pac-Man doesn't necessarily stop when you release the button - he stops on the tile or half-tile (I don't have the game in front of me, so I can't tell you which it is). The point is, he will always stop at a multiple of X pixels, which happens to line up perfectly with all the tunnels and branches.

You need to work out a way to make the actor "snap" to the tiles like this.

Thanks man! made perfect sense. Im going to work on that, but ill keep this topic as unanswered incase someone can tell me what specific behaviors could do this.

Ask a Question / Help with a simple Pacman movement behavior.
« on: April 08, 2012, 06:43:09 pm »
Wow, i have been needing alot of help lately...
Anyways, i am making a simple pacman, called pacboy. i have created basic movement behav. but the problem is he is too precise. If i press "up" a moment early he will get stuck and at the corner (see pic 1), i was wondering how to get things to move more smoothly like the real pacman where pacman will turn on "que".

Ask a Question / Re: Determining the speed of an actor
« on: April 08, 2012, 05:53:35 pm »
Hey! I am pretty new to stencyl myself so i could easily be wrong but if you look at my attatchment picture...

Would this solve your prob?

Archives / Re: So what is Pencyl?
« on: April 08, 2012, 05:46:15 pm »
In Actors Folder

To get into pencyl you can press the Edit Frame (External) button to Edit the frame in Pencyl.

The Create Frame (External) button will allow you to create a frame in Pencyl.

You can also go into edit Frame which brings up a box to edit the duration time of the frame which has a button called Edit Image...

In Backgrounds Folder

There is a small pencil icon on the bottom of the screen which brings up a box to edit the duration time of the frame which has a button called Edit Image...

Thanks, and i may be just a slow one, but i am still a little confused. I did your steps.
For Example, I went into actors, selected one,edit frame...
pretty much your second picture example. But then when i was there i pressed edit image and nothing happens?
Am i still not understanding something or what did i do wrong?
Thanks for your reply though!

Archives / So what is Pencyl?
« on: April 08, 2012, 02:56:33 pm »
Heloo all!

So when i was looking at the preference screen from the file menu, i saw preferences. Then i went to editors and saw that aparently StenclyWorks has its own built in editor called Pencyl...
But how would you go about using it? I went to one of my actors and pressed edit frame and nothing happened. Is this an error or am i doing something wrong?

Thanks - Nomnum

Resolved Questions / Re: Help with random number generator.
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:55:40 pm »
On that subject, how do you mark this topic as resolved? DO you remove it?

Resolved Questions / Re: Help with random number generator.
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:51:34 pm »
I feel really bad. I made a simple mistake :'( that thankfully rob pointed out, i didnt add the behavior to all the cards. Wow. Well thanks! Ima put this topic as solved, bye! :D

Resolved Questions / [SOLVED] Help with random number generator.
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:29:54 pm »
 Hello! Straight to the point!

Okay so i am making a simple Black Jack Game, cause im new. Just to test random number generator, because ill need random cards, i began my behavior for my main game screen where you will actually be playing.
In the attatchment you will see my behavior.
It successfully randomly enters the Ace(card1) and the 2(card2)... but no other numbers and sometimes nothing at all.
By successfully i mean all the cards are scattered and if one of the numbers corresponding to a card is selected, it will move.
it will move to its position
EG: card1 would go to x.50 if 1 is randomly picked.

To summarize, only the card1 and card2 are working.

If you have any other suggestions to perhaps changing my entire structure, plz tell me, im new and could use advice.

Pages: 1