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Topics - Dax85

Pages: 1
Ask a Question / 3D cube lags on firefox
« on: May 16, 2014, 05:48:40 am »
Hello all! it's a while ;P
I'm actually working on a Rubik's Cube simulator with stencyl; all is good but it lags incredibly when i play it on Stencyl Arcade with Firefox.

if I try it with Chrome, it works perfectly. It works even on Firefox if the swf is loaded on another website.
Can anyone help me about this hellish lag?

Ask a Question / One Actor, 2 Levels
« on: March 28, 2014, 12:51:06 pm »
Hello all!
I'm working on a platform game  today and encountered a problem that i dont know how to face.
Take this pic:

There are 2 walking levels. One is front, the second one is supposed to be on the back, and the character can swap from one to another in particular places, like bridges. They arent on same Z! (X is horizontal, Y vertical).
In poor words it should be like a simulated 3d, a very good example of it in a game is Tomba for psx.
My problem is that working with tiles i cant have 2 groups of tiles so the actor collide with a group in the front and with the other group in the back. Right now if the actor hit a "back" tile it collides.
Someone knows or can think of a solution without using actors for the back level platforms?

(im sorry if its a bit confused xD)

Ask a Question / Overlap of collision's boxes
« on: November 19, 2013, 06:45:27 am »
Hi all!
I'm having an hard time with a "simple" thing in my game.
I have a grid made of actors named "cells" that makes the map of my tactic chess game. When mouse is over a cell, this one lights up. Next pic show how i have a problem when 2 or more collision boxes overlaps, lighting 2 or more cells at same time, becaus of their different heights.

I'm trying to make the game so that when mouse is on 2 boxes it will light only the tallest cell.
I tried many ways, but everyone has some flaws..

The "lighting" of cell happens as a simple boolean switched on when mouse is colliding with cell and switched false at end of "always" bracket.

Resolved Questions / [SOLVED] Move actor in a list
« on: November 02, 2013, 02:40:17 am »
Hello all!
I'm new here, just started Stencyl after years with Rpgmaker and Gamemaker, so sometimes i feel a bit confused and need a bit of help ;P

Im trying to make an isometric chess table and want to be able to modify every cell attribute through a 2D list of actors.
I made the grid successfully and filled it with last_created_actors (its in the attachment).
Sadly i didn't find a way using palette actions to refer and edit those actors in list. For example i just want to move an actor in position [2,1] or change its animation.

Thank you in advance for  the help =)

Pages: 1